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Fu Qingjun suddenly had a bold idea.

"Indestructible ancestor, little speaker."

His breathing suddenly rose.

Thinking about the various possibilities and the practicability among them, I whispered inexplicably,

"Little speaker, real name Taizu Shisheng, the first heavenly deity in the history of the original universe, opened up an immortal dynasty, established the universe cicadas, and finally fell asleep in the coffin, and later became the ordinary second master in Miao Chuntang in the mortal rivers and lakes of World War II. , I often bounced and bounced the suona, just to sing the coffin at the end of the universe as a prelude to death."


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was okay.

At the very least, it seems that there is not much sense of disobedience,


Fu Qingjun looked serious.

He already had a vague plan in his heart, and the soldiers were on a dangerous move, and they attacked him directly.

He clearly knows that the universe is not the only one of his own!

Not to mention that the mysterious young hero is still rising and developing,

Not to mention that one's former opponent Wen Ce Tianzun has a real body, out of his control, may secretly assist the other party,

Not to mention, at the end of the universe, there is still such a behemoth hidden. His own rules of creation may not work for his mature and ancient overlord...

All kinds of crises, each is a great enemy that can overthrow oneself and prove that one is not invincible.

Even, in a sense, I am a disadvantage,

It seems that it is his home court, the strongest emperor of the universe, but in fact it is the target of public criticism. Everyone has to besieged and killed, but it is not good.

In Fu Qingjun's eyes, the other two great enemies are fortunate to say that they can be postponed. The immortal grandfather in front of him is the most urgent matter.

Don't kill him directly before waking up!

If you die, you will be yourself in all likelihood.

First of all, as a twin rule, it is still a great threat to him. The other party is the oldest **** in the middle of life, and he is not sure to secretly infect him and develop into a family member.

What's more, once the other party wakes up and clarifies one thing, he will realize that the rules of good fortune have not been updated, such as discovering himself.

I have to kill him and then fake it again.

In other words,

Under various conditions now, Fu Qingjun must act on him, not to mention that the opponent is the best starting point of weakness.

"Let me think about the specific method."

Fu Qingjun frowned.

It's not easy, even a little difficult, to act on the opponent.

The opponent was his home game of the cosmic era in that first era of immortality.

The collision of the universe, this battle is no less than the grand battle of Wen Ce Tianzun.

The other party is different from those ordinary epoch universes. They are not also returning to the original era of pioneering heaven and earth. They are proficient in the universe, locked in their most prosperous era, and fell asleep.

In other words, once the material is incorporated, the other party will immediately wake up at the moment when he is asleep, at the peak of the era.


This is the horror of the immortal dynasty.

"That is his Universe Tomb."

"He is an ancient immortal emperor, and the entire universe, the planets, galaxies, and the common people of the entire universe are all turned into terracotta warriors and horses to be buried in it."

"With the influx of materials over time, the other side's imperial tomb will definitely wake up completely."

Fu Qingjun kept muttering, "And it's not just that which is more troublesome."

"The trickiest thing is that I can't use too much of my strength, and I can't let Qin Hong, Amiro and others do it for me to fight against each other."

"I have to figure out the indestructible ancestor myself, and replace it with another person. Li Daitao is stiff." Fu Qingjun kept thinking.

He is alone, fighting a universe? ?

It seems difficult.

In fact, it is not without the certainty of operation!

After all, although the Heavenly Sovereigns under his command can't be shot, but secretly relying on their power to gather on the body, the combat power will not be too weak.

Even though borrowing too much, secretly borrowing a 5% is the safest limit. If they borrow too much, they themselves will notice that their power has passed away to some extent.

To tell the truth, if you use 100% of their power, you are the ultimate evil **** of the universe, and the origin of all things will be completely awakened...that will be the ultimate creature that the entire universe trembles, and the seats of forty-nine days are gathered.

Of course, Fu Qingjun didn't plan to do this.

Because once he fully wakes up, the entire universe will tremble, fear, and scream, and the heavens of the entire universe will be aware of the truth, and they are already their own dependents.

Everyone will be aware that throughout the era of heaven and earth, there is an ancient evil and terrifying universe dominator, sleeping in the dark, and all the people are creatures with his hair stretched out.

"What's more, the other party is not a complete universe, but one in thirty."

"However, the other party still cannot be measured by common sense. I must use my full strength, even with a certain degree of sacrifice." Fu Qingjun thought in his heart, vaguely had a plan.

Suddenly, he smiled slightly and said: "Unexpectedly, as a young generation of heroes, I competed with the powerhouses of various young ages. The first step is to overthrow the oldest existence of corruption and return the world to peace!"


Time passed quietly.

It has been more than a hundred years, and the saints have been fighting on the battlefield.

The gods are like big whales that have entered the ocean. As the ocean overlord, they are constantly devouring the sage swimming fish.

How easy is it to kill a saint?

Countless people can only flee.

But fortunately, some saints have merged some saint rules to form a preliminary material plane seat fragment, as long as the location is far enough, it is not possible to calculate their position for convenience.

These saints began to turn into big fish, avoiding those big whales, and began to devour the swimming fish.

"The universe is nature, and the laws of nature are the survival of the fittest."

The Exterminating Forbidden Tianzun looked cold, looking down at the vast expanse of the universe,

"Although this dead thing gives everyone the greatest opportunity for fair competition, it still follows the greatest natural law of killing. The fittest survive, the strong survive, and the lucky survive!"

With his hands on his back, he watched all this quietly.

"His Royal Highness."

At this time, a Tianzun arrived in the distance, "The matter of the universe has flowed into the original universe, the opening of Taizu, the immortal Taizu Shizun, your father, is about to recover."

The Forbidden Tianzun showed a look of expectation and great joy, "Father, is it finally going to be resurrected? Go, follow me to the Primordial Universe and welcome the return of Father."

"I don't know, only I know the horror of my father. Everyone says that Amiro is terrible and an unprecedented genius. I only know that Amiro is so small that even half of his father's talent is far inferior."

He is the son of the Immortal Celestial Lord, and it was his father who gave him a powerful and terrifying soul that he has achieved today.

This is the real father! His blood relatives!


With a majestic look, he led the heavenly venerables into the original universe.

He walked in the forefront, followed by the people of their dynasty, with a solemn expression.


Suddenly, the arm of Forbidden Heaven Venerable who was walking in front moved on its own, making a strange movement, wriggling like the tentacles of an octopus.

Behind Tianzun showed a touch of surprise, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "His Royal Highness, what do you mean by your gestures?"

"What gesture did I have?" Tianzun Mieforbidden was a little surprised. In his sense, he didn't do anything at all. How could he make any gesture?

"Maybe it's my illusion." That Tianzun also felt a little weird, a little gloomy inexplicably.

"Go, let me visit my biological father." He didn't care, said.


The next second, his arm was unknown, and he moved again without knowing it.

He was completely unaware that he actually...

There are two biological fathers.

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