My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 616: World pattern

   Chen Weizhu experienced a series of psychological counseling, and he couldn’t help but be convinced that he was rotten.

   She said in her heart: She really has to restrain her own malice, and can't be controlled by her inner evil side! Be a rational and upright person!

   So, she followed the method of the two brothers Yuanshou and Immortal. Whenever she looked at the two of them, and even Chen Weizhu, she kept repeating in her heart: They are good people, they are good people...

   This method keeps psychological hints that it can also resist some kind of weird killing intent.

   So, the days suddenly calmed down,

   "Recently, what happened to this?"

   Fu Qingjun also looked dazed in the restaurant,

   "As the new protagonist of the son of destiny, why didn't Chen Weizhu go to fight the evil like the last one, or even deal with the two brothers Yuanshou and Indestructible, and get rid of the worms and tumors of his heaven?"

   Fu Qingjun always feels outrageous,

  According to Fu Qingjun's thoughts, the two of them must be cold, don't look at them for so long, but now they are afraid of doomsday.

   But where is it?

   "Why are they still alive?"

   Fu Qingjun whispered in his heart, "Their two brothers have been pretending to be forced everywhere recently. The more they live, the more moist they are?"

   Is it possible that the two brothers Yuanshou and Immortal have the legendary "law of immortality"?

   Their two brothers on the wall and grass are the real protagonists of heaven and earth. No one can do anything with them. Even if the protagonist of heaven and earth encounters them, he has to retreat?


   "These two brothers, I'm afraid they can't even be considered the general trend!"

   Fu Qingjun was puzzled, so he didn't bother to understand.

   He never thought that it was Chen Nianzi frantically "blowing the pillow wind" beside him, blowing the new son of destiny, dizzy, indulging in beauty, and directly turning right and wrong.

   In a sense, this new general battle has already begun.

   This time, he is still the new protagonist of the destiny, and fight against the man behind the first layer, Amiro!


   Last time the protagonist of heaven and earth, he fought Amiruo by force, opened the arena and kept besieging him.

   This time the protagonist of heaven and earth is a literary fight with Amiro, a war without gunpowder,

   But one of the biggest things in common is:

   Amiro Chen Nianzi is full of power, fighting against the green tea **** outside, fighting against marriage crisis inside, and very skilled in tea art, for the sake of his happy family, all show the three kings of the universe's palace fighting style!

  From this point of view, every Taizu emperor who has ruled for a long time is definitely not a mere name, and the most terrifying vows is the master of "human heart" and "trust".

   Human trust is one of the most terrifying things in the entire universe.

   And he, the Taizu emperor, has grasped the authority and experience in this respect, his horror is hard to overthrow even Fu Qingjun, he has been reincarnated continuously, and he can't even catch his true body!

   According to this situation,

   The protagonist of destiny, I am afraid that he will not be able to survive the level of Amiruo, the black hand behind the first layer. The hero is sad at the Bailian Pass.

   This is also where Chen Weizhu's disadvantage lies. Although she is the most suitable candidate for the general situation, her own mentality, and Chen Nianzi next to her, have destined her to become the protagonist of the general trend and can't make too much trouble.

   At this time, just the man behind the first level, Wen Ce Tianzun, has directly completed the double kill!

   It can only be said that Wen Ce Tianzun is indeed a horror, and he deserves to be Fu Qingjun's love and hatred for a long time, friends and enemies.

time flies,

   Hundreds of years have passed,

   Amiro, the sky is calm,

   The Heavenly Court in the present world is collecting and fighting various scattered teams of Heavenly Lords in an orderly manner.

   After the collapse of the Amiro Heavenly Court, after the reorganization event, Amelo Heavenly Court completely established the victory.

   They were originally the largest power in the universe. Now they have the latest full seat, the strongest combat power, and they have 50% of the new protagonist rules. How can other people fight them?

   And during the peaceful transition these years, other scattered groups have gradually been unable to make waves.

   Many weak and low-level groups know that the general situation is over, and they have surrendered to the present heavenly court, hoping to obtain a position and a half, rather than being encircled and suppressed by the heavenly court, sending heavenly soldiers and generals to besiege them.

   "Over the years, we have completely risen."

   Indestructible Tianzun shook his head and drank with Tang Meng and others at the wine table, "The general situation has been set, the overall situation has been set, our Amiro Heavenly Court, in the future, will surely unify the ultimate universe and open up an unprecedented peace and prosperity!"

   "This world is an ancient world!"

   "Our earth heaven on this earth is above the vast river of the past and the future. It controls the time and space of the past and the future. There are countless historical heroes who have been picked up by us from the long river of time and surrendered to our heaven."

   "Our heavenly court has gathered all the heroes and heroes in the entire history of the universe, serving in the heavenly court and in charge of the order of the universe, it can be called the past and present!"

   They continue to discuss, the general trend has been set.

  Before, their Amiro Heavenly Court was still close to all beings in the world, but now they have taken the two most important rules, and they won the game by stabilizing the situation!

Yuan Shou suddenly whispered: "However, over the years, our Amiro Heavenly Court has approached stable development, and we have studied a lot in various aspects. The newly established Heavenly Court has gradually gained its foundation, including astronomy, topography, universe, and humanities. ..... Departments have been set up for research in all aspects, and many incredible history and mysteries have been discovered."

   "What is the mystery?" Tang Meng became curious.

   Indestructible mysteriously said: "You may not know, we have studied every epoch universe, more than 30 epoch universes, the common people in every epoch are from the same blood source and have the same ancestor."

  Although Fu Qingjun has lost the ability to control his dependents, his stigma has been offset,

  Although they can no longer be controlled, they were once Fu Qingjun’s blood, dyed with Fu Qingjun’s color. This is an unchangeable fact.

   Their blood is from the same source, which is normal.

   "Huh?" Tang Meng said, "No, right, the blood of our people on earth ends, isn't it the ancestor of the Taiyuan Heavenly Court, Ganxiu? How could the previous immortal dynasty also be the blood of our people on earth?"

   "I don't understand this, but with the integration of those universes, we studied the common people of the universe there, and we were surprised to find that they are also the blood of our people on earth." The history professor of Nasika was very excited.

   Over the years, she has been responsible for studying the origin of human history, and she has made such a major breakthrough!

   The common people living in more than thirty cosmic eras, UU reading are all from the same ancestor’s blood.

   Professor Nasika was very shocked:

   The entire history of the universe is actually the history of people on earth!

   The various dynasties and royal families in the entire history of the universe are actually the royal families of the people on earth!

   The long river of disputes in the entire universe are all within the family of the earth people!

   "The more you think about it, the more outrageous it is!" Zi Ying said: "Our earth is actually the center of the universe?"

   Fu Qingjun, the national teacher, was also drinking tea next to him, watching their conversation, his face suddenly became weird.

   These are actually all made by me...

   I am a modern person, looking back to the past, in a distant opportunity, the blood of all ages has been dyed into the blood of people on earth...

at this time,

   "Doesn't that mean that Qianxiu is not our ancestor of the earth, but maybe our blood comes from the most ancient immortal dynasty, maybe even from the first immortal world-shenzhen?" Tang Meng said.

   "It's very possible! Who is the true ancient ancestor of our earth people? And who left behind the three major prophecies? This still needs archaeology." Professor Nasika said.


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