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But in Fu Qingjun's eyes, it is more appropriate to call it a small horn in troubled waters.

Fu Qingjun had never expected what little horn, a salted fish, could do. Even if she was given her incomparable talent, she would not do business properly, just play.

Her task is to stir the muddy water.

If Fu Qingjun had any serious calculations in the truth, he would not look for a small speaker. Wouldn't it be fragrant to look for Qin Hong, Yudura, Ziying and other smart people like Miao Gen Zhenghong?

Fu Qingjun did it deliberately,

Give her terrifying power, let her disrupt the universe, play everywhere, and become an unimaginable variable.

After all, even Fu Qingjun couldn't think of such a strange person as the little speaker, jumping around, what on earth was thinking, how could other people think of it? ?

"The general trend, since the general trend is destined, it can be estimated by others."

"Then I will use an anti-logical method to reversely disrupt the general trend. Even I can't guess the general trend, nor the protagonist of the general trend. The world is turned into muddy water, and perhaps this is the real way to deal with the'general trend'!"

This is one of the best methods Fu Qingjun thinks,

First, it can disrupt the structure of the universe. When the little horn is suona, everyone will follow me in a daze!

Second, if the layout is chaotic, fewer people will be able to guess Fu Qingjun's murder layout, and it will be difficult for these famous detectives to find out the truth about the biggest murder in the universe.

To be honest, from the moment Fu Qingjun started his hand, he knew that this would surely be the biggest flaw in finding himself, and he would lose everything if he was careless, but he still had to do this.

"All kinds of patterns have been calculated, do your best, and obey the fate."

Fu Qingjun's expression drooped, "The sky I want to listen to is not the general trend of the universe, but the little speaker. You, you are my mascot. See how you are messing up, can you help me fix something."

At the same time, Fu Qingjun has another attempt:

See if the big potential can come to the little "horn".

Because the little speaker does meet the three conditions of a young hero:

Young, passionate and kind,

Wisdom evildoer,

There is a big chance.

If the universe is a living thing and self-conscious, Fu Qingjun will never fool it.

But the universe is a dead thing.

His "big trend" position is just a kind of secretly maintaining the law of operation, a kind of white blood cells that clear the virus, the immune system, since it is the immune system, then it may be fooled...

You know, cancer cells can fool the immune system.

"It's an attempt after all."

Fu Qingjun smiled and said: "I have already fixed the spare tire for the general seat. It depends on who is the general protagonist who has been hiding and developing in secret. If I kill him, see whether the general trend will land on the small speaker."

Fu Qingjun had already arranged the funeral before he found anyone and beat him to death.


The whole universe is in a mess. "kill!"

All the material aspects of the young generation, half of the Heavenly Lords, took action one after another, teaming up to deal with the Heavenly Court of the Immortal Dynasty, wanting to **** the inheritance of the Immortal World Lord.

"Those who win the first immortal rules will win the world!"

Fake Wen Ce Tianzun shouted in the crowd, "You fight the Taikoo Heavenly Court, you righteous men, and a group of people will follow me to encircle and suppress the two Tianzuns, Immortal, and Longevity. In the past, the two of them overthrew me. Enmity is not shared, and I am familiar with their heels and feet, and if you follow me, you will win!!"

The young Tianzuns around were inspired one after another, and felt that it was the truth.

"Indestructible Tianzun, Yuanshou Tianzun, you two are the most decadent moths, watch me wait to kill you!" A young saint stood up.

Indestructible and Yuanshou, two old yin brothers, watching Wen Ce Tianzun bring the same group of young heroes over, couldn't help but change their color, showing a touch of panic, "Wen Ce Tianzun, we were..."

"Kill, you have to listen to them!" Wen Ce Tianzun sneered, his eyes flashed with raging anger.

The two sides collided one after another. Suddenly, the young generation's material plane seated Tianzun, and some of the new generation strong men who were famous in the small-scale galaxy fell a lot in an instant.


"Everyone, the odds of victory are imminent, Yuan Shou and the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, the other party will lose to us!"

Fake Wen Ce Tianzun sang loudly in the crowd, and then took advantage of everyone not paying attention, and in a huge energy explosion, he painfully killed a fellow daoist next to him.

