My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 541: The true body of the immortal ancestor

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Immortal Dynasty,

Yuanshou Dynasty,

Oath Dynasty,

The four major rules, but a dynasty of good fortune is missing.

The universe is lacking one, and he is fulfilled...

"Everyone knows that there is a ghost."

"That hidden hero can deduce something that I can't deduce. I don't believe he can't see this."

"A hero must overthrow the decay. One of my flaws is exposed and must be hidden."

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "I originally wanted to solve it slower. Who knew that the other party moved so fast, and the eight universes were merged at once. That would speed up the progress completely. I had to go to the first prehistoric era and fake it. "

This is called being wise.

Both sides thought of this,

After all, both sides are gambling and calculating, but the levels and things they see are extremely advanced.

In the words of chess, it is equivalent to a game of two chess players. Both of them have calculated what will happen after a few moves, and after a few moves, they are thinking about how to respond.

However, it is clear that Fu Qingjun has the advantage.

If you think of reality as a game, you are the ultimate boss, the kind that kills you and clears the level.

The young hero of the opposing team started leveling at level zero, fighting monsters and upgrading all the way, overthrowing the saints and gods, defeating the immortal heaven, defeating the Taichu heaven, defeating Qianxiu Taizu, even defeating Amiruo, dominating the universe, and finally found someone behind the scenes Manipulate.... Start playing yourself, the ultimate boss behind the universe.

And his boss skills are:? ? ?

The other party doesn't even know the ability to update the rules of good fortune.

Make relatives, infect the common people, the world is my son, who knows?

Nobody knows.

At the very least, there is an absolute crushing advantage, but so what?

How did Fu Qingjun kill the seemingly invincible Wen Ce Tianzun before, and he didn't know his skills? But was he still forced out of all his hole cards step by step?

I still know something in my heart.

No matter how strong it is, if you don't grasp the general trend, you will be a paper tiger after all.

"Their dynasty merged in. I happened to go to the Indestructible Dynasty to stroll around. While collecting the rules of the saints, I also checked the true details of this dynasty."

Fu Qingjun flashed around and disappeared in place.

The ultimate universe, with the merger of the territories of the universe, has formed a short-term universe of galaxies.

Fu Qingjun walked all the way, bypassing the epoch galaxies of immortal dynasties, and finally came to their front ninth cosmic era.


Fu Qingjun gently stepped over a guard, a famous Tianzun guarded, and came to their most central heritage palace.

Here is the secret history of their dynasties.

It even records the immortal rule ability of their immortal dynasty.

After all, Fu Qingjun has reason to suspect that the ancestor of the immortal, because he calculated into the future, chose to sleep rather than die, just like himself, withholding the real ability of immortal rules.

"Though the gods of good fortune out there, although they all have the authority to make fortune, in fact, they are all castrated versions taken by me, and I lent them to use."

"I suspect that the other party has also castrated the complete version of the Indestructible Rules, intercepted in the initial opportunity, and allowed oneself to maintain absolute dominance!"

Why guess so?

the reason is simple!

Because they can use the rules of immortality to establish an immortal dynasty.

Later generations were unable to use the rule of immortality to rebuild the magnificence of their immortal dynasty, so they were unique.


There can only be different rules of immortality.

"Another point."

Fu Qingjun walked into the palace and said lightly: "The rules of good fortune, the rules of immortality, are actually the twin rules of life. Good fortune controls the body of evolving human beings, but cannot control the soul... Indestructible is in charge of evolving humans. The soul cannot control the body."

Good luck is biased towards the body.

Immortality is biased towards the soul.

The characteristic of the rules of good fortune is to master the structure of life, and to use one's own characteristics and abilities to castrate one's own core rules, and the other party may also be able to do so.

Fu Qingjun walked into the palace and began to read it constantly. This is the most core information.

I also read some books at random, "Sure enough, as I guessed, their Supreme Emperor's rule abilities are basically hidden, and they are basically hidden from people outside the royal family."

