My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 633: Fighting the Way of Heaven with Humanity

   At this moment, Fu Qingjun felt more and more the mockery of fate.

   As long as the general trend is in force, even a fool can overthrow the strongest emperor of the universe?

   Of course, Fu Qingjun is not taunting that Little Speaker is a fool.

   After all, this "fool" is not something that ordinary people can be. He wants to be a "short-cut" with amazing comprehension. The young Immortal Blessed One was such a simple "short-cut."

"When I look at him now, the person I blocked in the tomb is really not his heyday. In his heyday, he should be like the little trumpet. He is the person who most conforms to the incarnation of heaven, and he can also incarnate the dead thing of the heaven. Exert your strength to a degree!"

   The Immortal Blessed One who blocked the door himself, obviously has no such ability to transform.

   Otherwise, the one who was beaten up was Fu Qingjun himself...

   "But now, it is my good disciple Chen Nianzi who has been beaten up." Fu Qingjun looked terrified, and when he saw the sky crumble in the distance, he felt great fear.

   That kind of combat power can no longer be defeated by humans...

"Even if the trumpet is completely replaced by this state and cannot return to reason, then I will be killed by it. My plan will be completely ruined and I will be added as a wedding dress." Fu Qingjun frowned completely, "again Was it placed one?"

   Fu Qingjun believes in little speakers,

   But the way of heaven is even more ignorant of martial ethics,

If the trumpet can’t return to a normal state of consciousness... With this indifferent way of heaven incarnation, a state of war weapon, maybe after killing Wen Ce Tianzun, he will continue to use instinct to kill as white blood cells. Dying of this virus,

   I will also be killed by her.

   "Trouble." Fu Qingjun stood up, Ling Ran in his heart.


   A few suona, turned into a huge sound wave.

   The whole earth is turned into chaos, countless gravity, quantum force, electromagnetic force, geomantic omen, thunder and lightning, are all stirred and shaken into a pot of hot porridge.

   With the Suona shaking, as if a song of extinction struck, Wen Ce Tianzun was shaken in it, like raw meat baked in a microwave oven, and his whole body was shaken to pieces.

   "It seems that I have to show my true ability."

   Wen Ce Tianzun took a deep breath, "I guessed it a long time ago that this battle is definitely my disadvantage. If you are prepared to fight again, how can you not be sure of defeating me??"

   "But since I dare to fight, it's not that I don't have a hole card!"

   still have hole cards?

   Fu Qingjun was in the distance, and he secretly applauded when he saw this.

   is worthy of my apprentice, who can defeat the existence of Wen Ce Tianzun, the legendary Amiro, I can trust your talent, so easy to be defeated, it is not your style to have no success!

   Actually, after a few years, she Wen Ce Tianzun also regained her youth.

   She is already a thorough young man,

   Why are you young?

  Because I didn’t have time to rejuvenate from old age before, I could only let Chen Nianzi hold the immortal rule of the immortal world-zun, constantly improve her wisdom and talent, and focus on her ability alone.

   But, as the other party procrastinated for a long time, she also had enough time to use this rule to restore her youthfulness!

   These years,

   She is not simply spending time by the other party. She also uses these rules to eat a lot of people, eat the souls and wisdom of countless strong men and heroes, so as to completely return to a young state.

   "This is already my peak combat power."

Tianzun Wen Ce looked at the immortal world-zun in front of him, and said coldly and sternly: "The pinnacle of me, using the pinnacle of talents and techniques to open up comprehensive preparations, is not your opponent at all. It can be seen your wisdom and talents. He is indeed the first person in the past, the head of the three emperors of the universe, far surpassing Wen Ce, Gan Xiu and others."

   Seeing Wen Ce Tianzun who recovered his body again, the Tiandao incarnation of the little speaker didn't even do anything.

   but standing in place blankly,

   is like a huge black monster statue twisting and wriggling, a piece of black mud, a huge meteorite floating in the universe, without any sound.

   At this moment, the computing power, intelligence, combat power, and comprehensive level of the small speaker have already surpassed the limit of individual life!

  Human wisdom has limits,

  The situation at this time is like the artificial intelligence Afar dog in the field of Go, fighting against the flesh and blood wisdom of humans.

   The mighty power of nature has already surpassed the ability of individual human beings.

   The trumpet is rapidly calculating the opponent's bottom line and hole cards...

   Actually, the other party didn’t have any chance,

   As long as the trumpet doesn’t draw, as long as you prepare to calculate the future battle situation in advance, the opponent will not have any chance!

   But, the little horn is too paddling!

   Before, she didn't have any preparations for this battle. After she was taken over by her instinct body, she began to calculate the opponent's hole cards and strength, and deduced the opponent's battle!

   can be said to be a small speaker, and a small speaker can be defeated. It is a small speaker to become the incarnation of Tiandao and become the strongest combat power, but it is also the only opportunity for Wen Ce Tianzun to take advantage of the small speaker.

  嘭! !

   The small speaker suddenly moved.

She jumped up, abandoned the opposite Amiro Chen Nianzi, and ran directly into the civilized battlefield below, into the huge meat grinder, and entered the huge civilized slaughter tens of thousands of light-years away. .



   Amiro stood in front of Wen Ce Tianzun, and laughed violently in his heart:

   "Sure enough, is this destiny? If I want to be free, I will directly face the most powerful way of heaven! The way of heaven is really going to kill me and overthrow the greatest decayed existence in my universe!"

   "But since you really appeared in front of me, I want to beat you this time, I want to seize true freedom!"

   A long-lost rush of blood rushed to her heart. She stopped the opponent with flesh and blood, and said with a stern smile: "You have to leave! Chen Weizhu, let's get started!"


  In the distance, Chen Weizhu moved his body and pressed the cosmic wall under his feet firmly on the ground.

   An invisible formation is rising,

   When is this formation set up in advance? No one knows.

   But at the moment of activation, everyone felt the horror in it. This is a huge soul and flesh formation covering the entire killing battlefield, forming a large formation with the ability to transform the cosmic wall membrane with indestructible rules.

   "Get up!"

Chen Weizhu held a dark red texture staff, his whole body floated, and a raging flame ignited in his eyes, "Here is the flesh and blood battlefield of our two heavenly courts. Here, every minute and every second, the whole past is falling. The heroes of the dead in the future."

   "And now, our Amiro Heavenly Court must be humane and defeat the destiny!"


   The blood on the ground of the Chaos Battlefield gleamed with a weird red light. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

  The blood rushes and flows,

   sandwiched the undead who have just fallen,

   Chen Weizhu suddenly whispered Fu Qingjun’s previous words:

   "The universe took a long thirty-eight epoch and gave birth to billions of trillions of creatures, but on this day alone, all the civilizations of the creatures in the long river of time died at the same time..."

   "In front of its eyes, it is going to kill almost all the lives that have been born in the history of the universe."

   "And all the powerful civilizations and beings who have been born in the past over a long period of time, their deaths in front of them are not meaningless. What if they are all eaten under the rules of the immortal world?"

   "That must be the strongest genius in the entire universe, an unprecedented super immortal world-zun!"

   "This is the great achievement of all humanity in the history of the universe. If it is with such power, it may be possible to defeat the heavens with humanity!"

   "Incarnate with humanity, and fight with heaven!"


   Endless earth formations swept the earth, and the blood ignited the sky.



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