Then the two people, Immortal and Yuanshou, also had a tacit understanding. Seeing Wen Ce Tianzun's move, they immediately violent and hurt the killer!

The three of them instantly wiped out all the young strong men who encircled and suppressed them.

"Hahaha, I have a sense of understanding, wait a minute, I will bring a group of people over, and we will make some extra money." Fake Wen Ce Tianzun killed this companion and seized the opponent's sage seat fragments, silently and Yuanshou Mie the two people looked at each other with ingenuity.

After all, they are all old friends.

Although Wen Ce Tianzun was very angry at the defection between the two of them, there are only eternal benefits in the world, and no eternal enemies.

In front of them, they didn't need to communicate at all, they knew what the other side was thinking. They were in two camps, and they started to fish directly in their respective camps. Taking advantage of the huge battlefield to engage in side business to generate income, they began to set traps and kill people by fishing.

Soon, Wen Ce Tianzun ran to another galaxy battlefield, and yelled among others, "Longevity, immortality, you are the end of the era, the old days are rotten, our young generation, how passionate is our younger generation? Destined to overthrow the decay and benefit all living things!"

Yuanshou immortal Tianzun, the two of them saw that Wence Tianzun was a mortal enemy, and couldn't help being furious, "Before we followed you, and then we betrayed, but we were forced by the situation..."


Wen Ce Tianzun acted and shouted: "You overthrew my old rule, this hatred is not shared!!"

Fu Qingjun saw this scene: Call the good guy directly.

You two are arrogant, you don't have to work hard and grab the rules of indestructibility. You are the enemy of our heaven: Wen Ce Tianzun, are you doing sideline business here? ?

Where did your previous feud?

Fu Qingjun was immediately speechless.

He couldn't help sighing, these three people are worthy of being "old friends".

Fu Qingjun said in his heart: "However, Tianzun Wence is already old, old and faint, and the new hero must not be him. There are new heroes behind him to help. I have to touch his heels and fish out. The existence behind him."

And at this time,

The frontline is robbing the rule of immortality,

"It's just a group of young half-seat celestial beings. I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. They dare to grab something with us before they have all the seats." Chen Weizhu said angrily.

However, I have to admit,

Time, space, and life are indeed not good at frontal fights. They even fight with these half-time heavenly venerables. Although they have been crushing the opponent, they can't kill the opponent.

After all, the material rule is the strongest rule of killing.

Generations of versions and generations of gods, new rules and versions have appeared, you must become the son of the version, and the scenery will be weakened for a long time!

It is conceivable that half of the seats have this kind of combat power. So far no one has collected all the fragments of a seat, but once the full seat is released, the traditional concepts and rules will inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

"However, they are a bunch of trash fish after all. We still have an oath in hand. They seem to have a large number, but they have no trust. Sooner or later, they will be taken advantage of by us." Chen Weizhu said: "The rules of immortality are very likely to fall. In our hands."

Amelo Chen Nianzi nodded, obviously not paying attention here, looking at the immortal and Yuanshou Tianzun two people in the distance.

Chen Weizhu took a look, and was furious, "These two people are fishing again! Instead of robbing the rule of immortality for us, they found a corner of the battlefield and our former opponent Wen Ce Tianzun~www.readwn .com~Do sideline killings!"

"However, there is no need to bother about it." At this time, the young Qianxiu Taizu smiled: "After all, they are also beheading the scattered Heavenly Lords and collecting fragments. They are stronger, not bad, they are doing good for us. ...As for Wen Ce Tianzun who teamed up with them, it doesn't matter if he strengthens his strength. Anyway, he is too old to be able to jump the waves... the young trend is not on him."

Amiro nodded, but his heart fluttered, "Only I know that he is a real young man. He may be the real protagonist... His luck is so exuberant. It is terribly exuberant. Mie and Yuanshou both fell on him, and began to join hands with him to do business to expand their heritage."

Unlike Fu Qingjun and Qianxiu Taizu, he was guarding each other, feeling that the other party was the protagonist of the younger generation.

"Think of a way to deal with the other party." Amiro carried his hands on his back and frowned secretly. As the former Wen Ce Tianzun, the ancient cosmic black hand who ruled all things, he planned to remain the other party, after all, he was familiar with the road.

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