Fu Qingjun has never had illusions and hopes about himself, and he will not be discovered.

At present, I belong to the type that will clog my teeth when drinking boiled water. How can I pray that Tianzun Wen Ce will let me go and not study the rules of dependents he has, the opposite concept of rules of dependents?

He was afraid that he already had doubts in his heart, and had huge doubts!

It's just that I don't expose this doubt at the moment!

It is also to ensure one's own safety and concealment. Just like Fu Qingjun, he knows two sides of the same body. One of them is exposed to the world, and the other can't escape!

"He must have found it in doubt, buried in his heart, developing silently, and then thinking about reaching the top, and then he will fight with me!"

Fu Qingjun secretly said in his heart

"However, the ghosts and him developed silently. The peak showdown is really when I don't know that he is in great power? The battle between him and what I call the peak is clearly the process of fighting monsters and upgrading by himself. At the end of the level, I will go to the peak of my boss , And then I was overturned. Who doesn't know this process?"

Think of yourself as a stupid warrior spirit boss, waiting for you to develop like in the story, sending someone to intercept you to give you experience, waiting for your peak, and then fighting with you?

"You will definitely be beaten to death. You have to be self-knowledge and be tough with the son of destiny. That's a sand sculpture and brain damage."

Fu Qingjun is not stupid.

Since he is about to be exposed sooner or later, he intends to break the boat and choose to stack himself with the fourth stealth buff to solve the crusade of sentient beings during self-exposure!

My own stand-in team has been stacked several times,

The first floor, Amiro.

The second layer, small speakers.

The third layer is oneself, this point can’t get away

But when Fu Qingjun intends to be discovered, he will put a layer of bright and stalwart himself, the third time behind the scenes, it is the bright and stalwart himself!

Hidden the real emperor who was born with the infection and used his hair to belong to everything in the universe on the fourth floor!

Although the third and fourth layers are both themselves, they are completely different. The image, style, justice, and integrity are completely opposite.

However, he is not stupid enough to expose his true footing,

When the little speaker is dug out, the third layer of my own body will also be dug out.

His public identity is already in preparation

Guo Shi Qingjun, the best friend of the immortal Blessed One in the oldest universe in the early days, only a few years ago, he smuggled and reincarnated with the Immortal Blessed One to the distant future generations.

Because the Immortal Blessed One not only predicted the cosmic wall and the ultimate universe, but also predicted that the universe is a cycle. In the future, the version of the "rules of good fortune" will be updated again!

At that time, the Lord of Good Fortune, intends to regain the new protagonist rule fortune, and try to reach the top of the universe!

Yes it is,

The rules of good fortune have just been updated!

It’s definitely not updated very early. Someone hasn’t done a lot of ridiculous things with this rule. What everyone thinks is non-existent!

I, Fu Qingjun, is the prehistoric prehistoric **** of good fortune, and now I have come into this ultimate universe, and just got the updated rules of good fortune. As for the previous thing?

Sorry, nothing has been modified.

"The cosmic dynasties of the whole time are my blood. That's a fact!"

Fu Qingjun shook his head, "It's definitely not that I merge into a universe, I will infect the common people of a universe, turn them into my blood, let them all flow my Chinese blood, and become my family."

At this time, Fu Qingjun was drinking tea with a small speaker, and standing next to him was a tall and mighty immortal teenager Taizu.

The little speaker suddenly said, "Brother Fu, since you are about to wake up, let's talk in Miao Chuntang, so I won't let my young people look bad here."

"it is good."

Fu Qingjun disappeared in place.

The little speaker also concealed this consciousness.

Shisheng Taizu boy "???"

He looked at the two people who had disappeared, and he suddenly felt confused.

I am you too, I am the future you, why do you even have to be separated from yourself, shouldn't we be intimate?

Miao Chuntang.

Fu Qingjun and the body of the small speaker went downstairs separately and sat down in the cafeteria again.

The little speaker suddenly feels very happy, very proud

Who would have thought that my ordinary little speaker and Big Brother Fu, the master and third master of Miao Chuntang, are the biggest black hands in the entire history of the universe?

Unfortunately, sister Qin Hong has been in our Miao Chuntang. Now as a strong man at the pinnacle of the earth, she has not recognized us. It shows that we are amazing!

"Cough, cough, cough!" The sound of the small horns became a little quieter, pretending to be whispering, plotting big events, the style of painting felt very interesting, "Brother Fu, what should we do next?"

Fu Qingjun is dumb, what style of painting are you holding on?

The dark scene in front of me is like two old treacherous officials hiding in the basement secret room, sullenly laughing under the sway of candlelight, conspiring to harm the good ministers.

"Cough cough cough!"

Fu Qingjun coughed twice, "Don't make it so ritual."

On the contrary, the mortal warriors of Miao Chuntang who came and went around, saw the two people conspiring at the square table in the corner, and didn't care at all, because they were used to it.

Just thinking

The helper is really childlike, and he is playing with the little speaker.

"Oh oh oh!"

"I behave more normally and happily." The little horn had an epiphany and blew the suona, and the cheerful musical instrument sounded like someone's welcoming scene.

Fu Qingjun became serious, "Our goal is very simple, to seize the new protagonist rules of the ultimate universe, to reach the top of the universe. This is no different from what the powerhouses of past generations have to do."

"Then the rule of the protagonist in the new era is an oath? But I don't feel that it is an oath anymore. The rules of the ultimate universe have been updated like never before. The new rule of the protagonist, I'm afraid to sit on the material side." The little speaker finally started to use his brain and began to show off his wisdom. , To show off in front of Brother Fu that he is a smart person.

Fu Qingjun looked very pleased, I gave you such a high IQ, you will finally use your brain?

But I'm afraid it's not a three-minute heat, and I started researching enthusiastically. After a few days, I lost my interest and became a mortal lazy.

Fu Qingjun felt dumb, "The main reason is that I raised the trumpet too well, white and fat, carefree, even if the trumpet universe is the most dangerous opportunity, she will not use it, because I am content with the status quo. pretty good."

According to the development of this process, the small speaker is in the greenhouse~www.readwn.com~ It is not impossible to rise.

Even with this talent, the rise must be destined,

It's just going through some setbacks. For example, Miao Chuntang was suddenly destroyed by people, the earth was suddenly destroyed by people, and sister Qin Hong and others died, and she would work hard in despair, all the way to the pinnacle.

In this way, the life experience of a strong man has been planned

When he was a teenager, he had a good family background, carefree, and had the aptitude against the sky, but he didn't like to practice. In the end, he was ruined, and he became awakened, embarked on the path of the strong, and eventually became a generation of cosmic emperors.

There is no sense of contradiction in such a script,

Little Horn already has the foundation and capital, and is no longer so stupid, and her IQ is already full. As long as there is an opportunity to get her out of the paradise, she will inevitably grow up from the child and the salted fish.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Fu Qingjun to let the little horn wheel fall to such an extent that he was completely wiped out?

It's good for her to live so carefree all the time.

"Cough, cough, cough." Fu Qingjun began to conspire with the small speaker behind the scenes, "What we have to do is to get the new protagonist rules and reach the top, and the new rules, I already vaguely know that they are what!"

My hair can create a demon country https://

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