To be honest, Fu Qingjun was a little troubled.

  Because he is already cutting meat, his power is not as strong as he was in his heyday. Although he has basically never done anything during his heyday, he has been hiding salted fish. It is simply the most wonderful work of the ancestors of the universe.

   And his prosperous deity really started fighting once, and he attacked the Immortal Blessed One, with hundreds of times stronger than the other party, and beat the old man...

   is simply the most humiliation of the Emperor Taizu of the universe, and it is simply shameless.

   But now, his strength is indeed exhausted, and it is somewhat difficult to deal with this Wen Ce Tianzun...


   His power is only one-third of his heyday, he is cutting off his wings and power, and dormant deeper.

If Tianzun Wen Ce is killed in the face of the prevailing torrent, his method is to reincarnate, Jin Chan escapes his shell, re-flows with the trend, and mixes into the camp of the new general protagonist, the Son of Destiny, then Fu Qingjun is faced with the general torrent. , Is just a direct head-on!

  He was going to make a big shot,

  He wants to directly go against the current trend and directly kill his general spokesperson, the son of destiny, and the protagonist of heaven!

   But, how terrifying is the current trend? ?

   Fu Qingjun, the largest ship in the universe, is extremely unrealistic to go upstream in the rushing river. He has to cut down the wings and area of ​​his ship to reduce the impact of the tide on him.

   "I also have to head iron."

  Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "If I can continue to stubbornly, can I not stubbornly? But now I have to seize the opportunity to fight for the world's only chance of detachment."

   Fu Qingjun is Gou, a development of wretchedness, but not counseling.

   "If I were like them, yielding to the protagonist of the general situation, and eventually survived, but I can only become a hero, not the founding emperor, and become the ultimate eighth-order detached existence."

   He wants to kill the eighth-tier candidates appointed by the Dadao, and the general situation of the universe will settle the world as the son of luck for the future emperor, and replace him.

   He wants to forcibly kill the main protagonist, rule and master all the rules, and enter the eighth-tier gate!

"Others, it’s not that they don’t want to be like me, it’s because they don’t know the general situation of Tier 8, but blind people touch the elephant, fight for each other, and dominate the world. And I know the existence of the'big power seat' and the rules of the'mandate of heaven'. To deal with his candidates and replace them."

  How to deal with Wence Tianzun?

  Fu Qingjun thought for a while, but didn't think of a great way.

  Because of the updated version of the universe, the new version has weakened his strength. Now the entire universe is in chaos, fighting each other. Even if I really know who the main protagonist is, he may not be able to kill the opponent.

  Because the opponent's heat has begun to become a success...

   "However, Wen Ce Tianzun is not in a hurry... even if he is the protagonist, he doesn't know my existence, or even the existence of the second layer of small speakers."

   "He is the protagonist of the general trend, so he must fight hard against the monopoly behind the scenes on the bright side, that is, fight Amiro. This is the fate of the two of them, and they have even begun to compete with each other..."

   "As long as I continue to watch the two people fight, I will watch the'Heroes Quest Dragon Boss' for a while."

   After all, Tianzun Wen Ce is not doing well now,

   He had already started the game at a disadvantage, was played by Amiro Chen Nianzi, and exposed him as a **** to everyone, everyone was wary of him. Very passive.




   At this time, Wen Ce Tianzun was surrounded and suppressed by everyone, but one person forcibly killed several of them, making the others fearful.


   "How can there be monsters of this level in this universe!"

   "Is this the Emperor Taizu? It is not at the same level as ordinary Tianzun powerhouses!"


   The other heavenly veterans showed fear, and already had a retreat. No one wanted to die here suddenly.

   After all, Wen Ce Tianzun has shown them that his talent is countless times greater than them. He is a monster through and through, if not discovered by chance,

  None of them thought of the future of such a monster, they kept pretending to be an old man behind their backs, yin them, and watch them fight...

   After thinking about it, I felt fear.

   "You guys, do you still want to encircle and suppress?"

   Wen Ce Tianzun sneered, "You are not really encircling and suppressing each other, you have to beware of each other, and you want to attack me together, even I look worried for you."

   Although he doesn't have a new seat in his hand, he is only half of Tianzun, but his combat power is too exaggerated.


   "Wen Ce Tianzun, when you are done, you must become a public enemy in the universe!"

   "Your reputation is bad!"

   A group of Tianzun rapids retreated bravely, quickly dissipating everywhere.

   "Want to go? Leave one for me as many as possible." He casually looked for a direction and went directly to one of the heavenly beings. Since it was exposed, one could kill one.

   Soon, another whale came to an end on the entire battlefield, killing everywhere with invincible combat power.

   The other Tianzuns watched and evaded one after another.

After killing one pass, Wen Ce Tianzun looked bad after all, because everyone ran away as soon as they saw him, “It’s troublesome. It seems that I have made a huge profit by killing it in a short time, and accumulated a lot of wealth, but the world also knows about me. It’s terrible, just like meeting those top group giants, just run when you see me, it doesn’t give me a chance at all!"

   The current pattern is very delicate,

   Those top giants, because they are too strong, Qianxiu, Death Burial, Qin Hong...other groups ran away as soon as they sensed them, and they won't give you a chance to kill him.

   These top-notch powerhouse groups are currently growing slowly!

   And those weaker groups, on the contrary, catch up with the first echelon at a very fast speed. Why?

  Only when everyone is of equal strength, are relatively weak, and belong to a weak public level, will the two sides fight each other when they meet, and when they fight, they will have the opportunity to annex each other.

   And you are too strong, people won't fight with you, and they won't die.

   "I have also been noticed by everyone, so I can't make a fortune in silence."

   Wence Tianzun's face turned black, how well did UU read www.uukanshu.cOM before? No one knows their powerful combat power, and there is no need to kill others to expose them. There is a group of people who give gifts. How fat do you live?

   But now it was targeted, and the gun shot out.

   Although it is also recognized as the first echelon and one of the strongest, but it also fell into the predicament that no one can kill, waiting for the latecomers to slowly catch up.

  Wait for those groups with overall strength to follow up, and everyone's level is balanced, so that someone can kill again, and the other party dares to fight you...

"I'm not feeling well."

   Wen Ce Tianzun rampaged everywhere, messing around on various battlefields, hoping that the news of some Tianzun groups would not spread so fast, would run away without seeing themselves, and as much as they could make.


"it's him!"

   "Wen Ce Tianzun, that bitch!"



   Wen Ce Tianzun's face turned black.

   How much do those running animals hate themselves?

   I am afraid that I will say bad things about myself and expose my own details.

   I'm too difficult.



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