The little speaker wandered all the way,

"Oh, huh??"

"My IQ has dropped again?"

On this day, the little speaker suddenly wanted to use his brain.

But she found that her talent had become an ordinary person again, as if the place of thinking was no longer her brain, but her ass.

Although I am still much more awake than I was before, but I don’t have that powerful sense of mastery anymore.

"Forget it, ignore it."

She thought for a while, but didn't continue her research.

In fact, she has formed a unique instinctive creature, the most terrifying intelligent life existence.

She doesn't need to use her brain, her brain has been transferred to the cell instincts in every part of the body, and has helped her think.

Her wisdom and talent are terrifying, just like an ordinary person doesn't need to think and calculate at all, and instinctively knows that one plus one equals two.

In other words, her whole body is a huge brain monster!

And she is the little brain of this giant brain monster, and her little brain doesn't need to think, her body has already finished thinking.

"Walk around, stop, stop, this is the rivers and lakes."

The little speaker wandered all the way, and began to find that his luck was really good.

Obviously his strength is very low, but he has encountered the Forty-Nine Alliance, which is lower than his own. They have just begun to wander, newcomers out of the universe.

Moreover, he also happened to encounter fragments that happened to be his own saint's rules, and he was able to blend in perfectly.

All of a sudden, her strength soared one after another.

"Hmph, I won't kill you, the saint is a thief, but I also have the right to steal."

The little speaker still follows the rules of the rivers and lakes, walking along the way, still following the morals of the rivers and lakes.

The other powerful saints looked at each other,

"Who is this?"

"This is too..."

It subverts their worldview too.

Obviously she was a silly girl with a silly face and no brains. Along the way, she was inexplicably and extremely lucky to find their flaws and chased them to their hiding place.

Simply outrageous.

Is it possible to be foolish? ?

It looks stupid, but in fact, I have already calculated carefully and found our flaws?

However, it doesn't look like this.

Obviously he is innocent and innocent, without any thoughts.

What's even more outrageous is that she is entwined with all kinds of cosmic Taoist rhymes, which is very shocking, and her understanding of cosmic rules and tactics is simply unbelievable.

I don't know how thorough the order and rules of the universe are needed to reach this astonishing level.

And she herself didn't notice it at all?

Weird to terrible!

However, the universe is too vast.

Everyone in the long history of the universe has gathered together, what an outrageous geek, they have all heard of it.

What's more, they heard that the first generation of immortal gods was also an honest and muscular man who knew to eat, looked mentally disabled, and sounded like a urn, but in fact he was wise and foolish, possessing the greatest wisdom in the history of the universe!

There is something similar in front of me, is it the kind of pure Taoism that is close to the avenue?

They couldn't help but move in their hearts,

"Sister, is there still a shortage of people in your team? We are willing to follow you and fight in all directions!" A Tianzun-level qualified teenager said quickly, intending to hold his thigh.

Although saints are not as good as dogs, and Tianzun walks all over the place, it is just that, Tianzun-level qualifications are after all the strongest group of people in a cosmic era.

"You want to follow me?"

The little horn blew the suona and turned around, but suddenly became suspicious and looked at the group of young men and women.

In fact, many people have been defeated before, and it's not that no one said to join her, but she refused, and instinctively felt that those people had bad intentions.

But in front of her, she felt that these groups of young people were young and passionate, very spirited, loyal, and wanted to create a big business.

"It's not impossible for you to join me, but can you play suona? Do you know other musical instruments?" The little horn asked: "The worst, you can beat gongs and drums, and you can cook."

The young man present froze.

What is this requirement?

However, they had just been stunned by the other party's rules of the wind system, and they were completely defeated.

It was terrifying and appalling.

When hearing the harsh sound, the whole person's mind collapsed, as if seeing death looming in front of his eyes.

This is the song of **** death.

But their dignified saints, in the universe, are young talents that have been recorded in history, and even the cosmic overlord of a certain era, who dominates thousands of people, so they are allowed to do this? ?

Maybe it’s some kind of special tactics, they thought so seriously,

They can only bite the bullet,

"I can hit the gong!"

