At this moment, unprecedented coercion converges and descends from the universe.

It seems that something is approaching, making every creature-spirit in the entire universe feel like never before, that there is something like the real majesty of the sky, carrying the mighty torrent of nature, just like the real gods descending on the world , And looked at himself coldly.

"you are..."

   "What the **** are you...thing??"

   Wen Ce Tianzun was dazed, looking at the immortal world-zun in front of him.

He seemed to hear the roar of the entire world, flames, mudslides, wind, water, black holes swept across, stars annihilated, common people roar, birds croak, everything that has life and no life, even himself, They all converged into a huge torrent of will, lingering on the body of the little speaker who had lost his wisdom.

   This is a collection of wills, a dead thing without death.

   This is the way of heaven,

   "This is close to the avenue."

"how did you do it?"

   Wen Ce Tianzun's eyes widened, and he suddenly revealed his deep fear for the first time in his life.

   He is not afraid of the immortal Blessed One, fearing the name of the strongest emperor in the universe,

   He never feared any powerful enemy, he was not afraid of the Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune of the year, nor the young Heavenly Venerable Wence disguised as himself. Although they overthrew himself countless times and brought himself on the verge of death, he never feared.

   But what appeared before my eyes was the thing that had always been rooted in the deepest layer of my heart, the thing called "destiny", the dead thing that controlled her life and played with her destiny.

   Under the gaze of countless people, the small speaker formed a huge pressure.

Countless squirming black mucus overflowed from the skin, forming a twisted texture like muscles and pimple sarcoma. She turned into an indescribable, indescribable twisted monster, like countless creatures, substances, rules, stitching, stretching out the abyssal body like the mountains of stars. , Wriggling that distorted huge tentacles, this is the concretization of all synthesis.

   "The Immortal Blessed One, what the **** are you...?"

   Wen Ce Tianzun looked at this scene in surprise, just about to speak again.

  嘭! !

   Wen Ce Tianzun was suddenly knocked out.

The immortal world’s trumpet kicked away Wence Tianzun, as if he had completely lost his reason and lost his wisdom. His pupils were pale, and his eyes were indifferent like an eternal god. All actions are based on instinct, which is a complete death. Things".

   This seems to be a battle statue without wisdom and thought, like mud, like rock, like a star, like a sun burning quietly and alone, a dead thing.

   "You are not yourself anymore?"

   Wen Ce Tianzun has not had time to speak.

   He flew upside down again,

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   The terrifying, ruthless and indifferent attack attacked him like a torrential rain.

"What is this?"

   "He is no longer a life."

   "He is a dead thing, the incarnation of the legendary heaven?"

   At this moment, Wen Ce Tianzun felt a boundless fear coming when he was hit hard. He knew that he was facing the scariest and scariest thing in his life, the biggest black hand manipulating his life.

   In the entire universe, watching Wen Ce Tianzun who was constantly beaten up, they were all dumbfounded.

   "Is this the power of the Immortal Blessed One?"

   "This is the real him? The combat power is so exaggerated!"

   "This is worthy of calculating everything, and his battle gives people a feeling of almost perfection!"

   "How do I feel that at this moment, the Immortal Blessed One is not really alive, not a creature with independent will, but a dead thing without thinking and only instinct."

   Immortal and Yuanshou Tianzun are both surprised and terrified.

They were pleasantly surprised by the Immortal Blessed One, and they were indeed the terrifying and only mythical emperor in the legend. They were extremely powerful, but at the same time they were afraid of the immortal Blessed One who made all the creatures in the universe get goose bumps, instinctive rejection, fear, The strange feeling of intimacy and parental intimacy.

   "Small speakers are really not easy."

   Even Qin Hong and Tang Meng both breathed a sigh of relief.

   They have long guessed that although the little horn is simple and unreliable, it is clear that as the once strongest Emperor Taizu who ruled the universe, he has his own hole cards, and there really is such a hole card in front of them.

   "Heaven, has it come?"

   At this moment, Fu Qingjun frowned fiercely when he saw this scene. He felt unbelievable and made sense.

  What kind of creature is the little horn? ?

  The strongest intelligent creature in the universe, and the most silly creature of dry rice, commonly known as the indescribable blind and foolish god!

   To make a simple analogy,

   Little Horn’s wisdom is so terrifying that her whole body is a huge wisdom brain! Thinking with one fingernail, all crushing the saint, thinking with one toe, all slinging an ordinary Tianzun genius!

And this body horribly creeps inside the brain, and there is a little brain like a horn, and this little brain with a lively mind is just the side of the lazy paddling. The little brain little horn in the brain is lazy all day long without working and eating everywhere. Suona!

   The body can do it, but the brain is lazy!

   "Being the ultimate creature of the little horn, he chose to give up thinking and give all his power to the body's instinct, that is, the brain of the body. Then this brain without self-thinking has combined with the general trend and turned into the incarnation of heaven."

   This is a very rare and incredible miracle scene,

   can do this, perhaps, that is, only a small speaker, an instinctive creature that doesn’t like to use his brain.

"In short, she doesn't use her brain, she is equivalent to a vegetative person, equivalent to cerebral palsy, equivalent to a dead and just fits the breath of a dead thing. After all, Dao Tian Dao is a dead thing without self-awareness. ."

   "Only a dead thing can fit a dead thing."

  Before, Fu Qingjun also took a big seat,

   But he can’t take this general position to such an extent anyway,

   because it doesn’t match, it doesn’t fit,

   Fu Qingjun has a brain. People who have their own independent and strong thinking can't give up thinking...

   And the little speaker?

   "This is probably the life that doesn't like thinking, has a pure and kind heart, and relies on instinctive forms the most. It is the most recent to the heavens, and the nature of the universe, the laws of the heavens, and the little horn is a born Dao."

   "It's also very scary to think carefully,"

   Fu Qingjun came to a conclusion and looked at the little speaker at this time.

   The current little speaker has given up thinking and has completely lost her mind. She is completely instinctive. In this way, she is the most terrifying young hero in history, and the most indescribable universe and heavenly creature.

   The son of the general trend, the little horn, has never spoken about martial arts, and he turned into an open hanger.

   How can Wen Ce Tianzun win a monster like this?



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