My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 515: The new protagonist comes on stage, and fights the man behind the first layer

   "That's it."

Chen Weizhu nodded, "It's true. In the entire universe, the decadent existences have almost been eradicated, and the trio of Wence, Yuanshou, and Immortality are terrifying, unimaginably tenacious, and they can survive. Today, I asked them to study the experience of decay. It is indeed of great benefit to me to identify whether I am decayed."

   Soon, Yuanshou and Immortal went to the palace cautiously.

   "Dare to ask, the two emperors, what are the important things?" They couldn't help asking, just as honest as they were.

   Chen Nianzi sat on the height of the palace, looking at these two old friends, and wondering why their lives were so tenacious? It's simply too ridiculous.

But I couldn’t help saying: “Two Heavenly Lords, we put our hearts on you, and we don’t treat you as outsiders anymore. Recently, Chen Weizhu has developed some mental illnesses and wants to become rotten, even to get rid of some of the founding heroes. He also feels that Wen Ce Tianzun’s life experience is very It is worth looking forward to, and I would like to ask you two to come and help."

   When two people heard it, their scalp exploded.

   Is this okay?

   This is just the establishment of the dynasty, everyone is in a happy mood, waiting to follow a young and passionate emperor to fight, open up territory, drink soup and eat meat, even more so!

  I worked hard for so long, for what?

   I just don’t want to die, I don’t want to be overthrown, I want to continue to be the supreme emperor of the universe, and I want them to remain immortal and aloof as the universe changes.

   As a result, you want to kill the donkey?

   In front of my eyes, this Amiro Chen Nianzi is not a good bird! She used a trick to pit the two of us. The only thing she can trust is that you are Chen Weizhu. You are still very kind and honest, young, passionate and upright.

   If, now even you are bad, and you want to kill the donkey?

   You all yearn for Wen Ce Tianzun that old yin guy, and learn from him without morality, so why not?

   The two people are confused!

  The heart is bad all at once!

   But when I saw that, Chen Nianzi suddenly added another fire and asked Chen Weizhu with a smile: "Look at their longevity and immortal two people. Are you also very wary of them and want to kill them?"

  Chen Weizhu nodded, "I think the two of them are very evil, slippery and look extremely rotten."


   The two of them suddenly became numb, is this really good?

  How dare they paddle?

   This must be corrected immediately!

   must do everything possible to bring her back to an upright and kind person.

   Yuanshou Tianzun’s mouth twitched, and he quickly said: "Your Excellency Chen Weizhu is very sick. This is a sign of decay. We must kill this sign!"

   "His Royal Highness, you don't have to worry, this is normal."

   Immortal Tianzun saw Chen Weizhu's anxiety and couldn't help but calm down:

"All the emperors of the universe, when they are old, are basically destined to decay. They all begin to dictatorship and kill people around them. They want to control the power of the world and monopolize all resources. They want to study longevity and surpass. My own limit, I don’t want to grow old."

   This is common sense, they did not lie,

  Even the emperors in the world are like this. The older you are, the more you don’t want to die, the older you are, the more stubborn you are. Killing loyal ministers, studying immortality, studying immortality, and even studying tombs, thinking you can live forever...

   What's more, is it a contemporary emperor who rules a cosmic era?

  The older they are, the more they feel the horror of fate. The horror of the dead thing in the universe, they want to surpass him, and they want to be truly immortal. They don't want to be puppets of the heavens, want to be free, and fight against the heavens...

   "In general, only when you are old, you will be a decadent dictatorship. I want to monopolize all the seats of heaven, and I want to be immortal."

Yuanshou Tianzun also became serious and explained patiently, "It's just that your decay is much faster than we think. Generally, Tianzun is ruled by the upper authority for a period of time, trying to cure countless billions of years. When he is old, It just started to decay!"

  Chen Weizhu nodded and was ashamed to sit on the throne, "Maybe, I really decayed, I decayed too early, there are too many suspicious ghosts...I am ashamed to read Zi and Master."

   Chen Nianzi smiled and nodded.

   Yes, just think so, there is nothing wrong with it.

   Yuanshou and Indestructible are still two great tools that are very useful. They are very convenient. They beat them by themselves, and they immediately knew that Chen Weizhu would not rot like this.

  "His Royal Highness Chen Weizhu, please tell me this heartache," said Immortal Tianzun.

   Chen Weizhu also began to express his strange mentality.

Yuanshou and immortality, I didn’t suspect him after hearing it, and analyzed: "This is indeed jealous, suspicion, and fear of other people seizing power... Back then, I was like this, killing a group of brothers around me secretly. , Afraid of their seizure of power.... After tens of billions of years, there are only more than a dozen of the more than forty statues that opened the world in those days."

   "Jealous? But I don't feel jealous." Chen Weizhu said.

   "This is instinct."

Yuan Shou kindly explained: "It's the instinct to survive. You don't think it is, but your heart is already instinctively prepared for it, but it is generally not that early. I was the strongest emperor of the universe in the era of Zhannian. I sometimes think that I can suppress the Quartet by virtue of my talent, so I don’t want to be afraid of other young people’s threats at all.”

   "As I age and my talents are exhausted, I instinctively fear and guard against other young geniuses. That is to say, the suspicion is serious, and the older I become, the more I am afraid... and we even guard against other gods."

   "However, your suspicion appeared too early, usually when the emperor of the universe, UU read to be suspicious."

   "However, it is understandable."

"The age of the universe is different now. This is the ultimate universe. There are too many people who are not weaker than His Royal Highness. The heroes of the whole world gather here, and they instinctively feel threats, such as His Royal Highness Amelo and your teacher. Respect can overthrow oneself, so instinctive vigilance and fear are understandable."

   This decadent trio began to do psychological counseling to Chen Weizhu,

   let her not be jealous, suppress the murder in her heart,

   "A person's life is a life of restraining desire."

   "People first have seven emotions and six desires, and they are born with a kind side, and they must also have evil and gloomy corners."

   Yuanshou Tianzun said: "For example, when some men see young beauties, they generally have an instinctive impulse to occupy. This is the instinct of beings, but in our hearts, we have to restrain this desire..."

   "And your Excellency, just want to restrain and suppress these evil instincts in your heart..."

  They keep teaching experience,

   Chen Weizhu felt that it made sense and useful. He could not act according to his own strange instincts, but had to think rationally.



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