Fu Qingjun felt that Amiruo had some admiration for him, but he thought about it, just smiled and said, "I am old after all. After overthrowing Wence Tianzun, I also retired. I lived for tens of billions of years. He doesn’t have many ideas, but his origins are mysterious, and he has helped Amiro’s rise in this way, and is inextricably linked to the three reincarnations..."

The surrounding members of the Night Banquet of the Gods and Demons, the blood family, all looked at him as a veteran, and were full of respect.

Fu Qingjun hesitated for a while, and said, "Maybe he has a direct relationship with some of the existences predicted by the three major reincarnations left in prehistoric times."

When everyone heard it, they felt that there was some truth.

"Master Qingjun is kind to us, and he certainly has no sinister heart to us. Otherwise, he won't tell me about the general trend. We don't have to doubt too much. It's just that he has some hidden things, I am afraid that he will not be able to treat us. When speaking."

At this time, Chen Weizhu said: "At the same time, the teacher has never needed our Heavenly Sovereign seat. I would have waited for the new seat to be born, so that the explanation will be perfect."

"It makes sense."

Emperor Qianyuan dragged his chin, "Tianzun seat means eternal life, supremacy, eternity, and ultimate, no one can refuse. I was a little suspicious before. Now when I think about it, I am afraid that I am waiting for this new seat... He also wants to fight for the world's hegemony, and wants to grab the highest seat, so as to prove the final eighth rank and pull the ultimate door of the universe."

Fu Qingjun: "..."

I just don't want to be, I feel tired.

However, what he said does make sense, and common sense is indeed to do so, but Fu Qingjun has a more terrifying seat, so he naturally looks down on it and delegates power to be a salted fish.

"Master has always lived in the Palace of the Qing Monarch, and has nothing to do with the world. I am afraid that we will wait for this moment. If there is no accident, maybe he will move and we can observe."

At this time, Amiro finally concluded that he had stopped the discussion in this regard.

"But that's the case. Next, he should have a different movement, start to be born out of the world to compete for the general trend, and start to run through various universes. Maybe when I have time, I will visit this existence."

The young ancestor also said seriously that he is one of the three great life dynasties of the universe. Although he has not yet grown, his aptitude is comparable to that of the terrifying universe, and everyone still attaches great importance to him.

Fu Qingjun listened,

Can you move?

In fact, he has always been too lazy to move, and doesn't want to move.

As a family squatting, a dead house, staying at home, squatting at home and remotely controlling the demon country under his command, hiding in the dark as the grandfather of good fortune, deceive your family members to fight hard, fight the planet everywhere, develop the galaxy civilization , Pushed to the outside of the Chaos Territory, and finally contended for hegemony in the world.

But now?

I may have to move,

After all, with death threats, he might have to join the world to overcome the catastrophe.

As for the identity of Tianzun and God, although it is still very useful, it has been used from the earth to the present, and he is highly respected, but his heels and feet determine that he is too old, and it is not suitable for some occasions.

Perhaps, you really have to deal with certain things as Qingjun, or even become a young man, and compete with them!

"I'm a bit outrageous."

Fu Qingjun murmured, "I have always followed my principles, hiding at home and working hard to grow, and I will wait until the universe has reached the highest point before coming out of the mountains.... The result is really hidden in the dark, and I have never personally tried to fight for hegemony. After the time passes, the Tao is supreme...As a result, now, as a young man, let me try to rise again as a young man?"

Like Tianzun Wen Ce, who should be robbed of entering the world all day long?

He thought about it, but there was no resistance.

After all, he is a young man, and he doesn't want to make a move, but if he wants to hit the door, he can't always pretend to be dead.

"If I am not born, I will push the entire universe horizontally. If I am born and compete with them at the same time, they will not be beaten to death by me?"

Fu Qingjun whispered quietly, self-confidence is still necessary.

I am also a young man in some way, and he can compete for the general trend when he is a young man. I don't really believe that I can't beat them.

He has the blessing of the "brain of all beings", and his wisdom has been shining. The level of sublimation of the whole person's aptitude has reached the limit. Except for an unimaginable existence, I don't know what impossible way he can surpass himself...

Fu Qingjun himself is the biggest trump card now.

To be honest, even he himself doesn't know how strong he is.

"These people's discussions have moved me a little bit."

Fu Qingjun sat in the seat of the supreme emperor and watched their research, "When they have determined the formal policy, how to set the rules and become a saint, I will also go and take a look."

At this time, they are still discussing below.

"Everyone present here is the equivalent of re-opening the heavens and the earth. The universe has just opened, and the new rules of heaven are scattered on the earth. We need to collect them separately."

Amiro said: "In order to prevent conflicts and internal fights, we each select a self-attractive rule to collect. It is not allowed for both parties to compete for a similar rule and compete for a seat."

Everyone nodded, this is the best way,

Amelo said again: "And everyone, according to the order of the seats of the heavenly respect, one high to the bottom, you can choose first, and sort them according to the numbering rule."

Soon, a lot of saint rules were scattered in the ground,

These are the unowned saint rules in the heavenly court, and the remaining 99% of the rules are in the hands of saints everywhere in the universe, and it is difficult to retrieve them temporarily.

"It is not possible to have dual seats, but you can ask the life **** to make us a temporary reincarnation for us, and we will enter the world to fight for it."

Soon, the Tianzun present in accordance with the order, each selected some saint rules.

Although it's just a fragment, basically you can't see the future strength or weakness, but letting the strong choose first is also a kind of "justice", can people just see it?

Tianzuns all have backgrounds and cards, and each has its own means.

Soon, each selected some rules.

Amiro continued: "The rest of the rules of the saints have been circulated throughout the universe by us, so that they can coordinate the world. After all, the tens of millions of saints are the cornerstone of the universe. If we act on them, I'm afraid it will be very Soon you will notice, expose, and even know where the trend is."

Amiro looked at the people, "In order to prevent them from being discovered, you should secretly attack them and delay the exposure as much as possible. Of course, you don't have to take their lives, take the rules of the saints, and let them become mortals again."

Everyone heard that this plan was the simplest and most effective.

There is no compassionate mind. The general trend of the universe is like this. In the future, these saints will be moving fragments of rules, and they will be hunters.

Just don't kill it.

"And guys, don't think it's easy."

"With the rule of time, to track cause and effect, it's just a saint. Isn't it that they are all exposed to their own vision and have nowhere to hide?"

Amiro stretched out his hand to show everyone a strong man who integrates more than a dozen saint rules, and asked him to stand in front of everyone, "As you can see, physical seats can eliminate the law of cause and effect, and even eliminate the stigma of oaths. We track Not him!"

The gods perceive carefully, and indeed feel that the causality of tracking is very weak.

If you are farther away, UU read www.uukanshu. Com can't perceive it anymore.

A thought broke out in their hearts:

The material seat is indeed equivalent to the conceptual seat, and one party cannot dominate the other.

"It is foreseeable that when they detect and react, it will be difficult for them to hunt down, and even they can kill each other, seize each other, make themselves stronger, and cause us to be unable to track... After all, we only have a few numbers, Not as big as theirs."

"All the endless saints in the universe began to kill themselves, becoming stronger like cultivating Gu, and tracking them threatened our heavenly venerables and even overthrew us."

Amiro warned again, "So, take advantage of their reaction, get more saint rules earlier, and hide for as long as possible."



A famous Tianzun spoke, disappeared in place, and began to run around.

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