My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 577: The strongest wall grass in the universe

Faced with the targets of all parties, Amiro Heaven finally began to act.

They merged all the rules of the new Tianzun to form a forty-nine new half-seat Tianzun, to sense cause and effect, and locate the positions of other new seats.

After all, the material seat and the conceptual seat cancel each other out. Their three ancient concept heavenly masters can hardly capture each other's movements and can only use the physical rules as a medium.

"Originally, we didn't want to be so fast."

"Unfortunately, they are forcing us to chase and kill them forcibly!"

Some gods were cold in their hearts,


In just ten years.

They have begun to close the net. Under the positioning of the new Tianzun, a large number of the old three regular Tianzuns will formally encircle and suppress the new seats of the Tianzun and plunder their fragments!

A large number of gods were killed by them!

There were more than 90 people in their infighting, but in the blink of an eye there were only more than 80 teams left, and they were still rapidly decreasing!

"How dare they?"

On a planet, Yuanshou Tianzun, who was responsible for the encirclement and suppression, led a team on a rampage, hehe sneered and said, "How dare you provoke us like that? It's just looking for death!"

Next to him, a certain generation of emperor Tianzun from the immortal dynasty also laughed, "It is true that their power is far stronger than our heavenly court, but because there is no'trust', they are destined to be unable to join forces. They can only be a piece of loose sand, but we can Join hands, be intimate, and break them one by one!"

"They seem to be several times stronger than us, but in fact, they are nothing more than strong outsiders and insiders!"

"Now, they don't even unite, they hug their heads everywhere, each avoiding one side, running away and hiding, trying to survive."

"Hahaha." Yuanshou Tianzun laughed loudly when he heard this. "You don't understand, they don't need to really run away, as long as they run faster than the others."

"Do they dare to unite? They are all stabbing each other behind the back... Honestly, we wouldn't be able to do this if we hadn't had an oath!"

"It's worthy of an oath. The rules of the previous generation of overlord emperors. They wanted to overthrow the old king, and they are still a little tender. This rule is against the sky. How can it be easily overturned?"

Yuan Shou Tianzun can see clearly.

"Run, they are running."

But someone else smiled triumphantly: "Can they run? Time, space, life, frontal combat power is not as good as their pure power rules of material power, but we can be called weird and changeable, as long as we use the same attribute rules to locate They, chasing them down, it's extremely simple!"

"Oh, I’m not happy to listen to your words, my fellow Daoists. Our three major conceptual rules are not just weird. Even in their heyday, I don’t think they are weaker than the material rules! The positive is that we can’t beat them, but we Time, space, and life, why do we need to be positive? This is our strength!"

"Yeah yeah."

"It makes sense."

All the gods agreed and smiled.

They became more proud,

"They really thought that our Amiro Heavenly Court had nothing to do with them. We were just laying the net. Now that the ten Heavenly Venerable groups are united, it is the time to attack them!"


They rushed all the way, annihilated and hunted down many Tianzun groups.

Soon, Yuanshou Tianzun led this wave of people to a prosperous life galaxy group, where countless civilizations multiplied and prospered.

Even above the vast starry sky, you can see countless stalwart powerhouses, moving mountains and filling the sea, melting planets into huge plate continents, entrenched in the starry sky.

These pictures exist in every corner of the universe at this time,

In the past, 99% of the universe was barren and human, but now the common people who have been born in the ultimate universe for countless times have gathered here, and life can be seen everywhere.

"The other party, right here, the breath is very clear."

"Everyone, explore everywhere to form an encirclement. If you find it, just give it a signal."

A famous Tianzun, in accordance with the usual practice, separate investigation operations.

Yuan Shou Tianzun also routinely went to a place to investigate, and he came to a human street.

As long as they want, they can easily destroy this mortal paradise,

At this time, it is the Great Thousand Universe, and there are millions of such extraordinary worlds, and they have seen too many.

However, if they are not necessary, they are unwilling to kill.

This is not compassion, but a kind of fear, fear of cause and effect, destiny, and general situation.

