Fu Qingjun is a very pragmatic person, and there is no trace of pride because of his infection.

Because although the opponent is terrible, the means of awakening from the end of the ancient universe is terrifying, perhaps the hidden "zombie universe emperor" who has not yet awakened is even more terrifying,

But after all, they are ancient people from a distant age, indigenous people!

They have developed to an unimaginable level of brilliance in the old universe, but after tens of trillions of years in vain, they naturally don't know that the rules have changed to such an extent.

Even, they didn't even know that they had infected them as soon as they were born, and what they played was just first-hand advantage, home-court advantage.

Who can think of this after all? ?

Even Wen Ce Tianzun and others in the universe couldn't think of it, let alone them.

This is the limitation of the times.

Instead of a trace of arrogance, Fu Qingjun felt imminent disaster and fear. For him, this was not about being prepared for danger in times of peace, but a **** cruel reality.

"My state is too ridiculous."

"I am the ancestor of the Era Dynasty with the fastest iteration of the universe among the four. I clearly opened up a new dynasty, but even the shortest Fourth Era Wence Tianzun is far inferior. My heroes and cadres in the opening of the dynasty, Jiaxia and Bai Long, Qin Hong and others have not even had time to fully rise up and become old, and my age will be over."

Fu Qingjun's face gradually changed,

"However, although my heroes underneath have not yet grown and have no background, they perfectly follow the laws of the cosmic dynasty that are constantly powerful and updated. It is the most powerful, most terrifying, and most difficult to overthrow era dynasty in the entire universe so far. !"

After all, the world is all his own.

Even if you can get to the past directly, can it not be strong? ?

Fu Qingjun kept thinking about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the natural laws of the dead thing in the universe were really mysterious and amazing.

Many of the natural logic of growth, the more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes, but it is perfect and fits perfectly.

"In this century, there must be stowaways."

In the distance, the Emperor of the Forbidden Universe is still holding a meeting, "After catching it, it can be coerced and lured into our camp, and let it tell us the future of the universe. Who is in power? Is it multiple dynasties?"

Fu Qingjun looked calm, turned and left.

No one knew that there was a figure quietly leaving from their cosmic heaven.

They are still discussing the general trend of the universe, and the era of heaven is in charge.

"Let's take a look at the universe, what's interesting, and see it." Fu Qingjun, with a traveling mentality, intends to take a look around and take a walk.

Tianzun Wen Ce walked on the ground, in a planet that had just recovered.

"I sneaked a few times, changed my identity, and used all kinds of substitutes. They should find me. It will take some time."

He heard Ce Tianzun looked towards the sky, feeling vaguely.

Since the other party is prepared for today's long river of time, the moment when he naturally wakes up, he must chase and kill these smugglers.

"This universe is about to merge, becoming a territory of the ultimate universe, a continent, and they are the heavenly sovereigns of that continent, and their rules will rise accordingly and become the new version of the rules of the current universe."

"If they unite the Heavenly Lords of more than 20 cosmic dynasties, together, they can still beat the seventeen dynasties of Zhannian Universe."

He looked indifferent,

Both of them are giants, so it's not about his loneliness.

However, if the two sides fight, their attention is involved, and their own safety will also improve.

After all, in his cognition, he also got news that his own universe body "Wen Ce Tianzun" is dead, and he is the last hope.

"The universe is now full of talented people, all crowded together. In an era, the Tianzun-level aptitudes that were only a few thousand at most are now as many as dogs, and the sages are not as good as a dog."

"It's really an ancient world, the door of the eighth level is about to open. This is the only opportunity to surpass the dead in the universe!"

He smiled slightly and walked on a street, "A group of people get together, even if one Tianzun seat is really divided into more than 30, the Tianzun seat is obviously not enough."

"But, based on my deduction, everything is soon enough."

"It should start now."

Wen Ce Tianzun raised his head and looked at the sky. He has become a saint in this universe again, and said softly: "Although I can't get the rules of Tianzun, according to my guess, the rule dynasties of the protagonists in all ages of the universe collide together. , When the fusion begins, the ultimate universe begins to emerge."

In other words, this universe is a node of qualitative change. When this era is merged, the universe will change drastically.

"I re-eaten cicadas and shed their empty shells. I can already vaguely guess what his changes are. The new protagonist rule should be that the saint rule is not first, second, or third." He suddenly Said: "It is the rules of sages of tens of thousands and hundreds of millions, the scattered foundation of the universe, and the material aspect of the universe has begun to rise completely!"

"Only when the material aspect is elevated, the universe will undergo a complete qualitative change."

According to his vague guess, when he touched a corner of the avenue, the new seat was born in the saint, not the deity.

All gods should be cruel, fight for the rules of the saint, and even become a saint directly, go back to the grassroots, and explore the rules of the saint.

"This is a bold guess."

"But if this guess is successful, it means that I am really young, and I am like a cosmic cicada, directly transformed into young, even stronger and more terrifying."

He continued to hide and avoid.

Time flies, two thousand years have passed.

Over the years, the present universe has thoroughly discovered the horror of these prehistoric universes. It is the cicadas created by the other side that they will be resurrected!

Soon, the two sides began to stand in a stalemate, calling them: immortal demons, foreign demons, and old demons.

The cosmic forces on both sides began to test each other's contact, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com battles.

Amiro said solemnly: "It's worthy of being immortal in prehistoric times. The cicadas in the universe are all their hands. The means to sneak into the future is frightening!"

Jiaxia also said: "Prehistoric, there was a big horror, they are waiting for us."

Bai Long said, "Although they seem to be terrible, everything is their calculations, but can they win? They don't know the future era, but they just save the future because they have no choice. The times are very backward, fight with us, even they are at a disadvantage!"

The reincarnation of the three major concepts constantly communicates.

As the Heavenly Venerable Wence in secret, he has already reincarnated and became a new hero, even Amiro, who predicted the number one pick, very proud of himself and the other two reincarnations, hidden in it secretly, no one knows himself. The real face!

"Everyone, it's going to go to war." Amiruo said.

"Yes, the war is officially on." Qianxiu Taizu also said. He has indeed shown his talents over the years, and he is very powerful.

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