Udula directly helped to pay the money.

   is clearly a future queen lord, who should be more respectable than the wandering angel knight, and has a higher status, but the knights next to him show a strange look, vaguely disgusting.

  Udula is accustomed to people's disgusting looks.

   She has come here several times to recruit knights, but no one wants to follow her, and even feels sick and nauseous.

  This situation is like a deformity suddenly appeared in human beings.

   There is no skin, all with bright red muscle texture, like a half-skinned human being unplaned, not to mention outsiders, even she herself feels sick!

   After all, the aesthetics of this world is the beauty of the streamlined and graceful armor body.

   Even if she is covered with armor, in normal aesthetics, it is equivalent to a mutated skinless monster with bright red muscles. Wearing a piece of white human skin, the joints are still humans with bright red muscles.

   This kind of picture will seem to be extremely curious and nauseous.

   Yudura said: "Please let me take you there."

   "Walking is too slow, shall I take you there?"

   Fu Qingjun didn’t care. These armor angels were as handsome as humanoid armor samurai in his eyes, but they were just ordinary people without armor...

   Yudura was a little pleased, and said seriously: "I'm so old and haven't experienced the feeling of flying in the sky... if you don't dislike me for looking so sick."

  Normal creatures feel nauseous even when they are close to themselves.

   "It doesn't matter, the common people on this earth have all kinds of strange appearances." I hugged the opponent up, stretched out the huge white wings, and soared into the air.


   The snow-white feathers flapped, and they rose straight up.

   Holding a beautiful-looking creature in a tight black armor, Fu Qingjun didn't have many other thoughts.

   After all, such ants, they used to drink too much wine, there are countless...

   Fu Qingjun looked at the queen ant and said, "Your body is very peculiar. You don't even have armor at birth. This may be a disease. If you want, I can help you check your body."

   "It's disgusting," Yudura said directly.

   She showed an instinctive look of disgust towards herself, "I don't have a carapace, so I can't stand up. If I take off the carapace, it will be a crystal soft body lying on the ground quietly."

   Didn't this queen ant evolve a spine and endoskeleton?

   Fu Qingjun is not surprised.

   Fu Qingjun replenished the picture. There was no bones, and she was a soft girl like a big octopus. She couldn't support her body and lay on the ground.

   creatures are divided into exoskeleton and endoskeleton animals.

   Ants are exoskeleton crustaceans, and humans are endoskeleton vertebrates.

   It is a pity that this mutant queen species, although the carapace has been removed, there is no human skeleton growing inside... thus it becomes a mollusk.

   is indeed a malformed fetus with congenital deficiency.

   "Why do you want to say this?" Fu Qingjun asked suddenly, thinking that this should be very private, and it is right to expose the scars directly, and dare not talk to outsiders at all.

"Because I grew up, it was the first time you saw me that I didn't show a look of disgust, and no creature was even willing to approach me and touch me... even my mother sitting on the throne said I was inferior! The birth of will be the biggest insult in her glorious life."

   She said very seriously: "I am a queen ant who tends to degrade and mutate, I am afraid I will be eliminated soon."

   On this land, at this moment, there is a large number of reproductions and mutations, and a large number of species differentiation has occurred.

   Regardless of the deformity, they will be nurtured to a certain degree, even if it is considered a degraded mutation.

   After all, there have been some recognized degraded mutant queens. Everyone thinks that their combat effectiveness is extremely low, but when they grow up, they develop their own units and directly rule a kingdom.

   "Why don't you think that although you look like a degraded mutation, in fact, you may grow up very strong?" Fu Qingjun flapped his white wings and said.

   "How is it possible?" Yudura said, shaking his head.

   She once thought that she had hope, but unfortunately there was no hope.

   Standing up, they need exoskeleton armor to fix them. Two steps will compress the whole body, and there will be strangulation marks. How can it rise?

   "It makes sense." Fu Qingjun thoughtfully.

   "Right?" Yudura smiled wryly.

   Without skin, it was originally an optimization variation in my own eyes, a kind of route branch.

   But sadly, this ant can't stand up without its skin...

  If you want a truly skinless human species, maybe you can find a mutant queen with an inner human spine and shed the exoskeleton skin faster.

   "Do you know what queen ant has internal bones?" Fu Qingjun asked.

   The creatures of this land are frantically exploding soldiers and taking variant types. There should also be variants that inherit the internal skeleton structure of life.