"It may make people laugh and laugh. The more powerful the existence, the stalwart overlord who surpasses the long river of time, the more superstitious and faithful they are. If necessary, no one wants to touch these mortal causes and effects."

Yuan Shou Tianzun's heart was calm, and the meteor strode forward.

Suddenly, he saw a white-haired old man dressed as a Taoist fortune-telling on the edge of the street.

"Wen Ce Tianzun, why is he here?" Yuanshou was surprised.

If other people are besieged here, he won't think there is a problem, but he has been familiar with Wen Ce Tianzun for too long, an old acquaintance, and knowing his cunning, how could it be so simple to get caught?

However, the huge aura of the fragments of the regular seats on his body will not be fake.

Did he make a mistake?

How can it be?

The old Taoist raised his head, "This brawny man, do you want to fortune?"

Yuan Shou sat down generously and said, "I want to fortune telling."

The old Taoist said: "What do you want to be?"

Yuan Shou squinted his eyes and laughed, "I want to calculate, your fortune today, can you go out alive, and when will the huge treasure you carry with you be collected and divided by us."

The old Taoist priest shook his head indifferently, "You are afraid that you don't know the rules. In our industry, we should count people and not ourselves, but should we count as you?"


Yuan Shou was surprised at once, the other party was so calm, I was afraid that he would have been prepared.

But he happens to have a huge number of regular fragment seats, which are intercepted here, and the number is huge. I'm afraid that his family is here. Is he still so calm?

"Calculate my fortune over there." Yuan Shou said suddenly.

The old Taoist took out a weird tool, counted a hang on the table, and suddenly appeared surprised, and said: "Your Excellency has a great fortune. He is the protagonist of the heaven and the earth, the dragon and the phoenix among the people, the man to whom the destiny belongs. , There must be a great opportunity to meet a destined noble person to reach the highest peak of dreams!"

"Nobleman?" Yuanshou glanced suspiciously at the other person, aren't you talking about yourself?

You can hardly protect yourself, return your precious person?

But I saw the old Taoist priest, the gods and gods took out an ordinary wooden box, "I'll pinch and count, this is your chance, and it's already prepared."

In an instant, Yuan Shou Tianzun felt the huge fragments of the rules seats.

Yuan Shou couldn't help but change color, and he was very uncomfortable: "It's useless if you bribed me. I can't secretly let you go. You are already trapped. To be honest, I don't want it, I can't do it..."

Yuan Shou shook his head, "You are Tianzun Wen Ce, don't you know the binding power of the oath? I can't betray, you bribe, and I can't take it."

But I saw the old Taoist smile, "It's the usual thing! But you can take this thing in front of you. If you take it, you will be the strongest overlord of the universe, the greatest opportunity, and even as a hero, overthrow the decadent Ah. Milo Heavenly Court Dynasty!"

The old Taoist priest slowly opened the wooden box.

At this time, Yuanshou Tianzun discovered the specific content of the wooden box.

All the fragments of seat rules on Wen Ce Tianzun are here.

And this is not the body of Wen Ce Tianzun, but a clone, who came here with a huge seat of rules, and it attracted their encirclement and suppression!

After all, they would never have thought of this, they turned out to be clones,

There is no young Tianzun who does not stay and fuse their own seat fragments. They generally perceive the seat, such as the opponent's body, and directly pursue and kill.

Would rather die together with your seat!

And in front of Wen Ce Tianzun is just throwing himself into the net, and he doesn't want the fragments of the regular seats!

However, just when Wen Ce Tianzun thought the other party was stupid and gave away a lot of seat fragments, he saw that the seat fragments inside were all of the same attribute.


Yuan Shou Tianzun stood up suddenly in shock.

He knew the intention of the other party in an instant,

Under normal circumstances, he couldn't accept bribes, but the moment he accepted the bribe, the shackles on him were lifted instantly.

"I understand."

Yuan Shou Tianzun burst into tears and cried bitterly:

"I have been undercover for so many years, and the organization finally came to pick me up. Do you know how I have been in the enemy camp all these years? I cry day and night, and secretly wash my face with tears every night and bear the humiliation. It's really uncomfortable."

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