My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 586: Beat down the dog, chase and kill wildly!

   Wence Tianzun wandered around, walking around in this vast light-year battlefield,

   He hoped that in the collapsed ruins of the Amiro Heavenly Court, among the strong men who killed and fought with each other, secretly cut their faces.

   What a pity...

   Those strong celestial bodies fought and fought each other from a distance, sensed his regular aura, and ran away at once, without even daring to tell the victory or defeat.

   "Let's go! Stop quickly, that old **** is staring at us!"

   "It's worthy of being the biggest decayed existence in the universe. It's too terrifying and disgusting. These methods really teach us a lesson!"

"I bother!"


   "Others said that you can't listen to his rhetoric, and he won't believe anything anymore when he speaks."

   They ran away cursing.

  Fake Wen Ce Tianzun: "..."

   He stayed all over.

   As for this?

   I really have nothing to do in this battlefield. I can watch your battles from a distance and watch to pass the time.

   "Those guys, they hate me in my bones!"

   "All the celestials in the entire universe long river battlefield already know my details! They even rushed around to tell other people about my seat aura, so that once they sensed it, they would stay away from me?"

   The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he got.

   The few people who ran away before did nothing, nor did they go to kill other strong men. They just acted as a newspaperman, running around in the ruined battlefield to tell?

   Still saying bad things about yourself everywhere? Propaganda runs when you encounter it? Lest he start a sneak attack?

   This is detrimental to others!

   They cheated themselves, and they have no good! They also waste a lot of time to get opportunities.

   But Wen Ce Tianzun also knows the reason why they did such an irrational thing, "I'm afraid it is because I was mad and disgusted by me, even if there is no benefit, it will make me uncomfortable..."

   This kind of mood is not understood by ordinary people.

   But you can put yourself in and think about it:

   Just like those online dating, being crazy PUA by green tea bitches, online dating selling houses and cars to give gifts, paid more than 100,000 yuan, but when they met at an offline hotel, they found that the other party was a muscular man, and turned himself upside down?

   These young people can't stand it!

   This social beating is not something ordinary people can bear.

   The shadow of this mental area is simply indescribable.

   "Oh, I can only wander around."

   Wen Ce Tianzun walked around, leisurely.

   After a while, he suddenly sensed that a familiar aura was fighting in the distance, madly crushing, and dispelling the opponent's vitality.

   Where is the strong, attacking other people here?

   "I'm afraid this person is not weaker than me!" He couldn't help but approached quietly, and discovered that it was Yuanshou Tianzun who was attacking other Tianzun!

   Wen Ce Tianzun immediately admired secretly,

"Yuan Shou Tianzun is worthy of being an old yin... he got a new seat and is the only dual-seat strongest Tianzun in the universe. He just killed Amiro and overthrew Amiro's heavenly rule, facing everyone. He looked at me and left..."

   "But in fact, when everyone was fighting, he secretly killed another carbine, and attacked some heavenly deities. Before they could react, it was a careful calculation!"

   Yuanshou Tianzun, to be honest, I can't beat him right now.

  Because he got a crowdfunded new material seat, Chenliang, he is the real universe overlord.

   What's more, he has also become younger.

   With dual seats, he can hide his breath and approach the opponent quietly. When the opponent notices, the opponent can't run away at all.

   And he can't do this. Even if he hides his breath and gets close in secret, the other party finds that he can escape.

   This makes him very envious.


   Yuanshou Tianzun dealt with the young Tianzun, turning his head to look, he obviously found himself.

   "Huh? Isn't this a dao friend Wen Ce?"

   Yuanshou Tianzun turned his head, he smiled, and looked at Wen Ce Tianzun, "Before you were kind to me, so I am today. We are indeed old friends, unlike those young people."

   "Yes." Wen Ce Tianzun also echoed in the distance.

   "It's rare to see, I'm already ahead of others, why don't we retell the past." Yuan Shou Tianzun looked sincere.

   Yuan Shou Tianzun Chen Weizhu, sneered in his heart:

   can be considered to find you!

