My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 564: Become a wise villain?

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Everyone, including Fu Qingjun, did not expect that Wen Ce Tianzun was essentially a young man. This was his rise and protection. Everyone relaxed their vigilance towards him...

And he "pretended" to be such a rotten appearance, took advantage of the opportunity, and pretended to be vivid, which made everyone more convinced. After all, an old man in old age is not pioneering, thinking stale, rigid and aging, and the protagonist of the new world. Naturally it is not him.

Such a result will inevitably lead to the final:

His fisherman is profitable and has a good harvest.

"Even, he is not acting at all!"

"The highest level of his actor is that he even believes him! Believing that he is an old and corrupt, really thinks he is an old Wence Tianzun, so he can perfectly deceive the two old calculations of Yuanshou and Immortality."

Such a huge fortune, coupled with all the possibilities of rising in front of him, how can he not be frightened in his heart?

This is my own sin!

"I am indeed too old. In addition to my knowledge and broad knowledge, I can't match these young people who have sprung up like bamboo shoots. I want to support Chen Weizhu to the top, let the young and amazing her rise to the top, and even... help her win Tier 8 seats, help her kill each and every powerful enemy." She was already vaguely wary in her heart.

She closed her eyes and looked at Chen Weizhu next to her, "Even, I am not sorry for my death, and I am willing to pay all the price to help her reach the top."

The hero she longed for in her youth, the white moonlight she dreamed of, has always been her living support and dream, and even for her, she would rather sacrifice everything she has.

"This one Wen Ce Tianzun, I have to find a way to deal with him! However, I must also guard against other people."

This one is very vigilant, but it is only one of the people who thinks that he will overthrow him the most.

He never knew the existence of the "big power seat" like Fu Qingjun.

If he knew the secret of the seat, then he would definitely know that the seat was basically determined to be his substitute, Tianzun Wen Ce!

And Fu Qingjun didn’t know that Wen Ce Tianzun amazed everyone, secretly became his own son, making himself the ultimate boss of the universe, clearly mastering the huge information network of the entire universe, but still let this "protagonist of heaven and earth" be in Under my nose, I was jumping around, like the protagonist of a novel, pretending to rise everywhere...

In front of me, it’s even more direct pretending to compare:,

Killing other young geniuses with the Immortal Yuanshou Tianzun and reaping great opportunities is simply a dark and cool plot...

This is the proper treatment of the protagonist.

At this time, Fu Qingjun and Wen Ce Tianzun were clearly standing in the same camp. They were unable to exchange information and did not know the truth. The protagonist wandered under his nose and plundered resources everywhere.

This is the question of fortune!

Luck is on the other side's side,

With the wind and the water, the son of the destiny of the universe, there are all kinds of coincidences, helping to cover up the secrets, so that the existences who want to resist the universe will have to clog their teeth when drinking cold water and do things not smoothly!



How can it be so easy?

The entire universe does not know how many outstanding people, who want to live long and immortal, study all kinds of decay, and detach themselves from the control of the universe, but who can truly detach themselves?

At this time, Chen Nianzi said coldly in her heart: "I have to find a way to kill him."

"But, I can't reveal that he is fake, so I also exposed, I can only send someone to kill him secretly!" He carried his hands on his back and said lightly.

After all, in the entire universe, Tianzun Wen Ce is not highly wanted.

Everyone thinks that he is an old man who is dying and struggling, and it is the young hero leaders who are really worthy of vigilance.

Now that the heroes are coming together, Heavenly Court's financial and material resources are tight, it is too suspicious that he wants to gather the Heavenly Court's main combat power to jointly kill Wen Ce Tianzun.

"Others don't understand, but only I know his threat. As the strongest combat force, I have to suppress the main front line of the Heavenly Court, and I can't take action personally. I can only send my subordinates to look for him."

Wen Ce Tianzun hesitated for a moment, and studied the best way.

If Fu Qingjun was here and knew what he was thinking, he would be so angry that he would smoke:

Send your subordinates to hunt down?

Isn't this giving the protagonist, an experience note? ?

This is not the same as the plots of other novels. The BOSS can instantly kill the opponent. For various reasons, they can’t take the action personally. They send out mobs to let the opponent upgrade. In the end, they get rid of their wings and kill themselves step by step. ?

I hate iron but not steel!

Before seeing Fu Qingjun, I didn't dare to send a small shot.

In the end, the boss personally appeared on the stage. The opponent was adorable at the first level. Before he left the Novice Village, Fu Qingjun came up and closed the door of the Novice Village. The 100-level boss came directly to kill the Immortal World Venerable. This is the correct method. !

What about you?

It's like a villain boss reduced to a halo of wisdom.

But in fact, this is already the smartest and most reasonable way to deal with his own substitute from the perspective of Wen Ce Tianzun's identity, because the other party is a young person, only he knows the truth and cannot be exposed, so he can only shrink his hands.

This is also fortune,

He became the strongest protagonist of the new universe, Amiro, but because of his strongest emperor status and his connection with the other party, he accidentally opened the door to the other party's convenience.

Was tragically hit by the protagonist of heaven and earth's "Aura of Wisdom".

The terrifying Tianzun Wence seems to have become stupid and mentally retarded, in fact? He is still the most reasonable plan.

So here, the actual rise route and the future pattern are already very clear.

Fu Qingjun ignored him because he didn’t know that Wen Ce Tianzun was a young man.

Tianzun Wen Ce really knew, but because he didn't dare to reveal that the other party was a real young man, he could only send his men secretly to kill the huge threat of the other party.


The strong under his hand, like a mob, send experience bars.

In the end, the other party rose and became stronger along the way. The young hero continued to build up like-minded daoists. The young hero finally fought Amelo decisively and he was overthrown.

After that, Amelo, the most powerful contemporary emperor who overthrew the universe, ruled the world, but discovered the existence of the black hand behind the scenes of the universe, playing with the terrifying ultimate evil of the common people!

As a result, the other party fought Fu Qingjun again, overthrowing Fu Qingjun, and ushered in a new era of the universe.

Another new reincarnation has occurred, and young people have overthrown the decadent fateful era. UU reading

This is the mighty power of the "big trend".

This road upgrades the villain route of fighting monsters, the "big trend" seat of the universe, the script has been arranged, and it is waiting for Wence Tianzun, the son of destiny, to take advantage of the trend and soar into the sky!


A strong person is constantly fighting for it.

It is a pity that the rule of immortality was finally captured by the Taiyuan Heavenly Court.

"Huh, a group of mobs." Qin Hong of the earth heaven swept everything, sneered: "You don't have an oath, you are just a pile of loose sand. You dare not try your best. Beware of your companions. How can you beat us?"

All the half seats of the new Tianzun have begun to flee.

"Hunt and kill!"

Amiro issued an order.

The other Tianzuns started to intercept their seat rules.

At this moment, Amiruo thought, "It is time to send some strong men to attack Tianzun Wence and eradicate him..."

"He is the sage of the new seat, the Tianzun of the smaller half of the seat. The time and space heavens I sent to the old seats have been crushed by strength. Then they heard some details of Ce Tianzun, enough to kill him."

He plans to send mobs to send the experience notes.

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