My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 579: Kill the heaven, behead the decayed emperor

The new seat was originally meant to be the master in the world, and the combat power was obviously higher than that of the seats of the same level.

And he is an unprecedented double seat!

In general, the deity can only have a single seat. Only when the new era has appeared, will there be a double-seat deity, with one seat for material and concept.

Is it as simple as 1+1?

His combat power, just as everyone expected, the strongest terrifying monster in the world!

Wen Ce Tianzun did not make a mistake.

They created a terrifying biggest enemy to overthrow the rule of Ami Luo Heavenly Court, although this powerful enemy will not only deal with Amiro, but also against them.

Therefore, they chose the weakest Yuanshou elder, and there is no such big threat.

"Hmph, Wen Ce Tianzun, are they observing me in secret?"

Standing in the galaxy, Yuanshou Tianzun killed one of his companions. He didn't care, he was very disdainful, and was proud of the spring breeze. "Let them see, just a bunch of clowns. They are even more scattered, and they are not threatening to me."

He just called Renjia Xiaotiantian, and said that he must know the reward, and now he is finished, he is called Mrs. Niu, it's so merciless!

It is worthy of being one of the three most famous decays, and he has never talked about credit.

"The news of my birth will surely spread throughout the Amiro Heavenly Court soon."

Yuanshou Tianzun secretly said in his heart: "Although I can break their vows, if they react and prepare to deal with my dying struggle, it is still very tricky... I must attack immediately before they react. Their heaven!"

"I went directly into the royal court of the universe, taking advantage of their unpreparedness, to dissolve the vow rules on them in one go, waiting for them to be a piece of loose sand, there is no evidence."


He turned into a meteor and rushed straight into the royal court of Amiro.


The other side.

Fu Qingjun looked calm and was drinking tea.

He looked under his eyelids,

100% mastery of the rules of the universe, slowly the numbers jump,


In just one contact, Yuanshou Tianzun disintegrated his family's brand and freed a group of Tianzun.

In fact, it not only offsets the "Oath" stigma, but also offsets the stigma of "Dependents", which is completely flattened.

Fu Qingjun lost a group of "sons."

This is going to be a little uncomfortable,

The Ultimate Era Great Tribulation has already begun,

His family members have begun to be branded off, and they have returned to their free bodies one by one.

"God is going to start killing me."

Fu Qingjun stood up, with his hands on his back, looked at the sky coldly, and said, "Before, he borrowed my hand to kill the Immortal World-Venerable. Today, it wants to use me to operate...Before the great torrent, I was like a man's arm as a car. ."

His family members are descending crazily!

After all, this is the version update of the universe. This is the "trend of the general trend." The new general trend will inevitably restrain the old trend perfectly and overthrow the other side perfectly.

It was just like when Fu Qingjun's good fortune rules were updated to perfectly restrain Wen Cetian's vows.

Today, his rules have also been defeated by the new rules,

This is the law, and Fu Qingjun is no exception.

"The policy of yesterday, the me of today."

"This day, after all, it is the prelude to the prelude that I will be overthrown."

Fu Qingjun was silent for a moment, and suddenly stretched his waist, and laughed at himself: "It hasn't been long before I became the throne. No one in the world even knows that I am the one who controls the entire universe. I will face this end."

Fu Qingjun can already foresee,

This is just the beginning. Next, my mastery of the universe's relatives will drop rapidly, reaching a freezing point, and eventually losing all the relatives of the universe...

Strength will be completely exhausted.

"But the only thing to be thankful for is that they only feel that there is a brand in the body, which can be eliminated, but they don't know that in addition to the oath brand, there is a deeper family brand..."

"Although they removed the brand, they thought it was the brand of the vow, but they didn't know my existence."

Fu Qingjun spoke lightly and took a sip of tea, "It doesn't matter if it drops to 0%, as long as I am still alive, no one will discover my existence. Sooner or later in the future, I can climb back to 100% and let everything in the universe exist. , Re-included under my command."

"I just need to keep hiding."

"Moreover, I also need to get the strongest seat of the material rule against the rules of good fortune, one side is twin, the strongest one on the material side, even if it is also a dependent rule, which can control all the chaotic material seats on the material side. The physical heavenly sovereign becomes his own dependent."

Fu Qingjun has already got half of it.

Just get him again,

Fu Qingjun can control the two major material aspects separately, and no one can overthrow his own rule in this world.

"And if I didn't guess wrong..."

"I have seen the eighth-order gate, where is it?"

Fu Qingjun suddenly laughed, "The eighth level should be the ultimate supremacy of the dual-seat universe... the two rules are ninety-eight in one, and they will turn into the ultimate existence of the universe and open the door to the ultimate."

No one knows this except Fu Qingjun.

Because only Fu Qingjun’s vision can see this power,

In short, the breakthrough method of the eighth level is to turn the two forty-nine deities in the world into their own sons, a part of their own body, the rules of all things, and the chaos into one...

"However, they seem to be able to easily destroy my first black-handed shield, Amiro... the royal court is about to destroy it!" Fu Qingjun suddenly laughed, "But, she is not that simple."

After all, it would be funny if the man behind the scenes he appointed is so easy to be overthrown.

The opponent is also resistant and has a layout,

Although it is not as difficult as it was at the beginning to overthrow Wen Ce Tianzun, an old yin stuff, Amiro will not be so easy. He will be overthrown by sentient beings, and he still has to struggle a bit.


Fu Qingjun smiled and looked into the distance, "Interesting things are already happening."



Yuan Shou Tianzun directly entered the heavenly court and acted vigorously.

The other gods rushed out one after another, looking at the good fortune gods, they couldn't help being shocked.

"Wonshou, how did you lose the connection with the vow..."

"Wait! You are already a new seat Tianzun..."

Before they had time to react, Yuanshou Tianzun's breath shook violently, offsetting their oath rules!

Yuen Shoulang said: "Today, I want to attack the Amiruo Heavenly Court alone. This Heavenly Court is very sinful. I see that all the Heavenly Lords are not all bad guys. UU Reading gave you a chance, and they all dispersed. "

When everyone was in a daze, Yuanshou Tianzun was still so shameless, and said so magnificently.

However, when the oath was cancelled, they were fighting on their own, and facing the strongest current double heavenly deity, they would not be able to make a move.

I dare not join hands for fear of stabbing a knife in the back,

If you don’t join hands, you are far from the opponent's opponent.

Anyway, I don’t want to kill myself. It’s better to watch the excitement in the dark. Anyway, I’m already free. Today Amiro’s heaven will be over...

All kinds of thoughts passed through their minds, and they couldn't help but step aside.

"Hahaha, count your acquaintances! You decayed, you should have thought about it and reformed!"

"But now you can retreat. Today, I came with a knife to kill one person. The chief criminal of the universe used an oath to monopolize the world and block the birth of the new era emperor, Amiro!" Yuanshou Tianzun, Yi With a straight face and blood, holding a big knife, he strode into the universe palace.

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