My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 556: Blind and foolish god

Qin Hong stayed, helpless to get up.

With the practice of Little Speaker over the years, it seems that now it is finally ushering in a qualitative change, and he is much smarter.

But with these words, the implementability is not very strong.

Little Horn's personality is deeply ingrained in her eyes. When she was a child, she practiced sound skills, which shocked her brain and crippled her soul, which led to the personality in front of her.

But it's pretty good, carefree, kind and happy, everyone likes her very much.

"Yes, Little Horn, when the time comes, we will go out of the mountains and conquer the sea of ​​stars!" Bai Yu echoed.

With the forgetful character of the trumpet, I will definitely forget this within a few days, and jump around happily.

"No, we are leaving now!"

The little horn blew the suona, facing out the window, "Little horn recently felt like he was awakened, he was late in bloom, and became very smart and powerful!"

After all, although everyone's qualifications are not good, they can have Tianzun seats, which can smooth out this qualification gap.

In this way, everyone in Miao Chuntang can live happily together.

Although Little Horn is a salted fish, he has the intention to protect everyone.

It’s just that I can’t tell everyone that I’m the real behind-the-scenes of the entire earth’s civilization. It’s likely that in the most remote era, the oldest first heavenly deity predicted by Amiro, Hormons, and Jiaxia was left behind.

of course,

Her memory is too broken, incomplete, just a guess.

Seeing that Little Horn's will is so determined, Bai Yu couldn't help but said, "Even if it is possible, our people are not enough. We are only a few people, how can there be forty-nine?"

"Then I don't care." The little horn was anxious. "We're going to set off. What if we don't try it?"

Everyone ignored her and all kinds of fools.

The little horn was so angry that he didn't dare to speak anymore.

She already knew that they coaxed themselves like kids.

Fu Qingjun smiled, "Little speaker, you practice suona in the cafeteria, practice cooking, and one day you will become a strong one."

The little speaker rolled his eyes frantically, "It's a lie again."

But she didn't mention this matter.

When this party was over, the little speaker returned to the room, gritted his teeth a little angry, "All look down on me, watch me sneak out as a clone and dominate the world."

The character of Little Trumpet is still the original silly character,


Because that group of soul energy was carefully cleaned up by Fu Qingjun, except for some memory fragments, it was pure non-attribute energy, which would not affect personality and have various side effects.

And the pure character of the little speaker itself, without evil thoughts, pure, natural, without malice, calculations, and even perfectly integrated with the soul group, perhaps this is the recent existence of the cosmic natural avenue.

"Huh, I'll go out by myself."

Little Horn has been cultivated by a saint these years, and naturally it will become a clone.

She parted a body, walked quietly out of the planet, randomly found a direction, and immediately started a walk-and-go trip.

Sitting in the dining hall, Fu Qingjun looked at the little speaker that quietly ran away from home, and laughed dumbfounded, "You really are so awkward and want to prove yourself."

Obviously possess the wisdom and talent, but still have the original character, do things without going through the brain,

Simply outrageous,

"It's okay." He reached out his hand and tapped slightly.

"I give you the blessings of the world of good fortune, eternal and immortal, just like me, condensing the ultimate flesh and blood body of the heavens of all things."

boom! ! !

There is something in the body of the trumpet.

The first emperor of the fourth good fortune dynasty of the universe, the Great Fortune Lord, mastered the entire cosmic body and granted a body with the power of all dependents.

The first emperor of the first immortal dynasty of the universe, the Immortal Blessed One, mastered the soul of the entire universe, and used the powerful ultimate soul condensed throughout his life to integrate into her body.

The two biggest blessings, accumulations, and achievements of the two universes,

The body of the trumpet is undergoing a certain degree of change, and the unprecedented soul and flesh and blood have begun a perfect fusion in a certain sense.

She didn't know at all, Fu Qingjun killed the Immortal World-Venerable, the most terrifying and intelligent man in the universe, and let her join the ultimate soul group of the Immortal World-Venerable that was exaggerated and slaughtered countless lives, and now has a match with it. His body merged, forming some unimaginable aggregate change.

"Where are you going?"

She stayed in the universe,

She can use IQ and talent to calculate the most reasonable direction, but she is too lazy to use it.

"Huh, where do you go."

She said crisply.

But she didn't know it at all, she went in the direction that was most beneficial to her.

She is not without deduction,

But after the body is fused, the body has instinctively, unconsciously, conditioned, and used its own terrifying wisdom to instantly deduced the best travel direction.

And this instinct is like a person's sixth sense, the instinctive reaction of the cell, like a neural reflex, is integrated into the depths of the body.

To put it simply, if he takes the initiative and does not think, the cell will help himself to think well.


Sixth sense,

"I don't know where the recent alliances of saints are. If I go to their lair, will I not be able to beat them?"

"The universe now is like a bunch of cottages everywhere, plundering and killing everywhere."

While thinking, she walked and blew suona, "I am the strongest first emperor in the universe. I have built the largest tombstone in the universe. Who dares to stop me, I will blow him to heaven."

Every move contains a huge natural rhyme.

That was the Dao Yun that she had never deliberately practiced, and it came out naturally in front of her eyes, because her body instinct helped him to realize his epiphany and began to cultivate...

You don't even need to use your brain.

And because she didn't go through the brain, she did whatever she voluntarily, which is close to the great road in a sense, and closer to the universe's nature than the decadent and indestructible Immortal Blessed One.

She is equivalent to an unprecedented pure gem.

She obviously does not have any Tianzun rules to bless her, she is obviously the most independent individual, but she has demonstrated unimaginable terrifying and extraordinary abilities.

This is the true limit of wisdom belonging to individual creatures,

With the help of the rules of life, and then perfectly break away from the rules of life, the true wisdom of life beyond all wisdom,

The entire universe, the past and the future are superimposed together, plus all kinds of adventures, she has long been so peculiar.

"The most outrageous instinct in the universe."

"However, it can be regarded as a pleasure. The muddy water that disturbs the world also secretly shot for me to block some of my vision."

Fu Qingjun looked at the little horns jumping towards the universe, as if there were no flies, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Go and play by yourself, blind and foolish god, little horn."

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