"This is true of the Immortal Dynasty, the Yuanshou Dynasty, and so is me. After all, the hidden rules and the unknown rules are the strongest rules."

As for the rules of oaths, once they are used, they are immediately exposed. After all, they have to be signed with people.

In fact, Tianzun Wen Ce was also secretly hidden from the beginning. Before seeing him, he kept saying that he had "trust" and claimed to trust Tianzun?

He also hides the true colors of his rules.

"The immortal dynasty here is the same. The past dynasties have ruled the universe, and they have been very strict."

Fu Qingjun flipped through the files, looking at their secrets at will. After all, the Tianzun guards outside, no matter how strong they were, they were all their dependents, not outsiders.

They can't see themselves at all,

Soon, Fu Qingjun flipped through the materials of the first immortal Emperor Taizu, and looked at his rise to life. Although it was a little beautified, it could be seen roughly,

"Taejo, his real name is Shisheng..."

Fu Qingjun kept watching, but his expression suddenly became weird, "It's a bit outrageous, and there is such a mystery hidden."

This terrible super monster deduced to "universe cicada slough", he deduced to countless eras of general monster, even Fu Qingjun feels outrageous.

He turned out to be a mediocre person with mediocre qualifications!

Even with a congenital crippled soul and a crippled IQ, he is still a rice bucket. Kong Wu is powerful and is often deceived by others. He is a simple and honest person, but his cultivation qualifications are extremely strong.

And such a lack of genius is not enough to reach the top.

After all, no matter how strong his cultivation aptitude, no matter how strong his Dao heart, he does not have enough wisdom. On the road of growth, he is very likely to be played to death by others, and no one beats the world with pure brute force.

The true genius is basically aptitude and wisdom, both are complete, he only occupies one of them, wisdom is not ordinary, it is a disability.

And the reason why he is so terrifying, that later generations can possess such terrifying and unprecedented wisdom against the sky, and can deduced to such an exaggerated future, is because of cannibalism.

He can eat human souls to enhance the aptitude of wisdom and talent,

He became a huge abyss of indescribable souls, super-large aggregated souls, and the abyss of cosmic souls, resulting in extremely terrifying aptitude.

That's why it was deduced that the cosmic cicada sloughed off and could revive himself.

"It turns out that this is the characteristic of the immortal rules. It can eat human souls and improve one's aptitude and talents. Everything can be explained."

Jun Fu Qing stretched out a sigh of relief, "I thought he was so outrageous before, and he had a cosmic cicada. This can predict the great trend of the universe, how high is this person's wisdom? It turns out that this is the case."

Good luck and immortality are indeed the twin rules.

The rule of immortality is to gather and merge the souls of the entire universe, and by eating this person, they become an indescribable huge and vast soul evil god.

The rule of good fortune is to gather the flesh that plays with the entire universe, and through the hair control, it becomes an indescribable giant creeping flesh and blood evil spirit.

Seeing this, Fu Qingjun frowned slightly, "Perhaps it is a little troublesome. From this point of view, if the Immortal Ancestor recovers a little bit, I may not be able to infect him, because he is a huge soul monster, there is no certainty, and the record here , Not necessarily complete."

"And he has eaten the soul and wisdom of so many people ~ Once he wakes up, his talent and resourcefulness, even I feel the terrible horror, can not let him resurrect."

Fu Qingjun paced back and forth, feeling that another tricky person appeared in front of him, and couldn't help thinking about how to deal with it.

"He must die. If I want to kill him, it will be difficult for him to wake up. I am not sure of getting him. The risk is very high."

Suddenly, he stopped,

"The immortal grandfather, the soul is incomplete, and the qualifications are mediocre."

He suddenly murmured, a figure of someone flashed across his mind, and he suddenly realized:

"That's it. It opened up more than twenty epochs, still sleeping at the end of the universe, sleeping in the initial chaos behind the indescribable existence, the immortal great ancestor, the abyss of the mouth, the land of the soul, it is you, Small speakers."

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