My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 62: Create a snail bloodline

     Yudura looked at everything around her, her expression tense.

   This mysterious wandering angel knight, he felt that his temperament was extraordinary from the beginning, there was a kind of leisurely and elegant feeling, as if he didn't care about everything in the world, he really had a big secret!

   Where is this place?

  Mingming was just still in the room and was drawn into this dark world. Could it be that this world has unknown mysterious powers, not just martial arts?

   Is this an extremely mysterious organization?

   She didn't dare to say anything!

   And in front of him, there was an unimaginable huge presence, with the temperament of an emperor, and it looked terrifying.

   She curled up.


   Fu Qingjun walked slowly from the weird fog in the darkness, lowered his voice, and looked a little hoarse and gloomy.

   "Are you, the senior here?" Qin Hong said quickly.

   She knew from the beginning that according to the degree of seal of the hair, this ancient merchant of gods and demons existed, crossing the time and world dimensions, and she definitely had more than her dependents.


   Even such a powerful existence is called a newcomer?

   Is the mysterious wandering angel knight in front of him stronger?

   Yudura became excited, his first reaction was not to be afraid, but to look at the world around him with longing and curiosity.

   "Why are there so few people here..." Qin Hong suddenly asked.

  Because you are the first guinea pig.

   But the second guinea mouse is also here...

   is a native queen ant, but I am not sure if I can survive.

Fu Qingjun pretended to be calm and said nonchalantly: "This is just the Gods and Demons Square for trading and trials. Existences from various worlds will not come often and are busy with their own affairs... and truly merge the soul, The place to create life is usually in our own independent night banquet."

   "Our own independent banquet?" She was surprised.

   Where do they generally fuse and create life?

"Of course, you now have the first-level permission, and you should have it this time you go out. The independent night banquet is in your own brain." Fu Qingjun said: "Every time we come here, we just get resources. Soul resources... and then go back and experiment."

   Fu Qingjun looked at the various soul groups in the distance, "Of course, these are all at a price, and my soul group is the price..."

   At the cost of flexibility, Fu Qingjun can regularly draw Qin Hong's head for free.

   This is also his idea.

   In my head all day, as an experimental site, fusion of genes, this is definitely not a way to continue.

   It's better, let her bring the soul group, plus her own special soul stitching agent, into her mind, and fuse as she wants.

   "That's how it is," Qin Hong said.

   Her thinking was frantic, she was extremely vigilant, walking on thin ice, according to the other party's words, she was the lowest dependent, and there might be even more powerful gods and demons who came from other worlds.

   She looked at the other party without any intention of revealing her identity, and she also planned to conceal her identity.

   It is very stupid to expose the address and the world where you are.

   "Your Excellency, how can you bring someone?" She looked at Yudura behind her curiously again, and asked: "Could it be possible that Yeyan invites other beings in?"

   "This is my affiliation, it can be a native from another world, but it doesn't have our authority."

Fu Qingjun simply replied: "Because we transform our own body and transform other lives, it is extremely dangerous! We must have experimental materials... When you raise a higher level, there will be more With the permission, I will have my own subsidiary quota in the future."

   That's it!

   Qin Hong thoughtfully.

   Bring the living subjects from the outside world to transform...

   And, she also read a terrifying word: self-reform.

  Is this just a means of self-improving the level of life?

   In other words, my true being can also change and become a body?

   Become an angel? ?

   She was breathing quickly.

   That powerful race is very powerful. If you really become an angel, wouldn't it be possible to be an angel in mythology, to unify the pass through the town, and even fly to the sky, holding a spear, and fighting an airplane in this steam machine World War II era?

and many more...

  Will I be beaten to death, grabbed to solve the plan?

   She became frightened again, she has heard a lot of such things.

   It seems that I have to find some places that don't seem conspicuous on the outside and transform them.

   She kept thinking about it, and she didn't want to look for death when she got such a powerful opportunity.

And the mysterious phantom of the other party seemed to see through her mind and smiled: "I advise you not to change it easily, because it is irreversible. If you don't want to regret it in the future... When you have only enough wisdom, summarize Only with strong knowledge can life be created in the end!"

  Wisdom, knowledge, life.

  The three major steps? ?

   Qin Hong was surprised, vaguely feeling what he had grasped.

   "Dare to ask, what is the realm of the gods in this world?" She asked directly.

Fu Qingjun stayed in a daze and said, "It's okay to tell you. We don't know what level of existence is the ancient gods and monsters who created the night feast of gods and monsters in front of us. It's so great and vast... Let us travel through countless The world, we still don’t know its true colors..."

   "But we have discussed before and believe that this world is divided into at least two kinds, one is the outer gods who are unconscious and unconscious in the concept of the universe, and the old gods who are autonomous and conscious with the help of the power of heaven and earth."

   Qin Hong stood there blankly, thinking constantly.

   and based on her analysis.

   The top level in the world... are Amiro, Hormones, and Jiaxia. These are the rules and order without self-awareness, symbolizing the cosmic phenomena of the three natural concepts of life, knowledge, and wisdom.

   may be called an external god.

   Beyond life, the vast existence beyond the universe.

   The next level is a powerful life form with self-awareness, that is, the strongest gods and demons, which can be cultivated, and this nameless businessmen of gods and demons must be one of the most powerful beings.

   They possess all kinds of incredible powers, and they can even travel through the world. They are the top group of existences.

   "I don't know if I guessed right..." Qin Hong said.

"be careful."

  At this time, Fu Qingjun did not answer her words, and said in a low voice: "This world has many other gods! In addition to the unknown gods we serve, there are other ancient existences, which are very dangerous."

"They have different beliefs, and under each faith they will get a special kind of Weili... Our Weili, you also know... And other dependents, Weili also have, for example Believe in a **** of science." Fu Qingjun said.


   Qin Hong was shocked.

  Science is also a god, and does it have its own followers?

   "Be careful, all of us are facing a huge crisis. When we become dependents, there is no way out. I have seen too many newcomers like you, and they all died..."

   "I hope you don't die so fast, you will still be there next time I see you."

   After Fu Qingjun said, he took a snail soul group from the rich soul group, and then left with Yudura behind him.

This? ? ?

   Qin Hong was stuck in place.

   This huge amount of information washed through her three views, and it took a long time for her to relax!



   Consciousness reappeared and was pulled back into the room.

   Yudura looked around in horror, and then quickly looked out the window.

   On the ground, there are various armored knights walking. In the distance is the tower of the mage. It is an academy. Numerous sage mechanics and physicians walk back and forth with integrity.

  Because it is a balcony, the scenery here can be said to be extremely beautiful. There are several pots of plants standing on the huge fence, and there is endless mist outside the building.

   "Is it a dream?" Yudura couldn't help but said.

   "It's not a dream."

The tall and mighty angel knight looked down at this weak queen ant girl, as if overlooking a weak chicken, as if the devil whispered in his ear, "Are you ready? You will be brutally ravaged," In the next period of time, there is only life or death, and no other choice."


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