   We return to the battlefield, hunting and sneaking on other young Tianzuns is the second thing, but the main thing is to look for you!

   Chen Weizhu and Chen Nianzi together, not only learned to pit Wence Tianzun, but also planned to turn around and come back to find Wence Tianzun to kill the roots!

   Hurry and kill!

   Who is his real Wence Tianzun?

   Like Fu Qingjun, he is so rotten that he doesn't talk about martial ethics. He likes to beat down dogs and cut the roots.

After all, he was bewildered by the general situation before, misjudged the strength of Wence, sent his men to hunt down, and almost suffered a big loss by sending experience, but now this false Wence Tianzun actually forced himself to such an extent, the dynasty collapsed, and he was completely awake. Cognition.

   This person is his true enemy!

   Never stay!

   So, he tried his best and stepped forward to block the door.

   is really like the naive villain in those novels, look down on each other, always send hands to give experience? Wait for the other side to develop and finally kill yourself? He directly used the strongest strength to come to the door.

   Now, planning to kill the opponent!

From this point of view, Wen Ce Tianzun is worthy of being the most amazing and terrifying opponent in the universe. He once beat Fu Qingjun so that he can't take care of himself, and directly turned into a crazy and hacked "back pot Tianzun" tricky monster. !

   As an opponent before, he was one of the strongest opponents. Now as a teammate, he is also the most reliable teammate of God!

   She is now giving a young hero like Fu Qingjun a vicious lesson, beating him, and turning him into a "green bitch" who is everyone's spit!

   "We're going to have a long conversation." Yuanshou Tianzun kept approaching with a gentle expression on his face.

   "Yes, we can talk about cooperation, after all, the old friendship is there."

   Wence Tianzun is a little relieved, it seems blood loss just now, and now the situation is somewhat reversed, at least with the current universe's strongest Tianzun Yuanshou cooperation, he can also get those benefits.

   After all, Yuan Shou is his own person, at least the whole universe does not want to see him, these corrupt old people, become young.

   My luck is not too bad after all.

   "We should have a good talk." Yuan Shou Tianzun slowly approached calmly.

   "Yes, we can talk about our teaming up to ambush other new Tianzun. We two people get half the result with half the effort..." Fake Wence Tianzun was still thinking, but suddenly discovered that something was wrong.

   Chat just chat, this Yuanshou Tianzun keeps approaching, what does it mean? ?

   He suddenly noticed something was wrong, got up and retreated, and at the same time said: "Yuan Shou Tianzun, we should keep a safe distance, after all, we—"

  His voice hasn't finished yet.

   Yuanshou Tianzun suddenly violently chased after him, frantically narrowing the distance between the two people, and rushing towards him.

Fake Wen Ce Tianzun was completely stunned, "I kindly help you to make you an old man who is never able to reach the top and is marginalized by the universe, and become the supreme of the universe. As a result, you still talked sweetly before. UU reading cheated. I want to play the rules gift, now it’s over, will I take revenge?"

   He was anxious and smiled, "It's fine if you don't believe in faith, and still hurt me as a killer???"

   in a trance,

   He suddenly felt that this kind of deception was not similar to him just now?

But in the dark, the real Wence Tianzun sneered, "Playing this kind of routine with me?? When my old lady was playing yours, when I turned everything into fun, you still had tens of billions of years. Not born yet!"

   What happened to me today?

   is all bad luck, one after another.

   Wen Ce Tianzun ran away, completely uncomfortable, "Yuan Shou, you are not such a person, why are you killing me? There are so many young and powerful people in the world, and there are many who are not weaker than me!"


   This Chen Weizhu wearing Yuanshou Tianzun has a sad and moved expression on his face.

   "Wen Ce Tian respects my friend, our Taoist friend has been for tens of billions of years. I miss you crying day and night, washing your face with tears, what are you running? We must get close."

   With a confidant and very touched look, she chases and kills the opponent, and she plays the wall of Yuanshou Tianzun vividly, into the woods.



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