My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 536: Rotten to the top

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A secret hunt for change is about to begin!

A Zun Tianzun left directly.

"Friend Qin Hong, Fellow Dao Ziying, Fellow Daoist Isaac...we are together."

Two people, Yuanshou Tianzun and Immortal Tianzun, came from behind.

Qin Hong glanced at them, but did not reject it.

After all, she also knows that the combination of new and old can give more play to its advantages.

They are young, with all kinds of thinking and pioneering, and although the two old people are not talented, their terrorist fighting capacity and calculations for dealing with people are rare treasures.

An old house where a treasure.

The two of them, Wen Ce Tianzun was overthrown, but they were still mixed into the new trend, which can be seen very powerful.

Qin Hong followed them along,

Yuan Shou Tianzun is very talkative, hehe laughed and said: "Everyone, I have all been reincarnated, walking in the world as saints, going to attack and kill them in secret... even if we are in the same realm, we will become saints. , They are not opponents either."

Among the saints, they are not geniuses without Tianzun qualifications, but they are shoulder to shoulder.

But the vision of the saint is there,

As Tianzun, they can have more resources and more cosmic information, and they can study various cosmic Dao laws at a higher cosmic level. How can the other party fight them?

With the same starting point of qualification, the gap will widen.

The immortal Tianzun also said: "Although it is easier and 10,000 times faster to kill them with the Tianzun body, but our Tianzun sits in the heavens and fights on the front line is a factor. On the other hand, if our Tianzun hunts and kills them, we will directly be discovered. Exposed."

If you kill them in the form of saints, it is easy to be spotted, but the advantage is that even if they are discovered, they are only considered to be fighting each other between saints and seizing the seat of the saints of the other party.

Such a move is acquiesced in the universe.

Therefore, they kill as saints without arousing suspicion.

Yuan Shou Tianzun laughed and said: "Furthermore, we must hunt and kill saints in large numbers. In the short term, the number of saint wars in the universe will increase dozens of times. If a large number of saint seats are taken away, there must be saints who will report this weird appearance to us. These gods, let us deal with it."

"Then what should we say?" Qin Hong Tianzun asked curiously, having successfully aroused interest by their double springs.

"It's very simple." The Immortal Tianzun said: "Our Tianzun is not what a saint wants to see. Let the confidant come forward to deal with these matters.

"We know."

"We are already investigating this matter."

"You go back and wait for news first."

"Don't worry, this is a small matter."

"It's already being done, just go back and wait for the news."

The Immortal Tianzun gave a variety of stylized answers.

"If it is this kind of move, has they already reacted to it?" Qin Hong couldn't help but said.

"Also simple."

The Immortal Tianzun took the conversation at this time, talked freely, and said with confidence:

"We Tianzun personally went out, and learned that this matter was furious, and his confidant was so vicious? It was a waste of duty, severely punished them as mortals, exiled to the planet, and personally invited them into the temple, gave them good tea, courtesy corporal, kind and patiently deal with them. , Asking them seriously, they were moved, and the aloft Tianzun actually treated us like this."

Indestructible Tianzun sneered, "I was furious. The heaven and earth have changed in the palace of the cosmos chaos, and the space has been shaken. I must pretend to investigate this matter carefully, but after careful pondering, I can't help but feel sad, but said: The world The saint’s right to kill belongs to Yuanshou Tianzun’s jurisdiction. You can go to Yuanshou Tianzun’s front hall to wait and report the matter."

"What to do with me?"

The Yuanshou Tianzun next to him is worthy of being a duo of conscience, and he immediately shirks: "

Dear saints, you are facing the crisis of being hunted. I am also very sad and angry. I am afraid that the power of saints is at work. Although I have the right to kill the saints, I am not in charge of the change of sovereignty, which is obviously the seat of saints. Now, you can find Emperor Qianyuan, he is in charge at this time, you go to his front hall to report. "

Qin Hong's face turned black.

"We can play the ball."

Yuan Shou Tianzun smiled, "As soon as this plan comes out, you push me, I push you in the workplace, and after a few rounds of dealings, they will run out of countless hours, and they will be able to finish their lives, but they will not be able to accomplish major things."

"Then they reacted again, is Tianzun playing with them?" Qin Hong asked again.

Indestructible Tianzun looked like an old man and patted Qin Hong Tianzun’s shoulder, "If we go further, they will be completely shocked. We can secretly kill those saints who come to sue, not only earning reclaiming saint seats, but also solving the problem. This is the second insurance for the clever stinger among them!"

"Two scumbags!" Qin Hong was shocked and cursed: "You are really skilled!"


Very dirty routine!

The few young earth gods nearby felt terrible when they heard it.

Hidden with the utmost means and a few layers of insurance, the saints have no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the earth.

They Tianzun, wanting to get rid of the saints under their command is a huge disaster for them.

"This is not to blame us, this is fate, they will suffer this disaster."

Yuan Shou Tianzun suddenly showed pain and complexity, "Qin Hong Tianzun, if a saint visits, you can only do this according to our statement, and we will not take their lives. After all, we must reclaim seats as soon as possible and condense new ones. Tianzun rules, you can only sacrifice them."

The Immortal Tianzun has a solemn face, folded his hands together, curled his hair in a bun, and his treasure is solemn, "The sacrifices of these Daoists are worthwhile. They are for the good of the universe and for the people of the world. I feel ashamed in my heart. Thousands of sorrows, crying day and night, but still can only do this."

Both of you say that you wash your face with tears every night.

Qin Hong Tianzun cursed in his heart.


"Fortunately, Qin Hong is firm and stubborn, so he is not afraid to learn from them badly."

Fu Qingjun’s eyelids jumped wildly in the mansion of Qingjun’s state teacher.

These two sloppy walls, it's literally!

He also felt that the saints from all over the world had already set off, so he shook his head, "Actually, I really don't want to go out, it's a pity..."

At this moment, guests from Fu Qingjun's mansion were welcomed.

"I am a dry show, I am here to visit Daoist Qingjun." Outside the door, a young and passionate teenager ancestor, dressed in white, stood indifferently at the door.

Good guy, this one is here to find me to go out with me, and take a closer look at me by the way?

To be honest, the identity of the other party is the highest one in the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons, the ancestor of the Taiyuan Palace of the 13th Dynasty, one of the four great life dynasties in the universe, and his identity is the national teacher. Ancestor. UU reading www.

Moreover, the other party's aptitude and talents were originally one of the most terrifying people in the universe. After Fu Qingjun secretly infected the other party, he has always been very optimistic about the other party's development.

Fu Qingjun thought for a while, and it was indeed time to enter the WTO.

The seat of the concept of the universe has been unified, but if you do not enter the world and compete for the seat of the material of the universe, the general trend of the future may overthrow you.

It is necessary to enter the WTO to fight for seats on the material side.

Thinking of this, Fu Qingjun also went out, clasped his fist and said: "The young master broke me, I am just a national teacher. Your status is the highest of the dynasty."

The teenager Ganxiu shook his head, "I am not a patriarch. I am still young. I don't remember the things that later generations have done. My life has returned. The Heavenly Court treats me like this, and I am also very scared. We assume that we will meet as peers."

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