My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 555: 49 Alliance

The text of the five hundred and fifty-fifth chapter forty-nine alliance

"I'm not in a hurry anyway."

"I'm the murderer, making me look forward to the discovery of the body."

Fu Qingjun went to snipe the opponent's prehistoric universe, but there is still a period of time to be exposed.

During the period of Fu Qingjun's departure, the entire universe had undergone sufficiently chaotic and huge changes.

The chaotic early stage of the chaotic world gradually turned into big and small leagues, and the group of heroes was divided.

The saints from different universes live in different star fields separately, and they have begun to form a preliminary alliance.

The formation of alliances is an inevitable trend in history.

Hunting the rules together, and they have already begun to notice that the seats on the avenue are faintly forty-nine. Forty-nine people have joined forces to help each other hunt down other rule fragments. Everyone's interests are not in conflict.

Because it can only specialize in fragment collection for one seat.

However, no matter how strong the power of an individual lone ranger is, it is basically no better than a group of people traveling together.

The so-called personal heroism has always been a joke.

In a single tiny planet, perhaps because of the cardinal probability, there will be geniuses with Saint-level and Tianzun-level qualifications that far exceed those of other creatures. They alone are enough to push everything.

Looking at the huge universe, the larger the population base, the easier it is to smooth out this so-called personal heroism.

Because everyone is a genius of their own time, the ancient evil spirits of their civilization river system have no place to be proud of.

"This is an unprecedented trend."

"In the ultimate universe, an unimaginable number of all creatures have been ushered in. Saints are not as capable as dogs, and Tianzun is full of aptitudes."

"And these creatures, through the early chaotic and independent development period, almost all joined hands, each alliance, almost forty-nine members, help each other members hunting rules, so everyone calls it, 49 The Age of Alliance."

Qin Hong rarely went home, sat in the cafeteria and chatted with Fu Qingjun and others, and said with a smile: "Now this is a very interesting number, like the fate of the universe."

Fu Qingjun was eating and listening to this Tianzun's small chat.

"Then the Heavenly Lords of our immortal dynasty, there are more than forty-nine, so don't they kill each other?" At this time, Bai Yu asked next to him.

The second head, Bai Yu has always been a calm person.

He had devoted himself to the development of Miao Chuntang before, but gradually with the change of times, he soon couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

After all, the real geniuses are just those, most of them are people with insufficient qualifications, Bai Yu is like this, and the "Fu Qingjun" little speaker is like this.

How can there be so many geniuses?

Over the years, Bai Yu also married a wife and had children, leading a stable life in the rear.

And the three masters of Tang Meng and Fu Qingjun are third-rate qualifications.

They used a variety of resources to forcibly pile up to second-rate, and then forcibly mixed in to find resources in the first-line battlefield. After all, many powerhouses, and even some Tianzun, did not have the aptitude for enchanting.

The so-called aptitudes and talents, most of the time you learn, grow, cultivate, and comprehend slower than others. If people study for a few years, you will have to study for thousands of years.

And if your qualifications are not good enough, if you can fight for the Tianzun seat, you will not be too far behind most other evil evil Tianzun. You have studied hundreds of millions of years longer than others, how about tens of billions of years?

Tianzun's life span is enough for you to consume.

Qin Hong answered Bai Yu’s question, “It’s not the case. It’s just that a few forty-nine alliances have been divided. They will hunt for the rules instead of fighting each other, and go outside to collect the 49-rule fragments... at the last moment , They will do each other again."

Bai Yu nodded, very excited, "Good idea!"

After all, although you can't get to the front line, as ordinary people watching TV, it is still possible to discuss major national events after a tea and dinner.

"It's just that I don't know which forty-nine league will win in the end?" At this time, Fu Qingjun smiled and said, "Become the 49th Heavenly Sovereign of the new rules?"

"I don't know, but it is very important to follow the right organization. For example, if you are a little weaker, but the organization helps you hunt the rules, you will have a chance." Qin Hong said: "Of course, every forty-nine member alliance will be accompanied by hunting. With the continuous deaths and injuries, the members iterated rapidly, and new blood poured into it."

Qin Hong said: "From the perspective of our Heavenly Lords, there are two trends in the future. The first is a certain 49 alliance, which is getting stronger and stronger. They eventually defeat other alliances, win by themselves, distribute seats, and become a new one. The forty-nine avenue is supreme."

"The other kind is that when the fight has reached the final stage, every leader of the Forty-Nine Alliance secretly unites and abandons the members of their subordinates. Each of their leaders is added together to kill all their subordinates and distribute seats."

After listening to the analysis of these cosmic events, Fu Qingjun felt reasonable.

After all, the immortal heavenly court today is still the largest cosmic power, not one of them.

They also have the old heavenly lords who are suppressing the new world. Although they are no longer so absolute power, they are still the most terrifying force.

"In the past few years, His Royal Highness Amelo has led us to continuously develop the times and conquer the world." Qin Hong showed a touch of admiration.

Fu Qingjun listened and was very happy.

The good disciple I chose is so fierce!

Looking at this kind of talent now, it is necessary to slap the Wen Ce Tianzun of the year!

However, UU reading said that Wen Ce Tianzun has heard some of his presence recently, forming an alliance and starting to seize various rules.

It's just very low-key, very low-key.

"Speaking of which, do we really have to leave the general situation?" Suona's small horn was blowing next to him, and he suddenly asked very dumbly.

Everyone was taken aback,

The little speaker suddenly interrupted the conversation of the people, but it was very unexpected.

"That's it." Qin Hong nodded and touched the head of the small speaker and said: "Over the years, we have thoroughly ascertained that when the physical seats are condensed to a certain extent, they will have the ability to offset and resist the conceptual seats. Naturally, the ability and imprint of the oath can be eliminated.

"In other words, the oath rule, that is, has an effect on forty-nine conceptual seats... and the forty-nine seats on the material side can help offset this effect."

In order to be simple and easy to understand, Qin Hong used an analogy for the little speaker, "For example, you are a Tianzun who has signed the oath, and you can't resist the heavenly oath yourself, but you can ask the Tianzun on the material side to help you eliminate it, so the oath is annulled. "The little horn whispered: "Then they defeat us?"

"Of course not, we also defeat them. Based on the current findings, I can also offset certain abilities generated by their rules." Qin Hong shook his head.

The little speaker took a deep breath, "Then, can't we be so happy anymore?"

Qin Hong smiled bitterly, "So, we must work hard to protect this happiness."

The little horn suddenly stood up and raised his suona high, "Then several of us also form our forty-nine alliance, as newcomers, sail the great universe and conquer the sea of ​​stars!"

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