My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 599: Logic problem

Where is the protagonist rule of genius? "Little Horn asked.

"Not only in the material seat that was just born, but also in the old forty-nine concept seats!" Fu Qingjun said.

Little horn understands his heart, said

"This ultimate universe has ushered in an unprecedented dual protagonist seat! One side twins, the material emperor and the concept emperor, respectively rule all the material seats and all the concept and concept seats in the universe!"

"Is this rule an oath?" she asked.

After all, as we all know, the previous protagonist rule was an oath.

Perhaps the two new protagonists are the vows and the rules similar to the vows on the material side.

It’s normal for her to think like this.

Even the entire universe would think this way, and this also allowed Wen Ce Tianzun to hide, and everyone looked for a new material seat similar to the vow, ignoring him.

"No, it's not an oath." Fu Qingjun said suddenly.

"Not an oath?" said the little speaker. "Could it be possible that our old seats and new seat rules were conceived in secret and born?"

Fu Qingjun nodded.

"Then what is this rule?" asked the little speaker.

"It's good luck." Fu Qingjun said.

"Good luck has been updated again?" The little speaker said in surprise.

"Yes." Fu Qingjun nodded, "The universe is a cycle. It turns around again, and renews back to the original rules of good fortune."

Little Horn was lost in thought.

Fu Qingjun was not nervous, afraid of being exposed to a lie.

Because this is the truth! ,

The updated is the rules of good fortune!

However, Fu Qingjun made some small cover-ups, saying that the rules of good fortune that had been updated a long time ago were updated just now.

"Perhaps it is true!"

Fu Qingjun's words made the little speaker think about it, and he couldn't help but say, "When the universe was born, when the universe was opened, the good fortune was renewed at the same time, but what is in front of you?"

"In front of us, there is also an initial universe, the birth of the ultimate universe. The rules of good fortune are updated at the same time. It is understandable, and it can even be said to be a fate!

"It makes a lot of sense. The re-circulation cycle has been updated, and all aspects are very suitable. This means that the universe is a restarting era of constant reincarnation."

Fu Qingjun listened, sweating secretly in his heart.

The small speaker helped me to add specific settings all at once, which is very good.

This thought is completely logical. All things are perfectly aligned. The rules of good fortune are "just born" and just updated rules.

"Actually, this matter has appeared in my mind a long time ago, maybe it was prehistoric you guessed it!"

Fu Qingjun suddenly said, "Perhaps, in prehistoric times, you, as the Immortal Blessed One, not only speculated that the cosmic cicada morphed into the ultimate universe, but also speculated that the new protagonist rule of the entire ultimate universe is good fortune."

Fu Qingjun gave a thumbs up, "As expected, he is the most powerful and intelligent emperor in the universe, little speaker."

When I heard the little speaker, he immediately laughed happily, "The little speaker is the greatest genius in the universe!"

The trumpet is really good.

Fu Qingjun couldn't help but laugh, and even Fu Qingjun began to suspect that the flawed true spirit of the small speaker, combined with the pure and huge intelligence energy group, directly turned into a flawed huge intelligence soul.

The incomplete attributes of the soul, combined with powerful wisdom, are still somewhat incomplete! Such various conditions have created the biggest indescribable intellectual genius in the universe, the blind and foolish **** trumpet.

Fu Qingjun couldn't help but coughed twice, and said, "The rules of good fortune, in fact, in the collapse of the heavens, I surprised the elderly Yuanshou Tianzun, and it has fallen into my hands. After my verification, the rules of good fortune are indeed in my hands. There are variables."

Hearing the little speaker, he didn't talk about martial arts, and attacked such an admirable old man. He couldn't help but ask, "Is he okay?"

"It's okay, just take the rules, he himself is safe and sound."

Fu Qingjun smiled and said, "I attacked my own waistcoat by myself, so how could something be wrong?"

Fu Qingjun looked upright, "After all, the other party is old! Holding the new general protagonist rule in his hand is a time bomb. It is better to let me take it back and I will re-become the Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune!"

The little speaker is right to think about it.

"What is the new ability of the rules of good fortune?" Little Horn asked.

"Can control other rules, but only a few can be used at the same time." Fu Qingjun said, "This is equivalent to one person having several seats at the same time!"

"Is that amazing?" The little speaker exclaimed.

Fu Qingjun's heart was very calm, and he didn't say the true ability of the rules of good fortune, but was able to turn all Tianzun into dependents.

It’s just that, if you can control and apply several rules at the same time, you can only have a few at most.

This drastically reduces the real capacity.

"Hey, why is this rule so similar to the previous Wence Tianzun?" The little speaker immediately noticed the abnormality, "Is this rule in Wence Tianzun?"

"Perhaps so!" Fu Qingjun also stood up in awe.

This is exactly what he wants to guide the little speaker to think about this, exposing his thoughts.

"I'm hiding the true strength of the rules of good fortune, so that no one knows my old bottom. After all, once the real ability of the rules of good fortune is known and can control all dependents, it will inevitably make the universe panic in all aspects and doubt me. Maybe they have already done something to them!"

"So, I revealed that the updated rules are the rules of good fortune, but continue to hide the true strength of the rules of good fortune. Although hidden, I am not afraid of being punctured."

"It's very simple. Right now, the material aspect of Tianzun Wen Ce's hand is similar to the fragments of good fortune seats, which can only control a few rules. I am also the opposite of its rules. I also pretend that I can only control other rule forces, like me. It's complete at the beginning, but you can control a few more."

"Pretend like this, Wen Ce Tianzun will know?"

"Unless he collects all the rules completely, will he know the true terrifying power of this rule!"

"But when he collects all the fragments of the rule seats, it means that I will reach the top completely, and I will definitely die. When I was pierced by him, I was pierced!"

"And my goal is to expose the rule's abilities of these two protagonists, and then defeat him before he gathers the rules in advance, and get his rules in hand. In this way, who knows the complete ability of the real rules of good fortune? ?"

"I said that the new rules of good fortune can only control a few rule seats at the same time, and they can only believe it!"

In this way, he was hidden again.

Therefore, Fu Qingjun said this lie comfortably!

If you can’t succeed and the lies are exposed, you will undoubtedly die. What does it matter if you are exposed?

If you succeed, you can naturally continue this lie, and even become a new layer of protective color for yourself, the true ability to hide the rules of good fortune.

The logic is perfect.

Of course, this is only Fu Qingjun's first step.

Even if the new seat's ability to make good fortune is greatly weakened, UU Reading is still the protagonist of the world, and if it is exposed, it will still be encircled and suppressed.

But Fu Qingjun has also prepared his mind to be encircled.

Anyway, I'm whitewashed,

If you pierce the third layer and expose my true body, the two of us will be exposed to the world at the same time.

Anyway, this time, it was you who were hit and killed, and you were the most decayed, not me, Guangweizheng, who succeeded in whitewashing, and the oldest sage in the universe.

It was him who was caught again to parade.

And Fu Qingjun will be the young protagonist. Although many people want to replace him, there are still many strong people who are willing to follow him in the battle and want to become the founding hero!

As long as Fu Qingjun keeps trying to hack him, he can't be the hero in people's eyes, and I am the newly born hero.

"As long as no one knows that I was the last trend that emerged, and I pretend that this trend has just emerged, everyone will think that I have taken the new rules, and that I am the new protagonist, not decadent!" Fu Qingjun said

"And the old man Wen Ce is the rotten one. In this way, our position will be changed again. He is the evil dragon. I want to fight him, although it is a change on the face of it."

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