My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 627: Freedom is decay

Worthy of being a small speaker!


   deserves to be the protagonist of heaven and earth!


   Every time the protagonist of heaven and earth is born, he will inevitably open up a system of inheritance civilization in the name of various justice, with a strong orthodox civilization cornerstone, and let the world follow it to establish an era heaven.


   There is no exception for the protagonist,


   After all, it is necessary to erect the "Orthodox banner" to be followed, and only if there is a distinct power characteristic is convincing. However, the protagonist of the little speaker can be said to be unprecedented, and the banner set up can be said to be very clear.


   "Horror is like this."


   Fu Qingjun could only spit out this sentence in the end.


  Because he knows that it looks very funny in his own eyes, but in the eyes of the endless common people in the universe?


   Under that kind of serious publicity, it's not funny.


   Isn’t it a shaved monk?


   Isn’t it a curly hair bun, wearing a Buddha robe?


   Isn’t it about practicing meditation and reciting the Buddha, leading people to be good?


   This is obviously an upright and stalwart system sect.


   Shaving the head is all, the six roots are pure.


   You didn’t see the ancient Buddhism, and he did the same. People shaved their heads with scars on their heads. There were also a large number of common people’s disciples who recite and worship Buddha. This shows that this civilized system is feasible.


  Even an ordinary planet on the earth can accept Buddhism, let alone the whole universe?


   "The protagonist, you deserve to be the protagonist."


Fu Qingjun sighed, "The weird earth and Buddhism system is stunned by him, the protagonist of the world, driven by the general trend, and will soon become the mainstream of the universe. Buddhism, Taoism, and Heaven are being established, continuing the glory of the world Buddhism universe they established at that time. !"


   This is simply a goal in a certain sense,


   Fu Qingjun makes the past and future endless lives of the entire universe be the blood of people on earth.


   The little speaker made the vast creatures in the past and future of the universe begin to practice the Buddhism system.


   The combination of the two is simply the most decadent black hand existence in the universe!


   changed all epochs and histories of the entire universe beyond recognition, one changed their flesh and blood, and the other changed their thoughts, realizing the unification of "the earth is the center of the universe"!


   The achievement of "Earthcentric Theory" has been achieved.


   "Little horn, this time, you are really one of the two behind the scenes of the universe."


   Fu Qingjun looked completely weird, and felt that the development of the situation was strange, but it was also a kind of Dzogchen?


  , after all, ushered in the highest light moment in the history of earth civilization.


   Fu Qingjun was thinking of something a little bit missing, while Wen Ce Tianzun Chen Nianzi next to him, actually felt the threat of death.


   "Everyone, what do you think is good?"


   Wen Ce Tianzun said softly.


   "I only saw Yichen..." Some ministers hesitated, "I don't know whether to speak or not."


   "Speak," Amiro said.


   "With the current situation, it seems that we and the other party each occupy half of the universe, but I am afraid that they are far from the other party."


   The minister said:


"The other party’s rise is so fast. Even the birth of our Amiro Heavenly Court and the overthrow of Wen Ce Tianzun are among the other party’s three major prophecies. Since we are part of the other party’s plan, the other party will defeat us. , I’m afraid there are back-hands and preparations."


   Chen Nianzi nodded, although the words were not good, they were truthful.


   My own Amiro identity was given by the other party,


I'm afraid that everything that is happening now is still in the opponent's "three reincarnation prophecy" layout, and his own trump cards and combat power have all been figured out, but the heaven of the immortal world-zun is extremely mysterious and does not know the details at all. .


  The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, not to mention their combat power is not as good as the opponent...


   "Then you only see it, what should I do?" Chen Nianzi said.


   The minister hesitated for a few seconds.


   "But it's okay to say." Chen Weizhu said next to him.


"Since the third reincarnation and the second reincarnation have already taken refuge in the past, it is better for us as the first reincarnation to also take refuge in the past..." the minister said: "Since these two reincarnations can live in The opposite heavenly court has been entrusted with a heavy responsibility, so you must have been a high-level seat in the heavenly court in the past, and you can remain in the highest seat in the universe."


   Was surrendered?


   Chen Nianzi fell silent.


   "Retreat!" Chen Nianzi suddenly said, "I think about it, and I will answer in the future."


   In an ordinary planet.


   Chen Nianzi and Chen Weizhu came to a street to relax.


   In the past hundred years, this land has been reduced to the immortal Taoist tradition of the Buddhist heavenly court.


   There are monks who eat fast and reciting the Buddha everywhere, wearing robes, saving sentient beings, with golden light on their heads.

   Even some Buddhist monks, still in the temples on the peaks, still holding golden suona, began to play the Buddhist sound!


