Main text 544th chapter children and grandchildren full house Fu Qingjun


A large amount of cosmic matter was injected into the first era.

It was like a withered old man's skin, slowly inflating, plump and round.

"Welcome Taizu's return!"

A group of Heavenly Lords of the immortal dynasty slowly entered this cosmic era, staring at everything here with dumbfounded eyes.

This is an unprecedented large tomb.

This universe is an endless dark earth, and the stars are actually rectangular in shape, standing on the earth in the form of tombstones, which are star tombstones.

The Milky Way circled, flowing towards the distant starry sky.

One after another magnificent and beautiful creations, exquisite palaces, towering on the earth, golden suns act as night pearls, illuminating the glory of the tomb,

Luxurious and gorgeous.


They watched this scene dumbfounded.

The entire universe is all man-made objects, endless craftsmen casting, and the eyes are full of meticulously crafted funerary objects, handicrafts, beautiful, and extremely luxurious.

"This is too exaggerated."

An emperor said: "The world says that I am old and have nothing to do with me. I am doing great construction, making wine ponds and meat forests, running for the beauty of the world, creating the imperial mausoleum after death, and having some fun for myself... But the ancestors are comparable. We will have more."

"Yes, our immortal dynasty, the most prosperous is the tomb culture, the kings of the universe dynasties are keen to build tombs, I did not expect our Taizu to be the strongest person."

They looked at this scene with surprise.

In my heart, I am embarrassed to say: Taizu is the greatest decay, the greatest tyrant.

This level of luxury, this kind of labor and money, can be called horror!

The common people in the entire epoch are his laborers! slave!

I don't know how many people died, crying on his thousands of miles of city walls, I don't know how many craftsmen were buried in ancient tombs!

Everyone can see that this place cannot be reached by the mighty power of Tianzun.

The statues and palaces here are as fine as millimeters. Although the mighty power of the saints and the gods can build huge creations, they cannot be so exquisite. Sculpted.

It is even very possible that the common people of the entire era have been arranged for their craftsman career as soon as they were born.

The significance of the existence of common people in this era: perhaps it is to add one of the hundreds of millions of sad and delicate ornaments to this cosmic emperor.

"There are also exquisite institutions here, and the geomantic and burial studies of our immortal dynasty have reached the extreme."

Standing on the spot, Tianzun of the Forbidden City patiently introduced to everyone: "This is a university question. When the universe material floods in, how to flow reasonably and quickly recover us is a feng shui tombology."

"You don't need to worry. My ancestors sent me away before death. Although I have never witnessed the mechanism of the tomb, there must be a sense of invasion by foreign enemies. We are afraid that we have been discovered. We just need to wait in place and someone will receive us."

They were amazed by the words.

Waiting quietly in place, soon someone will come to receive them.

"Everyone, follow us."

They were taken to a gorgeous palace where an instrument was actually scanning them.

Soon, everyone was scanned.

The person in charge took a look and said: "It is indeed the prince of Forbidden Extermination himself, his soul has not changed, and he has not been manipulated."

This is their method,

In order to prevent counterfeiting, or some accidents, they were taken away from home.

And a person's soul is a unique cosmic imprint and cannot be faked.

The soul research of the immortal dynasty has reached its peak, and naturally no one can hide it from them.

The Forbidden Heavenly Sovereign in front of him is indeed himself...


After all, they are ancients after all, how do they know that certain rules of later generations are special.

"Everyone, the Lord has awakened, please go and see them."

The person in charge leads the direction.

Soon, they bypassed a lot of organs and were greatly shaken, "These organs may kill our gods!"

The entire universe has become a tomb, and the rules of the forty-nine deities of this universe seem to be embedded in this tomb. The organs of these tombs can actually pose a threat to these deities of them!


Because this tomb was created by an entire universe.

This is the first cosmic cicada slough, but it is a more complete and terrifying tomb of cicada slough.

As they marveled along the way, these descendants finally entered the magnificent palace and saw the legendary emperor sitting on a high place. The wisdom was terrifying to the limit and at the same time the ultimate first existence in the prime of life.


Black light shines.

The black river swept across the sky and surrounded the emperor seat.

A majestic and majestic breath suddenly surged.

It gave people a sense of astonishment as the wind whistling, he seemed to be the soul source of all life in the universe, and he felt unimaginable awe while facing him.

"The Forbidden Prince, you are back."

A majestic voice came from the throne, the voice was majestic and ancient, as if on the other side of the death of life, "According to the newly awakened Temple of Heaven, there is news that the ultimate universe has actually been fused, telling me that the dynasties of the future universe, And the biggest opponent in the era, and all the current situation!"

Even though his wisdom is terrifying, he has absorbed the soul of life in the entire universe,

However, UU reading can only covet the complete corner of the universe after all. It is incredible to be able to sneak into the future with a cosmic cicada. It is naturally impossible to know the details.

"Father, this universe today is divided into three stages, the immortal dynasty, the Taiyuan dynasty, and the oath dynasty..."

The Forbidden Heavenly Sovereign immediately began to explain in earnest, and together with the other Heavenly Sovereigns, they continued to explain while silently approaching the emperor at a high place.



Their groups violently wounded people, and they killed the Immortal Blessed One on the high ground.

boom! Heavy Taoist rhyme blooms.

"How can you guys!?"

There was a hint of surprise and surprise from the Immortal World Zun sitting on the throne.

At the same time, Tianzun from all directions came to kill, and his mouth was extremely serious and strangely continuing to introduce the current trend, "Father, now, according to the three major prophecies..."

They seem to have become some kind of puppets, and they don't know what they are doing.

"My son, my descendants... You are so rebellious, killing his father." The Immortal World Zun Li who was sitting on the throne yelled, and his voice was as loud as a bell, shaking the entire space.

"How are we?"

They seemed to be awake from drinking, and finally they could see the truth, staring around dumbfounded,


In the corner of the palace,

A phantom did not know when, it had already stood there.

He has a virtual reality, a young man in a black suit, combing his big back elegantly with a comb, leaning against the palace wall, "No, why is it so rebellious? They are very filial, they listen to their father."

This was the first time in Fu Qingjun's life that he really appeared in front of the world.

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