Soon, the news announced by Qin Hong spread throughout the entire Tianzun team.


  Even the most reliable and loyal God of Heaven, Qin Hong Tianzun, chose to surrender and immortal!


   "This Immortal Blessed One, is it so terrible?"


   "How should we do this?"


   "How about? Qin Hong Tianzun has taken refuge, Tang Meng and others will definitely take refuge, plus the longevity and immortality, if we do not surrender, our fate can be imagined!"


   "The trend is over."


   All the gods had a brief exchange.


   No one knows how the Immortal World Venerable persuaded the so-called iron-blooded **** of death, Qin Hong, the first **** of war in the Amilo Heaven.


   The two brothers, Yuanshou and the Immortal, were also dumbfounded. In their opinion, the Immortal Blessed One was shrouded in a very mysterious veil. It was terrifying to be able to do this!


   They couldn't help but ask Xiang Qin Hong Tianzun, rubbing their palms carefully, and curiously said: "Qin Hong Tianzun, how much did the other party give? If you don't increase the price, I can't think of you betraying."


"I didn't give much." Qin Hong didn't bother to pay attention to these two people, and looked at Tang Meng, Ziying and others with a bewildered look beside him, "You have a lot of doubts, but if you go in and see if you can't destroy the real body of the world-honored person, you will know. Up."


   They looked dazed, but they still went in one by one.


   After Tang Meng came out, he looked in a daze, excited and happy, and couldn't help saying:


"It turned out to be like this! The nameless **** we believe in turned out to be this truth! After seeing that one, I felt a great horror and shock in my heart. That is the ultimate intelligent creature in the universe, the legendary'All King', Your Majesty, The ultimate blind and foolish **** who rules the universe, I feel the dull hair on top of my head shines more and more!"




   Yuanshou and the immortal two people looked dazed.


  Where is this immortal world sacred?


   Is it possible that the Immortal Blessed One is extremely good at brainwashing?


   is the indescribable great horror in the legendary history of the universe. Whoever encounters him will be spiritually contaminated by the other person? ?


   but saw Ziying Tianzun enter again.


He came out after a while and saw the son Ying Tianzun of the Immortal World Zun’s true body. He was already in a trance, and his mouth kept wailing and laughing. It was strange, "I'm crazy, I'm so stupid, I'm completely I can't understand it, but I was shocked!"




   Yuanshou and Immortal, who were hiding next to them, were trembling at the sight.


   Watching them go in and out one by one, their faces are complicated, frightened, constipated, and shocked, and my heart becomes more and more frightened.


After everyone went in a circle, Yuanshou and the immortal two people also carefully wanted to go in and admire the real body of the immortal world-zun, and witness the legendary indescribable, unseen universe's strongest legendary emperor. ..




   Qin Hong Tianzun stopped the two of them, "Two, you don't have to meet."


   "Why? They see it, we can't see it?"


   Yuanshou and Immortal were immediately unconvinced, and said bluntly: "We have also returned. It is only natural that we should see the Mingzhu we followed."


   "It's not convenient for you two to see each other." Qin Hong said.


  Seeing other people is to let them know that it is a small speaker,


   And you are not your own civilization, and you don’t know each other, what do you see?


   And I saw it, I'm afraid it will be completely dumbfounded, and the senses will plummet, so it's better to be covered with a veil of mystery.


   The current Immortal Blessed One gives people a very mysterious and terrifying feeling. If you see the real body, there is no deterrent at all, and it can shock other people!


   And Qin Hong’s approach is the same as that of the death burial team.


   See you?


   It’s important to keep mystery, otherwise others will see that your leader is so stubborn, what's the deal?


   They were so scared that they gave the little horn a notoriety, what insidious and vicious, evil and terrifying, spiritual pollution, cannibalism everywhere...


   "Why can't we see?" The two of them immediately became serious.


   "Cough cough cough."


Qin Hong said: "Because it was too horrible. When you see his true body and look at his actions, you will find extremely horrible things, spiritually contaminated... You two are too old, your Taoist heart is rotten, see When it's there, I'm afraid that something big will happen."