   Suddenly, the Buddhist temples on the mountain, the sound of the Buddha, the vast and majestic, make people feel peaceful, let the hundreds of people below the mountain worship,


   Regardless of the Buddhism of the earth, under the leadership of Qin Hong and others, it is already a brand new system and a good system that leads people to good.


   "Not as good as us, just drop it?"


   Chen Weizhu couldn't help but speak, and looked around the street, prosperous, "The land they rule is very happy and full of vitality."


"Qin Hong Tianzun, Bai Long, Jiaxia and others are all iron-clad heroes. If the other party is really corrupt and evil, they will definitely not go back, so the other party is still a young emperor with great aspirations for the benefit of the universe... .Since it is all for the benefit of the common people of the universe and for the revolution of the era, then what does it matter if the power is not in our hands?"


"We have been together for a long time, and I also know their character and temperament. We are all ally who overthrew Wen Ce Tianzun. We are not afraid of death and eager to defeat the decadent like-minded fellows. But even so, I am not reconciled. "Wen Ce Tianzun frowned.


   She doesn't plan to be the only seat of the highest position. After all, she is old, but she wants to fight for Chen Weizhu!


"I don't need a seat." Chen Weizhu said: "As long as someone can serve the common people and make the universe peaceful, no matter who is the emperor, it doesn't matter to me, as long as he is a good emperor, a good emperor, for the sake of common people. , Modify and update the rules of the universe, so as to benefit the world."


Chen Nianzi said: "You don't understand, now is different from the past. This ultimate cosmic era is unprecedented. According to our speculation, once this new cosmic emperor rules the dual seats...the ultimate eight will be ushered in. The position of the rank is truly detached, detached from the universe, detached from destiny, detached from the only master over the long river of time."


   "That is freedom." Chen Nianzi said seriously.


"But if for the ultimate seat in the legend, we are unscrupulous, for selfishness, then we are already decayed?" Chen Weizhu suddenly said: "We are for our own selfishness, and want to surpass the **** of the mother of the universe, she is the one who gave birth to us after all. Our land."




Chen Nianzi suddenly laughed, "Did you know? In the universe, decadence and freedom, which seem to be two completely similar words, have been bound together by the world. Heavenly emperors, most of them yearn for freedom, and they yearn for higher. I long for myself not to be bound by fate, but most of them are labeled decay."


   Chen Weizhu was silent.


   Chen Nianzi suddenly took Chen Weizhu and squatted down on the grass on the side of the street, looking at the ants on the ground, and said: "See? This colony of ants, they are common people, and they also represent all common people in the universe."


   "The common people are all ants."


   "The universe is the nest."


   She has a very cold voice, as cold as if there is no emotion, pointing at the ants that only carry it, her voice is like Hong Zhong, looking to the sky, "And the queen is the rule of heaven!"


   "Queen ants give birth to ants, raise ants, and let them serve and update themselves in the'ant nest'."


"Get trapped in their freedom. Gradually, the ants are accustomed to being numb and don’t know how to resist. If there are uncomfortable ants who want to be free and want to see the outside world of the ant colony, they will be yelled at by other numb ants and decayed. ."


Chen Nianzi stretched out her finger and asked an ant to climb up, "They will scold you, this queen ant nest gives birth to us and raises us, but we are ungrateful, abandoning our home, **** in the same room, wanting to see the outside World. UU Reading"


   "Thinking about this, I also have fear in my heart."


Chen Nianzi stood up, grabbed Chen Weizhu’s hand, and led her on the street step by step behind him, facing the hustle and bustle around him, “Under the heavenly way, the common people are the ants, and the universe is the nest... Freedom and decay are the same. I don’t care what other people’s senses are, I just want to fight for your free spot."


   "I want you to get rid of the fate of this ant nest, and get rid of the insensitive ant work that is repeated daily."


   Chen Nianzi turned his head, gently shook Chen Weizhu's hand, looked at each other's clean eyes carefully, and stared at each other:


   "Fate binds both of us. It seems that if we surrender to each other's Immortal Heavenly Court, we will be very happy in the future, because we are still the next-level seat of Heavenly Lord, and we will also usher in a long era of reign."


   "But I know in my heart that if we truly do not exceed our destiny, those celestial beings in the past thirty epochs will also be us in the future. Now that the era is renewed, the fortune will not be on our side, and the two of us will once again be played by destiny."


   "Time, luck, two words, break through all epochs of common people."


   Chen Nianzi laughed suddenly, the vicissitudes of life in the smile was extremely complicated, and he said with great emotion: "I always think that Qin Hong Tianzun's sentence is very applicable."


   "What are you talking about?"


   "Every time comes with the same power, the hero is not free to transport."


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