My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 534: Amazing everyone

This news, if true, would be enough to set off stormy waves in the entire universe.

We need to know that because of the central link of the oath rules, the branding rules, they form an unbreakable terrorist alliance.

As a result, the heavenly lords have no gaps and completely have "trust". They are no longer the precautionary pattern of the dark forest, they have become monolithic.

Before Wen Ce Tianzun was to take away the "trust" and let them kill each other...If it were not for Fu Qingjun, he secretly used "family affection" to defeat "friend trust"...

No one can overthrow his absolute rule.

Under the meticulous cultivation and teaching of Tianzun Wen Ce, Chen Weizhu has already familiarized himself with the history of the universe before Tianzun Good fortune, studying general deductions, and the emperor's heart. How can he not understand this?

"Now, if the new rules can really break the vow, then the vow will definitely be gone."

Chen Weizhu hurriedly found Chen Nianzi and repeated everything that the national teacher Qingjun said.


This time, as the real Wen Ce Tianzun, he was also completely surprised.

His face changed drastically, and his first reaction was to say Chen Nianzi's words: "Our master, whose identity is becoming more mysterious, may come from more distant prehistoric times, and he can guess the general trend of the universe's future, and it takes us to wait until now! "

Like Chen Weizhu, he felt that this master was becoming more and more difficult.

And his second reaction was to say something similar to Fu Qingjun, and shouted: "The omen of the great evil! The omen of the time of death! The great catastrophe of the universe is here!"

The general trend is approaching, and he can't escape naturally!

The rules of the vows for survival may be about to completely lose its role and be eliminated by history.

I thought I had just re-entered the pinnacle of my life, but what happened?

Wen Ce Tianzun feels uncomfortable!

Very uncomfortable.

Why do you want to overthrow my rule again?

If he doesn't want to be eliminated by history, he, an old man, will inevitably compete for the general trend like these young people, but how can he not know the difficulties?

Boxing is afraid of being young, they dare to compete with themselves in their youth?

But in front of him, the master was beaten to death with random punches.

The other party doesn't talk about martial ethics with himself.

"Along with me, hold a meeting of members of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons. All the core members will come. It is a matter of life and death... As for those who are not core, there is no need to convene." His expression was completely solemn, and a chill was ignited in his heart. , Can he defeat Tianzun of Good Fortune, and then dominate the era, can't defeat the next hero who wants to overthrow him? ?


During the night feast of the gods and devils, it restarted.

A member of the blood of the earth came one after another.

Ziying, Qin Hong, Tang Meng in the modern earth age,

Bailong in the ancient whirlpool country, Jiaxia in the sun jinta dynasty,

As well as the Emperor Qianyuan of the Taichu dynasty in the era, the young ancestor of Qianxiu, and the old good luck gods who came to have fun and watch theaters.

On the heights of the banquet, sitting Amiro, Hormons, and Jiaxia, the reincarnations of the three ancient prophecies, respectively dominate all the life, space, and time of the endless universe.

"Calling everyone here this time, it's a matter of life and death."

Amiro didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly listed all the information, with a cold voice, "As you can see, the trend is actually in the rules of the saints."


When everyone heard it, they were suddenly disappointed.

The rules of more than 30 universes were updated in the first rule of life. At the worst, they also want to be second and third. Who knows that they will suddenly come to the saint?

"The general trend, it really is the general trend."

"I can't guess, I can't figure it out, there are very few people who can predict the future of the general trend, and have a glimpse of the secret."

They sighed,

Soon, they directly took the rules of the saints and began to study and verify each other.

After careful and joint research, the rules of time were used to directly create a space of flow velocity, in which all the existence of universe emperors in the young age of the Taiyuan Dynasty were studied.

This force was very large, and soon an anomaly was discovered.

"According to our preliminary exploration, the rules have at least more than 20 starting points."

They showed an extremely surprised look,

This number is too large for them.

And the number of new Tianzun seats means that there are so many variables that they can't even count them.

This may be the ultimate formation of the universe, the ultimate universe where all the past and the future converge, and the era when the gate of the eighth step is opened is really extraordinary.

"The number should echo the current forty-nine cosmic seats."

Qin Hong said, "Perhaps there are twenty-four seats, the substance is one, the concept is two."

"Not necessarily."

At this time, the young grandfather Ganxiu said: "We have to be bold in guessing that the laws of the universe are terrifying, perhaps forty-eight, corresponding to the physical dimension."

Everyone kept guessing the number.

"Senior Good Fortune, how do you see it?" At this moment, Amiro's expression moved slightly and said next to him.

Looking at Fu Qingjun next to him, after all, Tianzun of Good Fortune is an enemy and friend of Tianzun Wen Ce. He admires and respects him very much, but it is a pity that he didn't expect me to be reincarnated in secret, and I still won. !

Let him go heartily!

Play a wonderful game between yourself and the other party, and go ahead!

But he won, maybe it was his good fortune who won,

"The evil and **** Wen Ce Tianzun has indeed been killed by himself."

To put it in a positive way, he has reformed.

To put it in a more realistic way, he knows that blood and sacrifice are necessary, but now he has completed the **** primitive accumulation of capital. As a big capitalist, he can start to cleanse himself, and he doesn’t need to kill and slaughter people. He has accumulated and successfully developed. The road is enough for oneself to realize the eighth-order dream, and naturally began to get out.

"But after all, he was the one who almost defeated me, and I admire him."

He has a leisurely heart and a clear mind.

Soon Amiruo looked at the Tianzun of Good Fortune, and asked: "You think that the Qingjun, the national teacher, helped us rise to the Taiyuan Heavenly Court, and informed us the truth of the general trend. This is simply unthinkable. ...."

Everyone paused and couldn't help but look at the Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune who was sitting next to the seats.

After all, Tianzun of Good Fortune has worked hard.

It was because of him that he won the game. Although he was separated from the young Emperor Qianyuan, he has been in retreat for these years.

"What do I think?"

Fu Qingjun was stunned. Chen Nianzi, a good disciple, had some respect for himself, the **** of good fortune.

He thought it was a little strange, but he didn't think too much.

After all, although he got the other party's body, but did not get the other party's soul and thoughts, he naturally didn't know the other party's true details.

It turned out that Wen Ce Tianzun, an old yin stuff, came to this hand, developed quietly, and secretly became my son, who didn't even know me, and directly surprised everyone.

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