   "Yes, the big hit just now, Ismail!"

Udula said: "She has both exoskeleton and internal bone...The elbow has mutated the characteristic of spikes, which is called the piercing young emperor... Maybe it is the hope of our wingless human race. It is said that there is no The young master and the strongest protect her in secret."

   Fu Qingjun thoughtfully said:

   "It seems that these experimental subjects, they will study themselves very thoroughly!"

   "I keep experimenting with myself, and sooner or later there will be a line of armorless humans...I worry too much, don't need to think about them, they think more than me."

   It's better to be busy with plants.

   Originally, his interest in this skinless creature has faded...different from what he thought, no bones, soft body, nothing to study.

   Suddenly, there was a fierce fighting in the distance.

   "Bold, dare to attack the young emperor!" A shout came out.

   "Where is the spy who wants to destroy the hope of our human race!"

   "Guard Young Emperor!"

   Countless people growled.

   In the distance, the square that had just flew away showed a huge spirit. Countless people roared. Dozens of masters shot directly, with mixed feelings, and fought.

   Fu Qingjun turned his head and looked around.

"The other four races, suppress the world... Our human race is also eager to have a fifth race comparable to them! Ismail is said to be one of the hopes! Nothing can be lost!" Udula showed envy. , "But other races will not let her grow up. From small to large, this future emperor grew up in secret assassination."

   "Born to be great, this is destined." She said.

   "Born to be great?"

   Fu Qingjun smiled, did not refute the frustrated words, and continued to fly forward and said:

   "Yes, this is the **** world. The Wingless Human Race is to write the hymn of the future. You deformed children appear to filter out the king..."

   Fu Qingjun kept flying and finally arrived at his destination.

   A huge medieval town with equally prosperous and lively atmosphere.

   Fu Qingjun landed in front of a mage tower, where there are countless sage professions, studying machinery and medicine, exploring the mysteries of the world, and pursuing great truths.

   Fu Qingjun took her forward and said directly: "Then what is your goal in finding me?"


Udula said with a very calm expression: "I want to live. The offspring who do not meet the standard will completely cut off the supply of resources when they become adults... At that time, I could only produce a batch of boneless and skinless soldiers on the ground. Wriggling, I'm a dead end! So I want to try to grasp the hope."

   Fu Qingjun said: "So, you want to be my vassal?"

"Yes it is."

  Udula said, "I want to follow you and can do anything for you, great angel."

  On this land, there have always been wandering knights who have lost their masters, following the lord empress, and a queen ant in turn follows the wandering knights, perhaps unprecedented.

   Fu Qingjun hesitated.

   Originally, she was interested in her for the emergence of real human beings, but now, it is clear that her direction is wrong, and I don’t know what other research value she has.



   Fu Qingjun suddenly had a bold idea. Since he does not follow human beings, he can take the path of a complete alien animal, and perhaps integrate the new genetic structure of other organisms...

   Fu Qingjun forgot the time.

   During the day, I had a meeting with Qin Hong and a group of brothers. I returned home in the evening and went to visit here~www.readwn.com~ to study the time...

   It's almost eight o'clock now.

   Qin Hong is about to enter the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons.

   The first night she came back, the night banquet of the gods and demons, she hasn't prepared what to do, but now...

   He had a bold idea.

   "You have to follow me, yes, then you have to make an old contract and become my subsidiary." Fu Qingjun suddenly showed a weird smile.

   "Attached? Isn't it in the general sense?" Yudura puzzled.

   Fu Qingjun’s voice was full of bewitching, and he said, "Do you want to change your life? I have one way. It's just a gambling. Maybe you will face death, or you may have a new life."

   "What kind of freshman?"

   "A life greater than Ismail."

   "Think." She said calmly, "We have nothing to lose."

   Fu Qingjun stuck to her ear and whispered, "Then, let's not rush to find the mage tower, find a room, and we will stay first."

   Soon, they came to this city and found a room to enter it.

   Fu Qingjun looked calm, and instantly pulled Yudura’s soul into a dark tunnel, traversing countless brilliance, and they descended on a land of prehistoric ruined world.


   Qin Hong entered it, looked at everything around him, and said in his heart: "The Night Banquet of Gods and Demons, I don't know what will happen this time..."

   Family members: I (0/1000)

   Authority: None

   Permission: Communication with the world, independent banquet

   "This is!?????" She was suddenly startled, watching a vague figure slowly coming, with a human soul looking around behind her.


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