My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 625: The fortune of the trumpet

Qin Hong is quite alert.


   is now standing at a higher position. Thinking back to the opportunity for the rise of the original, I can't help but feel suspicious.


   Why choose yourself?


   Now I have finally got the complete truth, because the little speaker of the unknown **** at that time was hiding and reincarnating in the Miao Chuntang, serving as the second master.


   After clarifying all the reasons and doubts, her heart was indeed shaken.


   Amiruo and Chen Nianzi both met halfway through her.


   It is because of the identity of the son of prophecy "the first reincarnation of Amiro" that I followed them to overthrow the evil of the universe like an old enemy: Wen Ce Tianzun,


   Because of the prophecy, the entire earth civilization was brought to support them, and only the ancestors of the earth people, Bai Long and Jiaxia, who walked out of the starry sky, went to help them together.


   But, the earth prophesying the Lord who left the three reincarnations has appeared, is it necessary to follow each other?


   And the other party, after all, is regarded as an outsider, their own civilization, of course, the leader of their own earth civilization is the most reliable!




   She never expected that the leader who left the earth’s three major prophecies was the little speaker.


   But what kind of person is Little Trumpet, what kind of personality,


   Is she still not sure?


   is more innocent and kind than anyone else, and less perishable than anyone else. From the perspective of an upright hero, a small speaker is the most suitable.


"I have to say, my heart is moved. This is probably the personality charm of the Immortal Blessed One?" Qin Hong said with emotion, "The Immortal Blessed One can possess such a strong personality charm in the initial universe age, straightforward, pure, and natural. Only those who are close to the path have a large group of people to follow, and they can open up the grand cause of the world!"


   She has already made up a picture:


   Under the scream of the little horn, her powerful personality charm led countless gods to follow, and finally established the myth of the immortal dynasty era!


   So there is a long river of history murals, which are gradually found in sight:




   A cosmic emperor’s trumpet is sitting on the emperor’s throne blowing a golden suona, and a large number of the first Tianzun musicians below are playing gongs and drums with various instruments, forming a picture of eternal legend.


   "Sister Qin Hong, you must be thinking about something messy again." Little Horn knows her well and knows that she is good at everything, but this is not right.




Qin Hong said: "I understand, since we are the orthodoxy of the universe, we naturally want to take our entire earth civilization and return to the original heaven. And the mission of Amiro Heaven is indeed over. It is time to die and let the true king come to an end. Come back and dominate everyone."


   "Sister Qin Hong understands me." Little Horn was very happy.


   Qin Hong nodded,


   After all, if someone else is behind the scenes, they will definitely feel deep-hearted, very insidious, and unkind.


   But who is the little speaker, she knows very well,


   is reliable to some extent!


"Then, if we take this troop and submit directly to you, then we will have the strength to compete with the Amiro Heavenly Court." Qin Hong thought for a while, and said: "We have joined 10% of the 30% you already own, so in With the new rules, it can almost contend against each other..."


"Furthermore, joining you as a team of ours is not as simple as directly increasing the combat power. It can also cooperate with you inside and outside. Before being exposed, we will join hands with you to set up an ambush and'persuade' another team to join us. In this way, both parties will Completely have the strength of opposition."

   Qin Hong’s thinking is very clear,


   This battle is half and half, it must be their advantage!


   After all, the emperor's indestructible trumpet of the first emperor of the universe, she turned on the radar, and her talent is indeed amazing!


"what do you think?"


   Qin Hong said his plan and discussed with Little Speaker, after all, this is a matter of their future.


   "Sister Qin Hong, it's fine if you call the shots." Little Horn didn't care and rubbed his stomach, "Little Horn is responsible for eating, anyway, Little Horn doesn't want to use his brain."


   Qin Hong's face turned black, his trumpet is still so salty, and the gang leader is simply a character! The little speaker obviously has the strongest wisdom in the universe, but he doesn't even bother to think. It is simply the most outrageous creature in the universe!


  From this point of view, even if the trumpet becomes the emperor of the universe, it is nothing more than a hand-scraper, a dead salted fish, and leave everything to others to do.


   "The little speaker, why do you want to be the emperor of the universe?" Qin Hong couldn't help asking.


   The little speaker tilted his head for a moment, and then he answered in earnest, "There are many reasons. When the little speaker is on a whim, I suddenly want to be the emperor of the universe and see what it feels like."


   Qin Hong felt uncomfortable all at once.


   Little Horn’s three-minute hot and curious character, she didn’t know,


   I suddenly wanted to learn to sing, dance, and practice martial arts, but it didn't take long for me to get excited, so I gave up.


   just like she suddenly wanted to form a band,


   This feeling, the strongest throne that everyone in the universe can't find, is the whim of a small horn. Want to be it?


   If it spreads out, I don’t know how many deities in the entire universe collapsed,


   Little Horn said again: "Also, there is always a voice in my heart, let Little Horn do this, clean up the evil, decay, and moths of the universe, so that everyone in the universe can be happy and live a happy life!"


   "Little speakers, I just want to make everyone happy. UU Reading"


   The voice in my heart?


   Listening to the sound and longing of the small speaker, Qin Hong couldn't help being very shocked, and a word flashed in his heart:




   She is the man of heaven!


   It is clear that he has the strongest wisdom and talent in the universe, but he has the most sincere heart like a child, the most kind and simple... Such a person is most in line with the identity of the short path of the entire universe!


   A pure piece of natural jade!


  Perhaps, it was also because of the character of the little speaker that everyone was expected to return. As the immortal world-honor, he opened up the first era of the universe and laid the foundation stone.


"I see, you seem to be the most unreliable emperor in the universe, but in fact, it is also the most reassuring and peaceful in the universe. Everyone thinks that you will definitely lead everyone to the emperor who is truly happy. "


   At this moment, Qin Hong made up his mind to assist the little horn to ascend the throne.


   "Then, I will be busy with the next thing."


Qin Hong said with a serious look, "Our team will basically return. After all, I will be in charge, followed by Immortal and Yuanshou. The two of them have long been eager to take refuge, if it weren't for me. Their words!"


   Qin Hong thought of this, walked out of the military account, and discussed with the other celestial beings.


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