My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 590: Pretended by him


"I saw..."

   is on the verge of final death.

   Wence Tianzun squeezed out all the potential of his life.

   He sensed the limits of his body's rules! Entered into an unprecedented state of understanding!

   The entire universe seemed to be still in front of the eyes for an instant, and countless frames, textures, and patterns were all exquisitely exposed, like a 3D plan view of a building.

   "I actually realized it..."


   With a hearty laugh, he burst out.

   A complete seat on the material side can only be fully activated after 100% of all the fragments have been collected. Otherwise, even if you get more fragments, even if it is 99%, you can only use less than 10% of the power of this seat.

  Completeness and deficiency are two concepts!

   Even, the power that can use this seat is too small, you just probably know the rule direction of this seat, but you don't know what the specific rule power is, you have to collect the completeness to reveal it!

   Because of this, Chen Weizhu, who pretends to be the Tianzun of Yuanshou, has 100% power enabled, and she has dozens of times the combat power of the normal Tianzun in one breath!

   Other rule fragments, no matter how much you collect, you can only use less than 10% of the power.

   And where is him in front of you?

   Accompanied by his enlightenment, he has clearly grasped 57% of the seats, and he can barely use the power of this true complete rule, which shows that his understanding is beyond common sense.

   "Break through before death!"

   "Faced with the pressure of this real death, I surpassed my limit! I reached an unprecedented height!"

   "I'm afraid that in front of my talent, even if the Immortal Blessed One is alive, it can be compared!"

   "You need to know that he can have the first wisdom of the universe with the help of the power of the soul seat, and I am an independent individual, without relying on others, and relying on my own efforts, I have this kind of exaggerated wisdom!"

   He is afraid that he does not know that he is the son of destiny of the dominant position, the person of the beloved, and he can reach this point under the blessing.

   is it all on his own?

   It's all on my own efforts?

   But the level of shamelessness has vaguely assumed the demeanor of other mature bosses, Wen Ce Tianzun, Fu Qingjun and others. It can be seen that this young man has begun to mature completely after being beaten by the society, and he is beginning to shame...

  He finally understood the truth, the universe is too sinister, and in the vast era of trustlessness, to walk the world, all he wants is shame!

   "My rules are so wonderful....Sure enough, the sky never stops me!"

   He burst into laughter in his heart, heartily, and he really came to a dead end.

   "With the power of this rule, he is the third-ranked four-elephant rule, the lowest third category, how can he fight me? Even if I only have half of it, he is far from my opponent!"


   As the explosion center calmed down, Wen Ce Tianzun walked out slowly, looked at everyone and said, "I'm still alive, everyone, are you very disappointed?"

   Everyone stayed,

   Under that kind of attack, it is impossible to survive!

   But everyone observed him carefully and found something more terrifying,

   As if the whole Wen Ce Tianzun's breath had changed, he became a completely different person.

   You must know that the easiest way to confirm the identity of a Tianzun is to sense his seat breath.

   These cosmic-level existences can be disguised, and their appearances are ever-changing. Only their seat aura and the power of the heavens they hold are always the same.

   But where is it?

   A completely different Tianzun Wen Ce slowly walked out of the ruins.

   "What are you?"

   Chen Weizhu stared at each other blankly, "You changed the seat rules on your body? Replaced with defensive rules, and still resist my attack this time??"

   As soon as these words fell, all the onlookers were in an uproar and were shocked.

   This is simple to say,

   But in the entire history of the universe, no one can do it!

  To change a new rule seat, you must fully understand the new rule, which is extremely difficult to do!

Of course, this is difficult to understand, but there are people who can understand each seat at the same time. In the long years, Wen Ce Tianzun has served as a Tianzun in almost every Tiandao seat, and naturally every seat can understand. .

   However, even if Wen Ce Tianzun knew another rule, he couldn't change the rule in seconds!

   To make an analogy:

The    rule is like the computer’s CPU, you have to shut down, open the case, replace it, restart...

   And they are like this, you have to remove the rules, become a mortal, then slowly blend into the rules, and then become another deity...

  This kind of operation does not say that you were killed at the moment you became a mortal in the battle. Even if it is a normal process, it will take as long as one month to complete the transfer of seats.

   So changing in battle is impossible in the entire history of the universe!

   even said it, the ridiculous thing that was immediately laughed at!

   Is it right in front of you?

   "How did you do it?" Chen Weizhu said blankly.

   "Because my talent is unprecedentedly strong, I can do it by changing the rules a little bit." Wen Ce Tianzun said lightly.

   How can a normal person do this?

   Of course he wouldn’t say that it was caused by his rules,

  His rules are mysterious and terrifying, I'm afraid it is the first sequence, Hunyuan.

   turned out to be a parasitic rule, which can control other rule seats and serve itself.

He holds the fragments of the rules of countless seats in all aspects, and he controls a defensive avenue seat in front of him, making himself the heavenly sovereign of this seat. The yin and yang seat fragments in the second place will be defensive. This terrifying offense from the opponent!

   "This is unprecedented. I have never seen this type of rule."

   "Unfortunately, I can only control one at the same time."

"But in front of me, I only use some of the real rules of the seat fragments to control only one. If I can complete the seat, will I be able to control not only one, but ten, or even all forty-nine seats. ?"

   He was breathing quickly, "I am alone, I am the forty-nine material face heavenly?"

   Own rules are the first chaotic sequence.

   There are only four seats in the Chaos seat, and the one I got, I am afraid it is the most powerful one!

   Even if he hasn't seen the other three, he doesn't think the other three seats are as powerful and terrifying as his own.

"What I got, I'm afraid it is the protagonist seat rule of this ultimate universe era. It is comparable to the rules of oaths and can control the other forty-nine deities. Once this rule is obtained, it will rise to the top, and it will be able to control it. It must be the emperor of the universe!"

   He was very excited.

   I'm an old and strong person, and my luck is always not too bad. I accidentally got the strongest protagonist rule in the universe and integrated it into my body.


   He looked at his surroundings dumbfounded, naturally he would not tell the truth, he had a great opportunity to be really targeted.

   "Of course, I rely solely on my own efforts. Otherwise, how do you say it did it? Do you have a try?"

  Wen Ce Tianzun looked around and couldn't help but said faintly, "You don't know Wen Ce Tianzun in the young age, right?"

   "I was far beyond Amiro's existence back then."

   "At that time, I could change my seat at will. If I were not old, would I be overthrown by future generations if I didn't have the peak combat power of my youth?"

He opened his arms and looked like a strong villain. He laughed and said: "Now, let you truly be the me of the peak age, the real combat power? I am not capable of overthrowing the elderly. Now if I can defeat the peak age. I am your talent!"

   Chen Nianzi: "..."

   It's her turn to spit out old blood!

  I was so fierce in my youth?

   Young I can change seats while fighting, I don’t know?

   I have never been so outrageous!

   is like a variety of monsters like crazy change of rules seats, fighting everywhere in the days of war.

   "Damn it, he is going to be beaten to death, who knows he was pretending to be." Chen Nianzi's complexion was low, and his heart felt uncomfortable.


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