   When the two heard it, they shook their heads quickly, feeling lingering, "Then we'll disappear for now."


   They looked at each other,


   Everyone else has problems when they meet, and maybe they too!


   It’s better to be cautious, wait until the time comes to fool a few other gods to meet, try the water, and see what the danger is.




   Soon, under Fu Qingjun's stunned mouth, the protagonist of the small horn, with an extremely fast and devastating posture, quickly crushed and disintegrated the seemingly stable Amiro Heavenly Court.


   first started with Qin Hong Tianzun and others,


After   , Qin Hong and others, taking advantage of the advantages that others did not know, secretly used the rules to offset their vows, and cooperated with a surprise attack on another Tianzun team!


   All of a sudden, 20% of the rule fragments of the two teams were newly started, and the new heavenly forces of the small speaker completely ruled half of the country!


   The rapid rise of this power has created a historical record of the universe. Even the opposite Ami Luo Chen Nianzi, who is the real Wence Tianzun, was stunned and anxious.


   "This Immortal World-Honor is worthy of being an ancient black hand!"


   Wen Ce Tianzun was very anxious, and walked back and forth in the hall, saying: "He has laid out more than 30 epochs, but he only closed the net here. We are in danger to rebuild the era of the immortal dynasty!"




Master Qingjun was also very speechless. He felt that the speed was so fast that even he was dumbfounded. The protagonist who opened the hanger was not someone who could resist. "Unexpectedly, Qin Hong Tianzun and others actually took refuge in the past, and even the third reincarnation Shenjia Xia, Bai Long, the second reincarnated body, and others, have also taken refuge in succession now..."


   "At this time, declare that they are nominally orthodox."


Chen Weizhu also looked strange and whispered softly: "They announced that the Immortal Blessed One is the one that left behind the prophecies of the three reincarnations. It was established with the three reincarnations and defeated the decaying Amiro Heavenly Court. They should return to the other side's rule. !"


   "In name, they are orthodox!"


   "And in the Amiro Heavenly Court, only our No. 1 pick is left, Amiro has not returned to take refuge in the other side."


   They glanced at each other, feeling in their hearts that the moral high ground was no longer on their side.


At this time, another Tianzun solemnly said: "Moreover, their basis for taking themselves as orthodox is: the common people of the entire universe, more than thirty epochs, all the civilizations of the major galaxies and river systems, all have the characteristics of declining! This It is a sign of Buddhism inheritance!"


   "This means that the different civilizations of the entire universe were the descendants of Buddhism. In the first immortal dynasty, they all ate and recite the Buddha and cultivated the'Buddha' hair bun."


"And the more corroborating point is that After bloodline testing, the common people of all ages and all ages are an ancestor of blood... and this ancestor of all common people, the immortal world-zun, declares that he is right. It's itself!"




   Under these conditions, they have become a wild side, an improper background, and they are no longer orthodox. The current situation is completely dangerous!


   Fu Qingjun is speechless,


   Now, the little horn is carrying the cauldron of this new hairstyle, and even as the deity of "Anonymous God", he is eagerly promoting it everywhere, making Fu Qingjun look very dazed!


   Little Horn, the protagonist of the world, is simply poisonous!


They Qin Hong and Tang Meng, who have devoutly believed in the little horn, have completely turned into the great religion of the nameless gods, and are vigorously forming the "dull hair dynasty" in the era similar to the "braid dynasty", shave their hair buns, and propagate: Keep your hair, keep your hair and don't keep your head!


   "Why are you so smart if you know the Immortal Blessed One?"


   "Know that the Immortal Blessed One, why do you have the first wisdom of the universe?"


"Because evil hair is the devil! It is the evil curse of the devil! It absorbs a lot of nutrients from our brains, makes our brains underdeveloped, shaves bald hair, converts to my Buddha, and curls up your hair in a bun, and you can be like the Immortal Blessed One Very smart!"


   They advertise like this.


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