The main body of the 548th chapter obliteration


The Immortal World Venerable stretched out his palm and took out a regular white light ball that appeared in front of his eyes.

It is his immortal rules.

The immortal rules of the universe were intercepted by him at the source and hidden privately. This is the original version of the immortal rules.

"Yes, you are very self-aware."

Fu Qingjun stretched out his hand and gently held the light group.

Feeling the huge and incredible power of rules, is this the first version of the rules of the universe?

So in this way, all the rules of life are completely collected?

Fu Qingjun thought in his heart, suddenly lowered his head, looking at this prehistoric heavenly vener who had fallen from the realm of a saint, slowly stretched out a hand, and the energy slowly gathered.

"You promised me, you won't kill me."

The Immortal Blessed One was stunned, showing a touch of fear, and said sharply in resentment.

"Hehe, if the promise between our gods is useful, what should we pledge to do?"

Fu Qingjun shook his head faintly, and shook his hand gently in the air, "And, thinking about it, would you leave such a terrifying existence, coveting you in the dark? Every one of us knows clearly that we have to cut the grass and root."

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly."


Reach out and grab it.

"You have no morals!"

He roared, the soul consciousness of the whole person turned into droplets, his face paled, and the man with disheveled hair turned and fled, "It is detrimental to the prestige of Tianzun!"

He issued the final curse,

"You can be called the most evil and vicious existence in history!"

"Each of your pores reveals dirty and rancid common people's blood."

"The me of today, the you of the future."



Without the Heavenly Sovereign seat, he was simply at the mercy of others. All of a sudden, there was only a group of the largest pure white energy soul light ball left in place, slowly floating in place.

"Life is always so fragile, even the strongest existence in the universe is the same. In the face of death, all existences are treated equally."

"This is the talent and wisdom he has accumulated throughout his life."

Fu Qingjun stretched out his hand, and this ball of energy light floated slowly.

"This is what he has eaten from the wisdom and essence of the entire universe, and in this way deduced the future cosmic cicadas."

"It is important to get the rules of immortality, but his ultimate soul, which is a collection of immortal rules and frantically tempered, is also very important."

"Little Horn's soul is lacking. If this ball of light is used to complement it, she is a veritable ancestor of immortality."

Fu Qingjun looked indifferent, whispered softly, his eyes flashed through the warm scene in the cafeteria, "Little speaker, I'm so kind to you."

He didn't have much pride in achieving such results in this battle.

It's very simple,

Violently crushed in one breath,

Because he is not mindful,

Since he has sacrificed more than 20 family members of the Immortal Universe Era from his heart, there are hundreds of these Celestials. Even though they are suppressed and gathered into the self in front of them, Zero Zero always has 30% of the body's strength.

Then, he used the ultimate universe of seventeen epochs stacked together. Each Tianzun had 5% of the strength of each person. Putting it all together, he mastered the 40% strength of the whole universe's Tianzun seat. He is a single body. How can the comprehensive power of the universe fight against oneself? ?

It's no joke to crush the opponent hundreds of times, thousands of times!

Fu Qingjun knew the horror of the other party,

It is a super monster. Originally, he took 10% of his own body's strength and didn't integrate people like the Forbidden Celestial Venerable, and completely turned into his own body. Just 5% of the combat power of each Celestial Venerable, theoretically enough to completely crush Him.

However, he still did everything and did not allow any mistakes, so he bleeds hard and took out all the combat power he could come up with!

With 10% of the combat power, there is a 95% chance of winning, but with 40% of the combat power, there is a 99.9% stable win. It seems that the more the pile, the lower the cost-effectiveness, but in fact, he is too afraid of overturning against these people.

This is soundness.

"To win is to win."

"However, so many gods have died, and they are the gods of the twenty-one immortal dynasty. Although their rules have been recycled, how to explain them to the outside world is a problem."

"Well, the rules are completely recycled."

"A great enemy that threatens me is completely eradicated."

Fu Qingjun's expression relaxed slightly, but he still didn't relax completely, and took out the immortal rule.

"Take advantage of now, directly integrate back into my body and brand it. By the way, use the rule of indestructibility to check the pattern of this universe and see if there is any hidden hand behind the grand ancestor of this world."

"Sure enough."

Fu Qingjun slowly integrated the immortal rules,

After a while, he mastered this rule thoroughly, and was amazed at how terrible the rule was.

eat human!

This ability merges with oneself, it seems that he will be the unprecedented super overlord in the history of the universe, the strongest behind the scenes.

Immortality, longevity, oath, good luck.

The rules of the four major protagonists are completely in their own hands, and they can be called the unprecedented overlord of the universe behind the scenes, monopolizing all the black hands of the past and future eras.

"But, how do I feel that I am more and more like the ultimate boss that will be overthrown by the final protagonist?"

Fu Qingjun's complexion is getting worse and worse. UU Reading "In the future, the ultimate universe is born, the door of the eighth-order transcendence opens, and the young hero grows up all the way, bringing his own partners, and finally overthrowing my unprecedented , The combat power is a comprehensive black hand that integrates all the black hands in the past, and has gone through blood, completely reached the top, and ended in a happy ending..."

Fu Qingjun's face is completely wrong,

There is no sense of violation and.

It's so scary,

And according to the general trend of the universe, this is almost impossible...

"Me???" He stayed, he didn't dare to think about it, he could only study the funeral of killing the Immortal Blessed One before him.

"First use the rule of indestructibility, and then check the soul light ball of his obliterated consciousness, so as not to leave him behind." Fu Qingjun began to carefully check his soul light ball, "After all, according to Wen Ce Tianzun's precedent, he Drinking water may cram between my teeth...I am afraid that, too, I can't leave any hidden dangers, and I will never do anything!"

This ball of light, inch by inch, is extremely careful.

To avoid any problems when the small speakers are fused.

Using his indestructible rules, mastering the soul, may be able to detect some things that he could not see before.

In the endless chaotic soul, Fu Qingjun kept searching, but found a fragment of consciousness deep in the soul.

"You, how did you find here?"

The Immortal Blessed One turned into a baby, curled up in a ball of light extremely fragile, like a placenta, at this time looking dumbly at the huge giant face outside.

Fu Qingjun looked calm and answered honestly: "I always think you have a hidden means of escape, so I checked it seriously."

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