My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 529: General trend of the universe

Yes, they have had to fight.

"After all, we have seventeen universes, they have now rushed farther away with the matter, and seven universes have awakened."

"Seventeen to seven."

"Furthermore, their ancient rules began to assimilate with the rush of cosmic matter, and gradually updated to our level in this world."

"At this time, our number is still more than twice that of them, and our rules are of higher quality than them, and we can still crush them. If we wait for a while."

Waiting for a while, as the matter continues to rush, they may wake up to ten or twelve universes. At that time, when their number of celestial beings increases, it will be tricky!

"However, according to the joint analysis of our Tianzun staff, it is far from possible for them to resist us before ten universes. After all, we have seventeen universe rules, and the rules are very mature."

They are not stupid, waiting for each other to rise,

Rather, he is groping for the opponent's heels and feet, and before the opponent's universe has reached a certain level, before he can threaten himself enough, he will attack in the best way.

Right now is the best offensive opportunity.

"What's this called? This is called steady and steady!"

At this time, Tang Meng laughed and said, "How can they, the primitive natives of ancient times, have beaten us? It's like modern people in the 21st century, holding swords and guns and charging with the iron cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, although it is undeniable. , In their time, they are simply enough to guard against the sky!"

"Don't be careless."

Next, Qianxiu Taizu said: "Their era is very backward, but their wisdom and talent are not weaker than ours. They are learning modern knowledge at an extremely fast speed, and they want to compare with us and give them. For three thousand years, we have been on par with them, and we can see their horror!"

"What's more, their immortal great ancestor hasn't awakened yet, sleeping in the initial universe age, otherwise we won't be so relaxed." He continued to analyze.

"Yes, the old lady makes sense."

Tang Meng looked at this young man and praised: "You are worthy of being the first ancestor of our people on earth, who opened up the thirteen eras of our Taiyuan dynasty!"

"I don't know or remember those things." The young Emperor Qianxiu shook his head. "It's another me. Now my life trajectory is different."

"Yes, life is different. You will be reborn in a greater general trend, and will only be more brilliant. As an ancestor, lead us on earth together!"

Although Tang Meng's qualifications are not strong, things will happen! Is a small expert!

After all, Mao's nickname is not for nothing. She saves all sentient beings and crosses people into Buddhism, but she is familiar with the road, and her mouth is almost open.

Over the years, she has managed to win over this cheap ancestor of her own, and the relationship is very good. Even Fu Qingjun’s three masters also mingle with each other, and Li Xuan, the country’s lord of the Vortex, was among them. .

Even this great ancestor has already entered Buddhism, wearing a very sacred bun hairstyle, is already a generation of sacred and supreme ancient Buddha in the Buddhism era.

This saw that Fu Qingjun was very daunted, "At that time, the real vortex country lord in the history was brought into this by you, and now you have brought the Taiyuan dynasty's grandfather of the Kai Dynasty?"

This is outrageous!

However, Fu Qingjun thought about it and found it very reasonable, "If the young age of Wen Ce Tianzun, a very young and ignorant young age, has not yet become sophisticated and mature, if they encounter it, they may be forced to mislead!"

This is enough to prove that a person, the influence of people around him in his youth is very important.

Those who are near Zhu are red, and those who are near Mo are black.

"The only exception is myself. In my youth, even though I met some of their capitalist villains, I still insisted on my heart. I am still that boy, and I have never changed a little bit. It can be said to be out of the mud and not stained. Now." Fu Qingjun sighed secretly.

At this moment, a respected strong man is looking down at the moment when this battlefield opens.


The two universes began to finally border.

The present Buddhism universe, this epoch space ship, has finally begun to merge with the end of the immortal dynasty universe, the twenty-first era universe, with the rush of time.

"War is on!"


The strong at the bottom of the two sides began to quickly break out.

This scene is just like the battle between the two universes and the universe of truth.

Unfortunately, although the Immortal Dynasty has been working hard to update knowledge over the years, it is still at a great disadvantage.

"Hold it up."

