Main text Chapter 545 Statement

A black-haired and black suit figure leaned against the palace wall, combing his neat and lush black hair with a comb in an extremely arrogant posture, and everyone was stunned.

Yes it is,

Really fell into a sluggish and dumbfounded.

They didn't even know how the other party broke in.

This mausoleum has an absolute rejection mechanism, and outsiders who come in will inevitably be noticed instantly.

And this incredible emerging emotion, superimposed on the weirdness of the attack on the ancestor just now, made their minds tense suddenly, as if they felt an unprecedented horror and shady in the universe, slowly covering and overwhelming them.

"who are you?"

"How did you get into the ultimate tomb of our immortal dynasty?"

"How do you manipulate our bodies?"

"How can such a rule in the universe!!"

All the emperors of the immortal dynasties, including the extinction forbidden Tianzun, couldn't help but shouted and fell into a huge panic.

They looked at this young figure,

This kind of despair comes from the unknown, an invisible and huge fear. My body seems to be not my own, being manipulated and manipulated at will, and being slaughtered as if stripped of clothes.

But they themselves didn't notice it.

If it hadn't been for their great ancestor to wake them up with a special soul technique, they would still be suffering from terrible blindness and would not know what their bodies were doing.

"Who are you?" The Forbidden Heaven Venerable said loudly.


Fu Qingjun put down the comb, looked at the surrounding immortal gods, and finally raised his head to look at the emperor at the highest point, "It is worthy of the oldest existence, and it is still in its prime, giving me a terrifying breath. ."

Fu Qingjun walked step by step and entered the center of the hall.

And the bodies of each of them could not help turning around slowly, letting go of their own way, standing respectfully on both sides, as if welcoming their masters respectfully.

"What a joke."

Forbidden Tianzun stared blankly at his body to make way, no matter how he tried to control it, he couldn't use one of his fingers at all.

Who is the other party? ?

They have seen too many powerful people in the universe, Amiro, Qianxiu Taizu, Wen Ce Tianzun, Qin Hong, Immortal, and Yuanshou two descendants, but there is no such person!

Who is he?

The rules of the universe are forty-nine. Although it has been divided into countless ones, all the seats of the rules of the universe currently have names and surnames! They are very clear!

And the other party, it seems like a mysterious rule emerging out of thin air, an unknown seat.

Could it be the fiftieth seat? ?

But are there fifty seats in the universe? There are only forty-nine. This is impossible.

Is it possible that it is a newly born material seat?

However, the ultimate universe has just formed, and the general situation is beginning, when the dragon and the snake rise to the ground, how can it be possible to directly condense a complete seat and be obtained by someone?

This is impossible, that is impossible....

But in the face of the unthinkable things in front of them, they can only find a more reasonable possibility among a group of impossible possibilities.

"What do you think? Recovered."

Fu Qingjun directly handed the comb over, and the other party instinctively bent down and squatted down, reaching out to borrow it.

His eyes widened suddenly.

Why would I do it again? ? ?

Obviously, the consciousness is resisting and fiercely resisting, but the body is very honest.

"This is filial piety."

"No matter what you are thinking, although you can't get your heart, it's enough for your body to be mine."

Fu Qingjun patted the shoulder of Forbidden Heavenly Sovereign, raised his head and looked at the emperor's throne, with a playful smile, and stretched out a finger, "So, one question, who am I?? "

"That's it."

Taizu Shisheng did not answer Fu Qingjun's question, and slowly stood up from the throne and looked at Fu Qingjun, "Sure enough, as I expected, the scene I least want to see turned out to be true."

"Sure enough, for me as an ancient person, there is a big fear in the future."

"Perhaps an incredible monster will be born in the future, crouching in my grave, and directly ambushing me during the weakest period when I just woke up."

"Unfortunately, I have no choice."

Taizu Shisheng calmed down, "Because I have to reach the future, I have to endure the changes in the future, and other people's ambushes."

He walked down step by step, "And your origin is very mysterious, there is no such person in history, no such seem to appear out of thin air, then, who are you?"

"It's very simple."

"Without this rule, it is a renewed rule of the universe, and life is also a renewed rule of life."

"And the only rule of good fortune that hasn't been updated is the biggest doubt, so it's very simple, isn't it?" He said, "The God of Good Fortune."

The corners of Fu Qingjun's mouth curled up slightly, and he made an affirmative tone, "Oh."

All the people including Forbidden Heavenly Sovereign had their pupils widened.

Tianzun of Good Fortune, the legendary great hero in recent epochs, guided Amiro, Hormons, and Jiaxia from the guide in the dark night, and overthrew the rule of Tianzun Wence.

And such a hero,

Turns out to be the biggest behind-the-scenes man in the universe, the biggest evil in the era? ?

"I, we..." Suddenly, Mie Forbidden Tianzun felt that the blood all over his body was boiling fiercely, as if being grabbed by a dark hand of a demon in the shadow, and continuously pulled into the abyss quagmire.

Such calculations and tactics are seamless. If he does not personally expose it, who in the entire universe knows his existence? ?

This can be called the greatest horror and corruption in the history of the universe!

The Immortal World Venerable said coldly: "The rules of good fortune, evolve the body of the common people, and master the renewal of the body of the living beings, and now you, the great power possessed by UU Reading, is to control the body of your own dependents, and is even enough to control the body of the heaven. "

"And your rules, and mine rules, are twin rules, one palm for the soul, one palm for the body." He said one sentence at a time: "So, you are worried that I am a variable, and all beings in the universe will be aware of you. You want to kill me."

He pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled; "We should work together. The rules of the two of us are entangled with each other. I am willing to obey you."

"Oh? Then I'm surprised, you should understand."

Fu Qingjun laughed, not impressed by the other party's submission, but looked at Tianzun and others with great interest: "They are not filial piety, but filial, but they have two biological fathers."

Suddenly Fu Qingjun settled down and said rigorously: "No, you shouldn't say that. It should be one father and one mother, and it is more appropriate."

Fu Qingjun glanced around at the dreadful Heavenly Lords around him, very interested, "Have you still not understood? All creatures are conceived by parents, so naturally you have parents."

"Give the body, give the soul, and the body is yang, and the soul is yin."

"If the two rules of good fortune and immortality must be divided into male and female, I am your father, and the one sitting on the throne is your mother. He sits on the throne, although he looks young and beautiful. , Very tempting, but the real age is too old, old and faint, not attractive enough, and too shrewd, I can't tolerate him, I'm afraid he will kill her husband."

Fu Qingjun rubbed his forehead and came to the conclusion, "This is not filial piety, but a family fight, a domestic and I can only live one person here."

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