At the beginning, everyone didn't dare to approach Fu Qingjun, after all, the status of angel species in this world was extremely high.

   Moreover, it is the head of the white feather head angel, the strongest ruler of the four angels, and the family member of the second generation angel female emperor Lianna.

   But now, as soon as the words lead to the other person, the few people at the wine table can't help it.

   Someone asked: "This angel knight, are you also a wandering knight? Is your empress also dead?"

   Someone hurriedly said: "Bah! The angel family is so huge, and the Empress Lianna still governs the world, suppressing the darkness on the front line and entering the restricted area. It is king of the world, with unimaginable grandeur, big-minded, how can she die?"

   "That's not necessarily, the angel family is so huge, and there are many second-level angel emperors under his command. As a prince, he suppresses the front lines. It is not that the prince is dead..."

   Fu Qingjun just smiled and replied casually: "The lord is indeed dead. As a wandering knight, he travels around this land."

   Someone immediately said:

   "But sir, it's much better than us."

   "Have a good background!"

   "Yes, we were crushed when we were born."

   "Oh, it's better to be an angel militia with weak qualifications..."

   All of a sudden, the surrounding knights also opened their chatterboxes.

   Fu Qingjun realized that this is a wandering tavern.

   can not only watch the young future talents in the distance, watch them participate in the test and practice, but also hope to be recruited in the tavern here.

   listened to them again before realizing it.

Not only are there cockroaches on the front line, the fighting is very fierce, and the land settlements that have been cleared will occasionally break out new immortal beast plagues, destroying the town, and many strong people have to go to the Qing Dynasty before the outbreak has expanded. pay.

   Fu Qingjun nodded when he heard, "Cockroach is indeed such a disgusting thing. If it is killed, it may return wood, sofa, and leave eggs in various places and make a comeback."

   "Your Excellency, in the tavern, I will definitely be selected." Someone complimented.

"Hmph! You guys think too much. This angel wandering knight is just traveling the earth as a traveler. If you want to re-choose allegiance, even if you are his own clan, there are many powerful emperors taking care of him. How could he be here, humble The ground species, choose a new Mingzhu?" Someone said.

   When everyone heard it, it was the same reason.

   "Well, if I can't choose again this time, I will go back and marry the female ant I like." Someone said lonely.

   Female ants can become queens.

   But most of the female ants do not have strong cultivation qualifications.

   They are not geniuses, the martial arts realm is not high, and they have not mutated special powerful talents. Even if a lot of precious resources are invested to make her explode, this is a descent, and there is no soldier who can fight.

   But despite this, as the ant kingdom of the feminist system, female ants still have a very high status.


   Many powerful knights are lonely and frustrated.

   Fu Qingjun thinks this world is too interesting.

   There are various kingdoms everywhere, and princes, thousands of kingdoms, large and small, are all standing here.

  Find resources, explode soldiers, cultivate heroes...

   is worthy of a violent world, super ant natural disaster!

   "It made me want to be a queen ant once, and I started to explode, cultivate and recruit heroes, write hymns of civilization, open up territory, and conquer the world." Fu Qingjun laughed.

   However, he still has things to do when he comes to this world.

  Because this world is an incomplete ecological chain in his eyes, and lacks the most important link:


   This is a world without plants of its own...

   It’s no good to let the ants eat meat all the time, there is nothing to eat, wait for them to farm.

   "It's time to create plant life." Fu Qingjun took a deep breath. The number of reproduction of plants is far greater than that of animals. In this way, if you harvest the soul of this land yourself, the benefits will inevitably increase.

  Before, he tried to inject sunflowers.

   But it has no effect, or the sunflower is too big and grows slowly. Before it can grow, it is spread to death.

   Fu Qingjun looked at the test test from a distance, and did not care too much. Instead, he looked at a few people next to him and asked, “Are there any tower scholars who are very knowledgeable about plants on this land?”

   Everyone looked at each other.

   There are plants naturally, and many family balconies have potted plants.

   There is a large population in this land. Many war colleges have specialized research institutions to study the sparkle of tinfoil, mobile phone machinery, and behemoths...

   As long as it is something weird in the ruins, they have all studied.

   Plants are so huge and vast, it is the largest life they have ever seen, so there must be research.

   "We don't know." said some strong knights wearing huge swords.

"I know!"

   At this time, a female ant walked gracefully next to her, stepping on a pair of snow-white legs in black armor, wearing black armor, and most of the snow-white skin was exposed in the gap.

   Fu Qingjun glanced at her. It seemed that she was the queen queuing over there to test her cultivation. Why did she get here?

   The knights around were also puzzled.

"I know that I can't keep up with my progress. I don't need to test, I know that I will definitely be eliminated. This time the territory is divided into I don't have my share." The weak queen bent over and said, "My name is Yudura is the 107th daughter of Prince Mick."

   Prince Mick, the surrounding knights showed a look of confusion, as if they didn't know at all, it should be a weak princely force.

   "The Black Sun Kingdom in the southeast, it is said that their tower is studying plants, and it is a very evil study." Yudura answered carefully.


   Fu Qingjun glanced in the direction on the sofa, it was the balcony.

   There should be plants there. Research is normal.

   "Everyone, goodbye."

   Fu Qingjun thought for a while, flapped his wings directly and got ready to take off.

   "His Royal Highness Angel Knight, can you let me take you over? I have been to that piece of land." Udula said quickly.

   Fu Qingjun glanced at her.

   This person obviously has special intentions. Could it be that he is gluttonous?

   However, what Fu Qingjun saw in this world was black armored life. For the first time, I saw human creatures with snow-white skin in the gap between armor...

   Has human skin been inherited?

   To be honest, this is not a good heredity. Armor skin is the best choice for battle... This is the good characteristics of armor that all species on this land will inherit.

   "Your form?" Fu Qingjun asked curiously.

"I am a mutated shellless human. My current armor is all put on the armors of other people of the same race... It is not natural, and the whole body is white flesh." She was ashamed and ashamed, she was a man. Heterogeneous.

   Fu Qingjun's eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this a completely human form?

   "It's also interesting. Pay for me and follow me." Fu Qingjun stood up and said.


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