Text Hundred and Forty-seventh Submission

In the next second, the Immortal Blessed One who awakened from the coffin saw an extremely terrifying and **** death picture, which was his own picture.

Dead end.

His expression changed drastically, and he quickly continued to deduct the general trend of the universe, and began to search for future possibilities, various paths, jumping across the timelines of various universes.

But no matter how he calculated, fighting against each other tens of thousands of times is still a dead end, and there is no possibility of a little resistance.

Even if the odds are 0.0001%, he will seize the odds of 100%.

He also became the new protagonist of the universe, ruled over other Tianzun rules, and suppressed countless epochs.

However, this situation has never happened before, no matter how to calculate it.

The general trend of the universe, even if he uses the rule of indestructibility, it is difficult to completely calculate the general trend of the future that he can only calculate, and the rest are variables.

But to this extent, it already symbolizes that he is absolutely bound to die.

The remaining super-small probability events are originally the variables and fault tolerance of the universe.

"Open, what's the joke, I lost?"

His whole body is dull, and there is no more calmness.

Because of the nature of his rules, he has already begun to know the outcome of the outcome before he even started to calculate.

He closed his eyes and couldn't accept it.

But he knew in his heart that this was an inevitable reality!

This is what he fears most. When he wakes up, he is bound to be at a disadvantage. The times are renewing and progressing. He is only the oldest native, but he is also prepared, even if there is a 0.0001% possibility of a comeback, he Are bound to come back,

But I am most afraid of this situation now, and there is no chance at all.

The situation is too bad!

This is not a fair battle game at all.

The other party beats himself, an old man who is tens of billions of years old, and desperately greets himself three ways, and he doesn't talk about martial arts at all!

What did he do?

He used descendants to wake up himself, then attacked the self who had just awakened, and covered the coffin to prevent himself from seeing the changes in the universe outside.

The opponent's power completely crushed him,

Although he controls all the power of this universe, it is only one-thirtieth of the entire universe, but the other party is all the power of the ultimate universe, which is hundreds of times his own!

Even if his talent is exaggerated and terrifying, there is no way to come back.

Are these things the other party does something that one person can do?

If he were to go out and develop for a period of time, he would inevitably be trapped in the dragon and ascend to the sky, but the other party had to kill him directly first, and would not give him any chance to develop.

Smuggling to the future of the universe is a kind of unknown. People who don't know what future will meet, the times are at a disadvantage, but he is really unwilling to do it! At the same time, with this unwillingness, he was also frightened.

Tianzun of Good Fortune is the biggest black hand in the entire universe. He hides too deeply. If he completely kills himself and fills up his heels and shortcomings, anyone in the entire universe can detect his existence?

His goose bumps suddenly appeared.

That kind of terrifying picture of the future universe pattern makes goose bumps when I think about it.

His heart seemed to be squeezed to death by someone severely, his own decay, the universe built a tombstone, in front of such a terrifying figure, the construction is not worth mentioning.

He looked at the opponent's face, the figure standing on the opposite side showed a trace of fear for the first time.

He thought about it, and after he was killed tens of millions of times, he began to try to communicate, "I give up, can I spare my life."

Since he tried countless fights and still had no chance of winning, he tried to completely and truly abandon his dignity and tried other ways than fighting.


Fu Qingjun was stunned. He was a little surprised. His own battle buff had just finished stacking. His son and the emperors of previous dynasties were also used to sacrifice the flag. He didn't really do it. He planned to come to the first battle of his life vigorously. Gave up again?

This time he felt that the other party was serious, and suddenly said: "So, can you see the future where you have been killed countless times?"

After all, the other party may be able to deduce the cosmic cicadas.

This immortal rule is as powerful as cannibalism, expansion of talent and wisdom, and then deducing the general trend, it is not difficult to deduct a battle.

"Yes it is."

The Immortal Blessed One whispered: "I have died in your hands more than 37 million times. There is no chance of winning. With absolute crushing strength, I will be killed by you only if I fight less than 10,700 moves. died."

"So many tricks?"

Fu Qingjun was surprised.

In Fu Qingjun's eyes, he should be able to kill this with a few tricks.

It's not because of anything else, it's just a power gap, like a human being pinched to death an ant.

And this ant escaped more than a thousand times in the hands of human beings. It was originally a miracle among miracles.

It should be the result of his continuous deduction.

"Interesting, you want to surrender?"

Fu Qingjun didn't expect such a change, but think about it, the other party's rules are so against the sky, it is indeed possible to do so, and suddenly smiled: "Then, first give me all the memory of the battle and let me confirm it. Are you telling the truth. UU reading www.ukanshu.com"

He hesitated a little, this is equivalent to completely seeking his own death, because the other party will completely lose his chance of winning because of this rich battle memory.

"You have no choice."

Fu Qingjun said coldly: "You wake up from the ancient tomb. Your offspring are all mine. Use them to attack you and bet at the door of your tomb. You have no chance to rise. Let me see you. Sincerity."

He struggled, and took out a ball of soul light.

There was no possibility of the other party doing tricks, Fu Qingjun looked at the memory and was a little surprised.

This is a huge battle wealth.

"There is even this kind of move like me, but it is indeed what I can use..." He put it away first, and looked at the strongest man in the era, who was bent over and bowed his head.

Such a person must be arrogant and arrogant.

I just want to find a chance to survive and make a comeback,

For them, dignity and trust are not worth mentioning, such as Wen Ce Tianzun is an example.

Would you rather die than surrender?

For this decadent existence, it has long been a joke. The two brothers, you are not forever and Yuanshou, only for profit.

Even if he is talented, he is still there, but because of the rules, his inner heart is essentially old and his blood is no longer.

"I won't kill you, let go of your rules and leave it to me." Fu Qingjun said suddenly: "You have no choice, because your resistance is just a dead end. I spent a little more time."

Fu Qingjun pointed to the memory light group he handed him, "With these, there is no difficulty in killing you."

The other party hesitated, gritted his teeth and made the most humiliating decision.

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