On the other side of the battlefield, the Emperor of the Forbidden Universe, with his hands on his back, looked down on the earth and the universe battlefield, "We use this bordering universe as the battlefield. The common people of this universe, the saints, have a dead end, don't care about them."

"Our seven universe celestial lords have all come to the front line of this universe, but we are not going to kill, not to fight, to avoid the battle, to procrastinate! We want to escape!"

He said faintly, "We are at a disadvantage, so what can we do? How many geniuses can they have in future generations? They don't even know our plan and recovery plan! Their future generations are just so talented. They kill each other and have too much internal friction. Seriously, when our time is better than them, and we compete with them under the same combat power, why should we be afraid of them?"

"We build tombstones for ourselves and let future generations dig into us. Naturally, we have our background and talents! Our genius is ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times as many as theirs!"

They are very confident,

Because in other cosmic ages, in an era, it was basically because of the lack of seats in the heavens. The heavens suppressed the geniuses of other heavenly abilities and killed them, resulting in the loss of a large number of heavenly talents in an era, and there is no one in ten!

And what about them?

They won't fight,

Let nature die, cover the coffin and sleep.

No one chooses to smuggle to the next era, and some even commit suicide in advance, enter the coffin, and let other young people take the lead.

They are a rotation system, a democratic system of election gods,

They naturally excavate all the Tianzun-level aptitude geniuses in the universe, become their terracotta warriors, and smuggle into the future together.

With their terrifying imperial examination system, countless monsters were unearthed, without any omission, they were a hundred times, a thousand times!

"Their era is the era of fighting, after all, to smuggle, to survive, you must kill other people, but what about us? We don't want to survive, the system is tolerant!"

Forbidden Tianzun spoke lightly,

"The geniuses they can fight are basically old. The real monsters are not a few people, that is, the Tianzun of Good Fortune in the young age, the last emperor Qianyuan the Great and the young Taizu Qianxiu, as well as those who don’t know the depth. Amelo, who claims to have overthrown Wen Ce Tianzun, as well as Bai Long and Jiaxia."

These geniuses, they have to admit that they are outstanding, comparable to their top, but their combined power is stronger.



The two sides collided fiercely.

The strategy of the immortal dynasty is to fight and retreat. This cosmic battlefield is so big that Tianzun is very difficult to kill. Even if you are strong in combat, the opponent flees all the way, it is difficult to catch the opponent.

This kind of tactics, although trivial, but effective.

"The other party is delaying time."

Amiro smiled slightly, "But, is this useful? We are not prepared? They look down on our modern creatures too much? They think that their era can study the giants of the universe, the cosmic cicadas, but our era, we can't study it. A similar cosmic miracle?"


Countless Tianzun rules, fused together, became a huge Tianzun weapon.

"This is Tianzun Wence, a rule developed in his time! Tianzun Wence has an oath, so he thought that if there is no gap between the gods, these gods can gather strength together to form a huge magic weapon."

Amiro opened the mouth and said: "And our members, innovating through the old and bringing forth the new, is precisely the weapon of prehistoric wars like you."

As soon as the Tianzun gathered a large-scale war weapon, in an instant, the opponent retreated steadily.

The entire universe battlefield is bloody. UU reading

Forbidden Tianzun frowned slightly, his expression changed, "It's troublesome, they still have this kind of peculiar means, countless Tianzuns have joined hands and merged, they can perfectly trust each other, and they are not afraid of each other's backstabs."

"We can't hold on for long." A young Tianzun suddenly said.

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and perhaps they won't be able to hold on for long. They can only cede their territory and retreat to postpone the gradual recovery of their other universes. In that case, it would be very dangerous.

At this time, no one of them noticed that as the two universes collided, something seemed to be produced, brewing, and the breath was very weak.

"It really started."

Tianzun Wence was in a certain place in the **** battlefield, wandering secretly, collecting saint rules one by one, "The rotten guys on both sides are still fighting, but they are far inferior to Tianzun Wence. They defeated my first life, but I can still make a comeback. "

"They don't know that the general situation of the world has changed, and the three conceptual rules have developed to an end. Instead, the physical rules of the universe are about to rise."

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