Plane: Blue Star

Time: 2120, June 3 Location:

Shenzhou Huaxia, Beijing, No. 1 Middle School.

Senior Department, three-year A class.

On the podium, a beautiful math tutor is doing the last math class of the semester.

In a few days, it will be the national exam, which is the most important exam in Shenzhou Huaxia.

It may also be one of the best opportunities for all those trapped in the "bottom cage" to break through the cage and climb up.

Everyone is taking this last lesson seriously.

However, by the window in the back, a teenager looked drowsy.

No matter how passionate the previous instructor spoke, he could not stop him from falling asleep.

"Students, this is the last class, and you will go home in the afternoon.

"It is said that it is relaxation before the big exam, but you also know that only fools can relax

!" "Opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared, and only by desperately rolling up a new world can you roll up a new world!"

He said, pointing to a question written on the blackboard:

"There are still ten minutes to leave class, give you ten minutes to think about how to do it." The

students in the audience were speechless for a while, did they make a mistake, listening to this meaning, it is going to drag on again?

It is an analytical geometry, this kind of problem is generally the finale problem, the difficulty is not small, and there are very few that can be done.

A few minutes passed, and no one spoke.


A cell phone rang suddenly, causing the quiet class to look over.

The boy in the back row by the window shook his figure and was also woken up.

After glancing around, he glanced at the mentor again, and said lightly:

"I'm sorry mentor." The

math instructor in front turned livid and did not speak.

She was very impressed with this student.

His academic performance is good, that is, his mobile phone, which rings every day in class.

The number of mobile phones confiscated by himself alone is more than 50.

But this guy, it seems that the thief in the family has money.

No matter how many you confiscate, he can always pull out another one.

It's also full of new phones of big brands.

Even one in the morning, one at noon, one in the afternoon.

People can't help but suspect that his family sells mobile phones.

But even if your family sells crazy, you can't make it like this, doesn't the family care about you?

There is another thing, he chooses to go to the toilet during class all day, and he always feels that it is intentional.

The boy's name is Wind Chime, the kind of wind chimes that are a string of fifteen dollars, and the kind of wind chimes that will jingle when the wind blows.

The appearance is very beautiful, a pair of peach blossom eyes are very bright, giving people a sense of harmlessness to humans and animals.

If you look closely at his face, you will find that his face is surprisingly symmetrical, which can be called perfect symmetry.

But it's useless, no girlfriend.


" The mobile phone in his pocket rang again, and the instructor in front of him said with a displeased face:

"Don't turn off the silence yet, or will you go out first to busy yourself?"

The wind chimes apologized again and turned on the mute.

But did not put it down immediately, but opened the chat interface.

A person who remarked [neuropathy] sent a message: [

Get out, give you 5 minutes, the women's toilet on the third floor. 】


[You still have 4 minutes.]

Seeing this news, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he replied:

"It's just a few minutes after class, wait a minute."

At this time, the instructor in front of him was a little angry and said:

"A few minutes have passed, no one has figured it out yet! I'm pasty! How do I usually teach you? None of the classes can do it!



Wind Chimes frowned slightly, gritted his teeth, looked up, or slowly raised his hand.

The female tutor in front raised her eyebrows:

"Will you?" The

class looked at the wind chime again, they were all surprised, this question was so difficult, he came up with it so quickly?


Everyone: ???

poof... "Hahaha

!" "

I guess it's that I go to class and go to the toilet every day... Ha ha. The

class laughed and showed no mercy.

The instructor in front heard the words of the wind chime, and his eyes were about to burst into flames!

"Class is out in a few minutes, and you tell me you want to go to the bathroom? Did you mean to?"


he sighed, picking up the schoolbag on the edge of his seat.

Under the surprised gaze of everyone, he stood up.

His good classmates all showed expressions of watching a good show, and they were also a little surprised.

This wind chime, usually wilted, why is it so rigid today

? The teacher's eyes widened, what do you want to do

? Rebellion?

Glancing at his bag, there are not many books in it at all.

I couldn't help but say:

"Look at your attitude, last school to carry a school bag, there are few books in it, what about pretending to be this, right? Who is pretending to show it?

Wind Chime did not speak, did not have any expression on his face, and continued to walk forward.

Surprisingly, he did not go out around the podium, but picked up the chalk on the podium.

Stood in front of the problem that no one had done.

Slowly raised his hand....


the sound of chalk rubbing against the blackboard reverberates through this silent classroom.

He writes quickly, the dragon flies and the phoenix dances, but he does not scrawl.

There was also a hint of domineering in that handwriting, which did not match the harmless temperament of humans and animals on him.

It only took half a minute to write the answer to half of the blackboard!

The answer made many people suddenly realize, and couldn't help but exclaim:

"Oh, so it

is!" "So it is, I understand!" Of

course, some people read the answer and did not understand what was going on.

The tutor didn't expect it, and looked at him with some shock:

This is the whole math group, a problem together!


Chimes didn't read it after writing, put the chalk away, and walked towards the door.

When passing by the tutor, he didn't look at her, but just said softly:


The audience immediately boiled,

and ???the

math instructor's eyes widened:

"Sit down for me!

At this time, a girl whispered to the good girlfriend next to her

: "Suddenly I feel that he is so handsome!" The

good girlfriend shook her head, pouted, and looked disgusted:

"You forgot his moldy B physique?

I'm real, my stomach hurts, I can't hold it.

The mentor said with a cold face:

"Chu Sheng, don't think I don't know that you have a good relationship with wind chimes, you two collude, okay?

"Not a mentor, I'm ..."

Bang -

Chu Sheng slammed his head directly on the table after hearing despair, and knocked one on the mentor in front.

"I'm real!" the

people around were snickering.

The girl just now laughed again:

"What did I just say, people who get close to him will be unlucky, right?"

[You still have 30 seconds.

This is the sixth floor.

30 seconds to go down to the third floor, or the women's bathroom?

Fortunately, there is no one in the corridor now, all the classes are dragged out, and no one is blocking his way.

Run to the entrance of the stairs and jerk a brake, hold the railing, and forcibly drag himself towards the bottom of the stairs.

He strode to the middle with a few strides, and then jumped sharply!

and actually tumbled directly down the stairs, and with a bang, landed in the middle of the slippery steps below.

Without any stopping, turn over again.

Several times in a row, I quickly reached the third floor and rushed directly into the women's toilet.

Without a trace of hesitation, proficiency is distressing.

At the last second, he stepped through the door.

But before he could catch his breath, it was suddenly dark in front of him.


didn't know what he hit it, but it bounced him straight back two steps.

Looking up, two with high ponytails, a tight black dress, and black high heels.

A beautiful woman with long legs and figure.

was standing there, looking at him with a displeased face.

A man holds a crazy tablet in his hand.

Another man was holding a gun made of crystal all over!

and looked like a hottie killer from some organization.

Definitely not cosplay, a real killer.

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