My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 578: Yuanshou is aspirational, spring breeze is proud

"I'm a fortune teller, can't you?" The old man looked at Yuanshou Tianzun, who was crying and crying.

"Too accurate."

Yuan Shou Tianzun was moved to tears and couldn't help but said, "Thank you for the organization to pick me up. I am in their evil organization heaven, and I have tried my best. I finally waited for this day."

"Back then, if it weren't for them to persecute me, I wouldn't have hurt you. After you were overthrown, although I joined their heavenly court, I was waiting for you to come back day and night..."

Wen Ce Tianzun was very pleased, "I know you are nostalgic."

"You know me, I am the most nostalgic." Yuanshou Tianzun looked bitter, wiped away his tears, and cheered up.

"I don't have to say much, and there is no need to say more. You know what happened. Once you accept the rules, even if we don't push you, you have no turning back. You can only go with the trend."

Tianzun Wen Ce handed over the rules, and the figure of this old man gradually collapsed, disappeared, and died. "Today, I am the strongest person in the entire universe. I hope you remember my kindness. I could choose countless people. As the protagonist, I chose you."


Yuan Shou Tianzun clasped his fists and said, "I keep in mind the kindness."

Wen Ce Tianzun nodded and disappeared.

Yuan Shou Tianzun looked at the other party's disappearance, holding those seat rules.

These fragments of seats just approached, they were drawn by the rules in the dark, and they were completely integrated with themselves.

An unprecedented brand-new breath, majestic and vast emerges, rushes and converges, forming a material whirlpool.

"what is that??"

Some of the Celestial Lords who were besieging and suppressing suddenly looked sideways.


I saw the entire universe trembling slightly,

They felt as if something ultimate incredible was born, and the ultimate existence descended on this world, slowly opening the curtain of innovation.


They felt that the universe was changing.

It was a mysterious and mysterious feeling. They seemed to see an extremely horrible and beautiful scene in their eyes, and they felt something in their hearts. The picture presented:

A huge cosmic cocoon that shed its pupa again and again, and with more than 30 pupa accumulations, it completely tore the cicada pupa. A pair of beautiful and rotten wings stretched out. A giant butterfly of the cosmic era is breaking its cocoon. Go out and travel the sky.

"I'm afraid this is forty-nine new heavenly seats, and one of them was born!"

"How can it be?"

"Our Amiro Heavenly Court clearly monopolizes every seat, and every seat cannot be complete!"


Everywhere in the universe, a well-known strong man is extremely incredible.

And in the ultimate horror vortex, a truly powerful new Tianzun was born.

Yuanshou Tianzun glanced around, laughed, and said: "Unexpectedly, I would directly break out of the siege and become the first Tianzun in the universe!"

Around, a famous Tianzun who participated in the encirclement and suppression has arrived, looking at Yuanshou Tianzun in amazement.

They thought that it could be any arrogant, any genius,

But never thought that it was this bad old man who could not keep up with the times and would just stand by and mess around.

"Yuan Shou, what are you?" Someone stayed.

Although the truth has been thought of, it is still difficult to accept.

"I am free."

Yuanshou Tianzun laughed and said, "I am already the Tianzun of the new seat, and I am already the Tianzun with two seats! I am the Yuanshou Tianzun of the old universe, and the third in the material plane of the new universe, Chen Quan Heaven!"

Although it is one of the weakest rules in the third overall, Morning Volume, which controls the quantum scale of the universe, it is also a new rule.

Even if the weakest, but other new seat rules have not been released, it is also the strongest today.

"I am destined to stay in history."

Yuanshou Tianzun laughed loudly and said: "Today I am comparable to the immortal world's prosperous world at the beginning of the universe, and the world's first Tianzun, symbolizing a great era!"

The other celestial beings changed color slightly.

Yuan Shou Tianzun looked at them with a look of surprise, "Why, you are going to besiege me?"

Yuan Shou Tianzun was not afraid at all, he smiled and looked at a dozen people around him.

The old time and space deities of the old deity, and a group of new seat deities.

Although he is now the strongest and the most powerful first person, but he can't stand the siege of the dozens of people in front of the veteran strong Tianzun. They besieged themselves, and they will still die.

But he was not afraid,

"You guys still want to join forces to kill me, is it possible?"

Surrounded on all sides, Yuanshou Tianzun shook severely, and a huge flood of energy washed the surrounding Tianzun.

The besieging Heavenly Sovereigns felt that a certain brand connection in their bodies was broken and offset for an instant.

"You!" Some Tianzun was shocked and angry.

"I removed the trust in your hearts. In this way, you are also in a mess, and you have to join hands to deal with me?" Yuanshou Tianzun laughed and strode away.

The other celestial lords looked at each other, and suddenly became vigilant to each other, and for a while, no one was chasing them!

After all, without the oath, other heavenly veterans can kill them behind their backs, seize the fragments of their own rules, strengthen their strength, and strengthen their combat effectiveness.

"The Amiruo Oath Dynasty, it's over."

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly sighed and despaired, realizing something terrifying.

They looked at each other vigilantly, and for a while, they didn't even want to return to the Amiruo Dynasty.

After all, how do they return?

There is no oath imprinted in the body, do others still believe in themselves after returning? What do you think of yourself?

Even if Emperor Amiruo is rebranded, it is useless, because the brand is no longer an absolute credibility, it is not trustworthy, it has no effectiveness, it makes no difference whether it is marked or not.


The first Tianzun walked outwards.

The other Tianzun also thought for a while, chose a direction to leave, and went away separately, not returning to the palace of Amiruo, but looking for a place to hide in secret.


A strong man turned into a meteor, scattered around.

It didn't take long for a powerful person to suddenly feel the aura of a powerful enemy fighting in the distance, and it turned out that someone was ambushing the scattered them!

Who would dare to kill them? ?

They took a closer look, and it turned out that it was Yuanshou Tianzun who had just left proudly.

They spit out old blood!

"He was so shameless. He just faced our encirclement and suppression and left with disdain. He was certain that we would not join hands to stop him. When we dispersed, he turned around again, defeated one by one, and killed us in a fair manner. The one who is alone?"

It's shameless!

But they looked at the direction of the battle, UU read the book hesitated for a few seconds, and did not plan to join forces in the past.

No matter how strong the opponent is, their teamwork is enough to defeat each other, but they took a look, secretly asked for blessings, and continued to leave.

Without trust, they are just a mess.

Every family has swept their doors.


A Tianzun vomited blood, "Yuan Shou, you must die!"


"Before, you have been taunting me, saying that I am rotten, saying that I am dirty, and scolding me?" Yuanshou Tianzun severely defeated a powerful old Tianzun, guessing the other party's body, and laughed:

"If you join forces, you can still fight a fight. I have the strongest combat power in a dual-seat universe today. If you fight you, you can't even escape."

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