My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 589: 10 The Despair of Death Without Life

   chase and kill.

   is crazy chasing and killing.


   There was a gallop, and only this thought was left in Wen Ce Tianzun's mind.

   But, run, where can you go?

   can only run laps on the spot and walk in S-shape.

   was surrounded by those heavenly lords in all directions,

   Even for Wen Ce Tianzun, who can constantly reverse the situation, create miracles, and reverse the desperate situation, this is truly a complete death!

   He felt the real fear of death.

   "Can't run away!"

   "This can't get away either!"

   "This plan is impossible!"

   "Ten life!!!"

   His mind is spinning fast, and the death is already in front of him.

   "The young Wence Tianzun, really terrifying!" Behind him, Yuanshou Tianzun Chen Weizhu walked step by step, but he still had a lingering fear. If no one stopped him, maybe he would really run away, but now...

   "Wen Ce Tianzun, you are extremely sinful."

   Yuanshou Tianzun, in front of the entire universe Tianzun, chased and killed, while scolding:

   "Your talent and wisdom may be young, but your heart is still so rotten!"

   "This is a fact that cannot be changed! People like you are not worthy to compete on this ultimate battlefield and fight against all geniuses! The age belongs to young people!"

   "You are worthy of being the greatest decadent emperor in the entire universe! With sinister intentions, malicious schemes, and unscrupulous means to achieve your goals, there is no morality and justice in your heart!"

   The celestial lords could not help but secretly agree, and they were also in this Colosseum, yelling from all directions.


   "Stop such an evil person!"

   "I lied to our hard-to-fight rule fragments, and also lied to our emotions!"

   is like a football stadium. They burst into flames like fans. They are very lively, but they are yelling from all directions.


   Chen Nianzi thoroughly took advantage of the victory and pursued, and completely activated the ultimate skill of the white lotus: the appraiser.

   Skill introduction: Once activated, you can stand on the commanding heights of morality and scold the opponent for moral corruption, make everyone angry, use the pressure of public opinion, and attack in groups!

   "I'm a good disciple, I'm not learning well these days."

  Fu Qingjun saw this scene, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he was a little scared, "Before a well-behaved cooking girl, she also loved to blow suona, how come this is now?"

   "Wen Ce, he is basically dead, even I can't think of any way he can run."

   Fu Qingjun shook his head, "The protagonist of the general trend will also be defeated. After all, first of all, he is a person, and if he is a person, he will be defeated and killed..."

   Killing the main protagonist is difficult, but not impossible.

   Chen Nianzi Amiruo got the essence of the black hand behind the scenes, suppressing and killing, using various strategies and calculations to put the opponent into a desperate situation, and he was extremely proficient.

   and what’s even more amazing is that

   Generally, the protagonist of the general trend is surrounded by countless partners, countless nobles, and a strong person will follow him.

   The general trend is the way of heaven,

   Those who gain the way help more, those who lose the way are few.

   And what's in front of you?

   I am afraid that Wen Ce Tianzun is in front of me, and I am afraid that he is the first young and passionate protagonist who has been beaten to be rotten, betrayed, and abused by everyone, and has no passersby!

   is outrageous!

   The most infamous Son of Destiny in history.

   "However, Wen Ce Tianzun is the protagonist of the general trend, which is somewhat outrageous."

   Fu Qingjun thought about the logic of the whole thing, and felt a bit contrary to it.

   "Even though, I can understand it as the ‘big power seat’ of the ultimate universe. Now with the times it has never been stronger than ever. As long as the general trend comes to that person, even the old man will become younger..."

   "But, is the old man Wen Ce Tianzun really the most qualified protagonist?"


   Fu Qingjun had to admit Wen Ce Tianzun's talent.

   If you can make him young, he is naturally the most suitable candidate for the protagonist of the general trend, after all, he is the destiny of a certain generation of general trend!

   But, other young people have no similar talents?

   Must come to this old man?

   "Perhaps, it is the general trend that the sword is going slant, and the general trend senses the future laws of the universe, and descends on Tianzun Wen Ce, who has the most chance to rise. After all, he has a natural protective color and is talented enough!

   "Wen Ce Tianzun, the most likely to subvert my rule!" "Using decay to defeat my decay?" Fu Qingjun's eyelids twitched slightly.

   "To be honest, if it weren't for the skin of Tianzun Wen Ce, I would have noticed him!"

   "I have miscalculated now. If it weren't for Chen Nianzi to discover the other party's abnormality, I am afraid he would really rise up!"

   Fu Qingjun has a lingering heart,

   From this point of view, he, the protagonist of the general trend, is indeed the most suitable for Wen Ce Tianzun!

   Fu Qingjun never thought that Wen Ce Tianzun was a thorough young man from beginning to end, but thought that the general situation made Wen Ce Tianzun the old man younger.

   After all, Wen Ce Tianzun changed players at a very early stage. When he still had the most crushing advantage, he abdicated at the peak and heyday, and the rapids retreated bravely. Who could think of this?


   From the general logic point of view, Fu Qingjun's reasoning is not wrong.

   The general trend chose him, naturally because he is the "Wen Ce Tianzun" status, and he has this huge protective color, which is the reason why the general situation values ​​him.

   The facts have also proved that he can rise to this day, and he is credited with the identity of Ce Tianzun, at least 80%!

   From this perspective, all of Fu Qingjun’s understanding is correct.

   came to him because he was Wen Ce Tianzun, but Fu Qingjun did not expect the second reason, this Wen Ce Tianzun was still a real young man!

   If he knew this, then all his doubts would not be difficult to understand.

   The real young man is also the identity of Wen Ce Tianzun, this is the most perfect candidate for the protagonist of the general trend, and it is an inevitable choice of the law of the dead universe to come to him.

"But no matter how to clarify the logic, he is going to die." Fu Qingjun took a sip of tea, sweetened his mouth, and murmured, "This is mellow and rich, round and smooth tongue. Good tea."


   but only saw the next second.

   Yuan Shou Tianzun Chen Weizhu has caught up with each other,

   Although Wen Ce Tianzun's speed is extremely ridiculous, and the speed difference between the two sides is not big, but his realm is due to his physical strength after all.

   was already exhausted at this time, and was quickly chased by Chen Weizhu, who was still physically strong.

   In an instant, with just one blow, the entire Yuanshou Tianzun flew upside down directly, knowing the life or death!

   "I'm full, I want to go back to the dormitory and take a nap."

   Fu Qingjun saw this and slowly stood up.

   In his vision, Wen Ce Tianzun is bound to die under this move.

   Fighting power crushed more than ten times, even if it is the most terrifying wisdom in the universe before the reappearance of the immortal Blessed One, facing such a predicament, it is difficult to survive, let alone his talent is far inferior to the immortal Blessed person?

   But in the next second, Fu Qingjun went to the dormitory and slowly stagnated, feeling that something terrible was born in the ruins of the explosion of death.


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