My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 565: Little horn recognizes relatives

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This battle can be called the largest melee in the history of the universe.

Not only to fight for the legacy of the Immortal Blessed One, but also to hunt other prey.

After all, you can't get the rules of immortality, and you can't grab the strongest Amiro Heavenly Court today, but the strong people who come around to join in the fun, aren't their seats tempting?

This is the first large-scale meeting of all the strong in the universe,

It is obvious how tragic hunting grounds will be formed by people with fragments of their seats gathered here.

"The current battle, at least, can eliminate 80% of the people."

The small speaker doesn't need to use your brain, it's as simple as one plus one, and it speaks this data naturally.

"Sister Trumpet, so many?" asked a saint who was wearing a red bellyband and holding a snare drum next to him.

"that is not."

The little speaker was very proud, "After all, the number is still too much, tens of millions of seats, even if it is reduced in this way, only five people will live, and there are many others. This time it is the venue for the preliminary contest. The universe is too big. Let's talk about eliminating a batch of the most wasteful trash fish."

She patted other people on the shoulders, and said with a very old look, "This is the rivers and lakes. Once you enter the rivers and lakes, you will feel the shadow of the sword, life and death cannot be controlled by me."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but wake up.

They did not fight for the most precious indestructible rules of the universe, but for other rules of the universe, and now they have gained a lot.

Sure enough, the rule of immortality was very hot, and it was intercepted by the strongest Amiro Heavenly Court.

If they go to grab, the harvest now is far less than it is now,

"Then now, everyone is gone, what should we do?" someone asked.

"What kind of dismissal is this. If you want to go back, you have to meet a group of murderers who want to wait in an ambush on the road." The little horn blew suona, "Go, the music will go! Play for the strong in the world!"

She played,

"The heroes of the world come out of my generation, and the years when they enter the world are reminded."

"Hongtu domineering industry talks and laughs, it's too drunk in life."

"Holding a sword and straddling the ghost rain, the bones are like mountains and birds start to fly."


A sonorous and powerful voice resounded throughout the battlefield, and all the strong heard the BGM of the small speaker.

"Sister, don't we kill people?" someone asked in a low voice.

"No, I don't want to kill people when I just play music. I play music for the heroes of the world today!" The little trumpet swaggered, coming and going as he pleased. "This is a solemn moment. We don't have to go for that little profit and bad. The heart of playing!"

The other people’s faces are broken,

They knew that when the eldest sister came, he was interested, no matter what happened to him, what good was it, and the ten thousand cows who wanted to brag about suona would not be able to bring it back.

Little speakers don’t bother to pay attention to so many.

If it wasn't for the mystery of her own life experience, she, the salted fish, wouldn't want to come here.

Isn't it good to study music with your 49-day group obediently?

She has become more and more passionate about this band recently. In her opinion, strength comes second. Taking the rules of the saints and using them to ensemble musical instruments is the most moving.

As for whether he is the boss behind the scenes?

Did you create Sister Qin Hong and even everything about the earth yourself?

Although she wanted to know, she thought that even if it was true, she would not bother to care about it and continue to be herself, free herself.

From this point of view, the small speaker is the same virtue as Fu Qingjun.

Fu Qingjun feels that this sage rule is useless, how can the cooking be appropriate?

And the little speaker is not interested in the power and hegemony of the saint’s rules, and wants to study music sincerely,

But unlike Fu Qingjun, the pure heart of music theory, Little Speaker, is a kind of pure heart to seek the truth, not for power and power, but only for understanding and studying rules.

The little horn was born in the rivers and lakes, just like those swordsmen in those rivers and lakes, those swordsmen who are dedicated to kendo, that pure, do whatever they want.

The trumpet plays all the way, all the way,

She gradually moved away from the battlefield, making the others dumbfounded.

They were obviously one of the strongest teams, but they didn't hunt and kill like the others, like a tiger entering a wolf pack, instead they played their musical instruments and left happily.

Let the side be frightened all the way, the scattered people, seriously injured people who think they will undoubtedly die, have lingering fears.

The little horn walked all the way, across the battlefield of swords and shadows, and came to a planet of life,

Letting my heart move, my look felt like my soul aura, I came to an ordinary farmhouse, took away a newborn child, and left countless pills and rewards for their parents, a letter .

Everyone looked incomprehensible, why did the eldest sister take away the children from the mortal planet?

Unknown so.

But someone suddenly thought that, as I said before, the Immortal Blessed One, taking advantage of their internal struggle, at the moment when the universe merged, the young man was reborn and reincarnated...

Could it be that the child in front of me? ?

Their eyes lit up instantly.

The more I think about it, the more I think it makes sense. After all, although the elder sister will do messy and whim things, she suddenly steals a child, even if it leaves a compensation, it does not conform to the chivalrous heart of the elder sister.

"Sister, this kid is..." someone asked.

The little horn said carelessly: "It's me."

Everyone was stunned and shocked instantly.

This sentence contains too much meaning.

They had originally thought that the eldest sister's wisdom was a bit outrageous. Could it be that they saw something that no one knew at the time, and discovered the direction and location of the reincarnation of the Immortal Blessed One?

But never thought...

"Sister, why did you say it all of a sudden..." someone whispered, this is a terrifying mystery, if it spreads out...

This baby, but the most terrifying person in the universe,

Even if the monsters that have reached the top in the old days, even if they were not blessed by the rules of indestructibility, they were able to push the world by one person and seize the rules of indestructibility. There must be his most horrible thing.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter to tell you. I feel that everyone is good, and those who love to play music are not bad." The little speaker said openly.

Everyone was immediately moved.

The trumpet does have a special personality charm,

The little horn with a musical continued on the road, and said to the completely young baby very happily: "You are the young me and another me. I don’t remember the future, but I will Take care of you and tell you all the history and truth. Your genius will not be buried. Starting today, I will teach you to sue you."

"When the time comes, I'm tired of running away from home, I'll take you, take my band, and go back to see Brother Miao Chuntang Fu, Brother Bai Yu, and give him a hand of musical instruments, the first emperor of the universe, let him sue him and eat. He must eat happily."

Let's go! She blew suona happily, holding the baby.


The baby laughed suddenly,

Completely restore the immortal world-honor of the young age, the greatest deity in the history of the universe, the smartest ancient first emperor, and he has not realized what is going to happen to him.

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