"I can sing!"

"I can play drums!"

"I will knock the pan!"


"Okay, great."

Little Horn is very satisfied. She has long wanted to form a band, but it is a pity that Big Brother Bai Yu and Big Brother Fu refused. They disliked her for being too noisy and affecting the neighborhood. "Then you follow me, I will gradually become the Forty-Ninth Avenue. "

She ran away from home without any pressure and troubles along the way. Sure enough, the universe is not as sinister as Qin Hong's sister said.


They followed the little horn.

Along the way, they mixed for a while, and they were convinced, completely admitting that the little speaker was their leader.

Let's go!

They beat the gongs and drums all the way to form a suona orchestra. They swaggered across the planets in the universe, and found that apart from embarrassment, there seemed to be nothing bad.

In this chaotic era where there is no "trust", it must be said that Little Speaker does have a strong personality charm, a strong leadership temperament, and it is worthy of trust.

the reason is simple,

The mind of the little speaker is clear at a glance. He is kind and friendly to people, and is relatively innocent. He has a simple style of acting and can't count them at all.

However, the general heads without brains cannot possess the talents and talents to serve as leaders.

But small speakers are different,

She is special, innocent and kind, yet possesses amazing wisdom and talent. She patiently teaches 49 members, each with a musical instrument.

Not only has the ability of the new avenue seat been fully utilized, it has opened up the road of the heart seat avenue that everyone is groping, and it can also be matched with each other.

Together, they played a piece of music, equivalent to the 49th rule of the universe. The avenues roared, the heavens shook, and the power of attack and kill was unprecedented!

"Play with the trumpet!"

The trumpet went all the way and blew all the way, followed by a famous saint playing gongs and drums behind him.

At this time, a hundred years have passed.

These saints followed the little horn, and the more they followed, the more shocked they became.

The journey went smoothly, avoiding certain traps, disasters, ambushes by the strong, and encounters everywhere. At first they thought it was a coincidence, but then they found that there were too many coincidences.

So there is a powerful presence in it, sorting out the previous logic all the way, as if there is some kind of terrifying to the limit plan, letting them walk along a good route and make a profit.

"What the **** is she???"

They looked at the little trumpets bouncing around, and they were shocked.

"It can't be calculated by her herself. After all, Sister Horn has been together for a long time, and we also know her temperament... Is it possible that she is the son of destiny, this luck?"

In the twenty-first cosmic era galaxy, the White Palos galaxy.

A group of young sage men and women are holding a large-scale newspaper, which says that the powerful men and women in the universe have been fighting in the near future, and all kinds of hot news.

"We are famous." someone shouted.

"In the twenty-first cosmic era, the destruction of more than a hundred groups in the White Palos galaxy has a new investigation result, which is the work of a newly-emerged saint group organization."

"The leader of the group, codenamed "Dead", used music to express the way, forming a group of forty-nine people, all the way, adding gongs and drums, forty-nine material seats, like an ancient emperor, sitting on the seats, overlooking and playing. The overture to the universe..."

"They have developed a new co-strike force that is extremely complete and mature, with an incredible growth rate, and is expected to become a recognized new semi-prestige force in the universe..."

They put down the newspapers contentedly At first, they followed the little trumpet reluctantly. Now when they think about it, apart from embarrassment, it seems that there are no side effects.

And they were completely convinced, the little speaker was so wise and foolish, her thinking was pure and clean, and she was close to a great road, and some of the music scores that she just created and handwritten were very amazing.

And on the other side,

After reading the newspaper, the fake Wence Tianzun, who has long been well-known in the universe, gently jotted down the transcript, "Another suspected existence of the protagonist of heaven and earth has appeared. After calculating it, there are more than 30 people."

Although he is in general, he does not think that he is the protagonist of the general trend, he thinks that he is rotten and old, instead, he looks for the possible general protagonist and potential threat.

It was this vigilance and walking on thin ice that made him grow to this level.

"Code name, die-playing, good at musical instruments... is another genius of a young age, terrifying to the limit of wisdom, forty-nine music, even better than me... I find time to meet her for a while. "

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