My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 566: Little horn beats Wen Ce Tianzun

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Little Horn and the others are leisurely and chic all the way, but it is also very relaxed.

In the eyes of Little Horn, things seem very clear.

The world has only seen the two-fold escape method of the Immortal Blessed One, and she knows that there is actually a third level!

Can they estimate the wisdom of the immortal Blessed One? ?

Even the Immortal Blessed One who seemed to have successfully escaped, reincarnated as a baby, is a shield for himself, it's just a trick.

"In front of everyone, he played various deities from the wall, and the result was to escape and reincarnate, just to cover up my true existence. My Immortal Blessed One has long been awakened from the grave."

"And his appearance is to tell everyone that I only wake up now, not in the early days, it is to cover up the clues of my living in this world, my true heel!"

Like Fu Qingjun,

She naturally knew that when no one in the world knew of her existence, she was least likely to be overthrown.

As long as someone knows your existence, no matter how powerful you are, there will be a day when you will be overthrown.

And now?

She has completely concealed her real body.

Now, who knows that she loves to blow the suona trumpet and is the real man behind the universe?

Nobody knows!

Because she sealed her IQ, the super terrifying emperor with the most wisdom in the universe, in the eyes of everyone, was completely out of touch.

Even if she wakes up now, she still looks silly and silly, unlike the impression in everyone’s eyes.

"There is no other reason. The little speaker still doesn't use his brain to do things. It just doesn't like thinking with his brain. How tiring? After all, thinking instinctively with a cocked butt, the little speaker is enough to deal with the heroes of the world."

No one can imagine that the most intelligent person in the universe is the super lazy character who dislikes thinking with his brain the least...

This is also the best protective color for oneself to conceal oneself.

"But it is undeniable that, in order to be true, deceived the hero of the world, the reincarnated Immortal Blessed One is indeed me, a truly young me, because there is a sense of familiarity from the soul level." Little Horn holds the baby. , Small channel.

Is there no sense of familiarity?

You are the fruit of countless trillions of years of prostitution. You are dressed in other people's warm sheep's clothing, and they are the bald sheep whose wool has been slashed by you!

People are the master.

Wow wow wow!

The little baby burst into tears.

Even the other party has become an ordinary baby, at this time he has been squeezed to the extreme, completely young, and he can't even remember the memory of his previous life.

How can it be a tragic word? ?

"Well, don't cry or cry, although you are my substitute for the Immortal Blessed One, you have your mission."

Little Speaker suddenly looked pity, and whispered in his heart: "From now on, you will be the real Immortal World-Honor, contending for the supremacy of the world. Little Speaker has retired from the world, and just wants to be an ordinary third-in-chief of the rivers and lakes."

Little Horn looked at this little baby, planning to train it,

From now on, he will be the true Immortal Blessed One, and he has already retired...

"Teach him to play suona. From now on, he will be the master of the Forty-Nine Music Group, taking my place. The members under his command are all the countries I have laid down for him. He loves to dominate the world, so he fights for dominance in the world... When it comes to things that I don’t understand, I ask me who is hiding in Miao Chuntang, I use my IQ behind the scenes to help him, what he wants to do is none of my business."

"The young Immortal Blessed One, coupled with my mature wisdom, is a complete immortal Blessed One...enough for him to push the entire world, after all, I am the Immortal Blessed One but the first person in the oldest universe.

"Well! I'm tired of playing with the little speakers, so I'll go back to Miao Chuntang!"

The little speaker secretly ran away from home, and after playing for so long, I felt a little bored.

After all, she has always been a half-hearted and unsatisfied person, and now she can hold on for so long, which is already very good.

Soon, they retreated all the way from the battlefield, and they had come to the more distant edge.

At this moment, the fluctuation of battle suddenly came from a distance.

The little horn was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at it. It turned out to be Tianzun Wen Ce, who was blocked by a group of immortal heavenly heavens, who were frantically encircling and suppressing each other.

"Wen Ce Tianzun, we are ordered by Amiruo to encircle you!"

A veteran Tianzun powerhouse who respected the heavens said. "Encircle me?"

When Wen Ce Tianzun saw this scene, his heart was slightly shaken.

He hides so deeply, has not been exposed for the past few years, and has been defeated by his men. An old man who has just been fishing in troubled waters. If he doesn't fight against the other party for the rules of indestructibility, try to reduce his attention. How can the other party encircle himself?

Could it be that my exception was detected?

Amiro, it's really not easy.

It is indeed the first reincarnation that can overthrow himself in the prophecy.

He was completely Ling Ran in his heart,


The war broke out instantly.

Fake Wence Tianzun fought against him and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "I have to deal with them. The opponent came with the strength to crush me. My Wence Tianzun's combat power, logically speaking, will inevitably be killed by them. ...But do they think they have always been a decadent old man? I have become younger. Over the years, my young hero has also researched new things and new rules of tactics!"

"Weakness is based on the details of Wen Ce Tianzun who used the background to deal with me. Then they will suffer a big loss."

With cruel intentions in his heart, he didn't do anything and he planned to kill these powerful enemies.

The rules and various powerful backgrounds in them will be plundered by themselves!


Tianzun Wen Ce suddenly acted, taking the forty-eight Tianzun members behind him, "Brothers, follow me!"

In the distance, the small speaker that was inadvertently watched was dumbfounded, "Wen Ce Tianzun has been listening to sister Qin Hong saying that it is not a good thing. It has always been our enemy, from Bailong, the country of whirlpools, to Daxia. Dynasty Jiaxia has always been a great enemy... He beats our people from the Heavenly Court of the Beginning, and I am going to secretly help!"

"We shot. UU reading" the little speaker was very interested.

"Should we help Tianzun Wen Ce to overthrow the rule of the court and weaken the combat power?" a member next to him said.

After all, the current Amiro Heavenly Court is a hindrance to all the young Heavenly Lords, and so are they.

The little speaker rolls his eyes, is that his own person, okay?

"Let's go to Wen Ce Tianzun." The words of the little speaker shocked everyone.

However, none of Little Horn's luck and decision-making is wrong, even if it is bizarre.

"Start playing." The little horn said: "We didn't make a move just now, now let the world see what we can do!"


The trumpet began to play with everyone.

Tianzun Wen Ce's expression suddenly changed, only to see a group of bands in the mist in the distance, coming across the vast galaxy, playing the instrument of death in a dark and terrifying atmosphere.

Forty-nine Fragments Tianzun Seats join hands, and all the laws of the material plane are symphonic here, like a musical instrument that has just opened in chaos, perfectly converging.

Tianzun Wen Ce was suddenly hit hard, looking at the small speaker in the distance, "We are obviously on one side, why did she help Heavenly Court? What madness?"

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