The name of the tablet is Lin Yue.

The one holding the crystal gun, named Chen Ting, was the woman who was hit by the wind chime just now.

As soon as the wind chimes retreated and stood firm, Chen Ting held a gun in one hand, covered her heart with the other, and stepped on high heels and pedaled two steps up with anger.

His eyes froze, and he subconsciously reached out to block it.

But was pulled by that Chen Ting's arm, the body turned, a beautiful over-the-shoulder fall, directly threw the wind chime into the women's toilet

! The wind chime, who is one meter eight five meters tall and weighs 139 pounds, was thrown by this woman more than two meters high!

fell heavily on the ground, and the few books in the backpack were scattered all over the place.

Rolled a few times, hit the wall with a bang, did not care about the pain, and immediately sat up from the ground.

Glaring angrily at Chen Ting in front of her, her eyes looked directly at the gun in her hand.

Zhuo Nima's, two crazy women!"

"You're a second late." Chen

Ting's cold voice sounded, clicked, the crystal gun was loaded, aimed at the wind chime, and a disdainful expression appeared on his face.

But no matter how much hatred you have in your heart, you can't beat it

! Because these two women are not people, they are spiritual masters!

You may not think that in this seemingly ordinary and ordinary world of science and technology.

There are two races that cannot be explained by science.

Spirit masters and demon races.

Spirit masters catch demons, demon races eat people, and eat spirit masters, the two are absolutely opposites.

Spirit masters have been protecting the human world so that they are as little as possible disturbed by the demon race.

At the same time, this matter has been hidden.

And Wind Chimes is the son of the demon king, a half-demon without one in ten thousand.

Half-demons are children of demons and people, cursed by the way of heaven and spurned by ethics.

The chance of pregnancy is one in 10,000, and after pregnancy, the chance of being able to give birth smoothly is also 1 in 10,000.

To say that he was unlucky, such a small probability, he survived.

Say that he was lucky, on the day he was born, his demon king father was gone, and he also fell into the hands of the spirit master.


the angry eyes of Wind Chime, Chen Ting showed a happy smile:

"Start testing, Lin Yue."

Lin Yue nodded, picked up the tablet, and his voice was cold

: [Target: Current state of wind chimes:


23,900th stress test, start. ]

Test method: second-order monster. Saying

that, Lin Yue put down the tablet in his hand, sealed it with one hand, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly voiced:

"Second-order demon spirit baby, summon!" The

voice resounded in the bathroom, however....

Wind chimes can't see anything.

In the eighteen years of testing, he did not have the slightest spiritual power fluctuation or demon power fluctuation on his body.

I can't see any so-called monsters.

In the eyes of Wind Chime, the two of them were like two elementary school students studying Hokage.

Secondary two diseases, neuropathy the same.

However, not seeing does not mean that there is none.


The floor between his legs suddenly exploded!

Tile shards splattered everywhere, scratching the school uniform on his legs and across his thighs, a trail of blood oozing out.

The wind chime, who has always been relatively calm, almost became a eunuch in his heart!

When he looked down again, he could see the strange-shaped footprints on the ground between his legs.

Like a human hand, there are five fingers, but the footprint, 20cm wide, is the footprint of a monster!

The tiles are shattered, cracks spread, and it is difficult to imagine what can step on such a terrifying pit.

If this foot steps on the wind chime, the body is shattered!

Sometimes, what cannot be seen is the most terrible.

Although the wind chimes are relatively calm on the surface, their hearts are beating wildly, and their eyes are dead looking ahead.

Chen Ting looked at the wind chime with disdain, and the gun was still pointed at him.

She was waiting for the energy response on the wind chime.

They were waiting for him to awaken into a half-spirited master.

As a child of demons and people, it is possible to awaken into a half-demon or a half-spirit.

Whatever awakening it is, it will become the most powerful being in the world.

So wind chimes have been monitored to this day, raised by them.

Provide the best material conditions, the best education, waiting for his awakening.

If he awakens to become a half-spirit master, the wind chime will become the next hundred years in the spirit master world, ruling Huaxia, and there is no demon enemy.

If it is a demon, do you see the gun in Chen Ting's hand?

Spirit Gun: Driven by spiritual power, if it hits within the attack range, shoot all monsters below the fourth order.

Can directly send the wind chimes that have just awakened and are not yet strong to reincarnation with one shot.

Eighteen years, cage-like life, Wind Chimes felt like a dog being called by them.


Probably not even as good as a dog.

The dog can also go out for a walk, but he can only live in the cage under the watchful eye of these spiritual masters.

Fearful under their perverted test.

Every day, spiritual and demon power tests are carried out three to four times.

After a while, Lin Yue said lightly:

"Come back." "

Knock knock....

There were no footprints this time, but the wind chimes felt the floor, trembling, and the invisible monster should have left him.

I breathed a sigh in my heart.

It's good, there is still no awakening today.

It's nice to live another day.

However, is it really good?

When I think of the future, I will be shrouded in the shadow of the spirit master, and the wind chime feels that everything seems to have no meaning.

He knew very well that what he wanted was not such a life.

What he wanted was freedom.

"Heh, waste things, after so many years, let alone awakening, there are not even spiritual power fluctuations in the body, it is really a waste of our resources.

Chen Ting scolded disdainfully and withdrew the gun.

Wind Chime glanced down at the wound on his leg, and anger surged in his heart.

He not only had injuries on his legs, but countless scars on his body, under those clean and tidy clothes

! Witnessed his cage-like life in the past eighteen years!

He lowered his head, hid the anger in his eyes, and whispered:

"Then you let me go." "

I fucking use your resources

, Laozi fuck, how to live, not better than so alive?"

Wind Chimes didn't speak again, only hoping that they would leave quickly.

At this time, Lin Yue picked up the tablet and said to the tablet

: [The 23,900th test is over, and the test results: unawakened, no spiritual power fluctuations, no demon power fluctuations.

After speaking, he looked at the wind chime:

"Tonight at eight o'clock is your 18th birthday, if you don't wake up, you won't have a chance."

When the wind chime with his head bowed heard this, he raised his head in surprise

: "What do you mean, it means, I'm free!?" Chen

Ting sneered:

"Don't be happy too early, play a night of testing, you awaken?"

Although it was threatening him, the wind chime's face could not hide its joy.

Lao Tzu has not awakened for eighteen years, it is impossible to awaken in the last test, right?

Remarks: The message sent by [Director Bai]: [

If you don't awaken tonight, kill directly, declare the spirit master world and the demon world, and the Feng family will be extinct, so as to set an example. ] This

is the Bai family, to give wind chimes freedom....

But apparently, not the freedom he wanted.

Chen Ting leaned over to take a look, and a perverted smile appeared on her face.

Lin Yue was expressionless, and the two looked at each other and left here.

"Whew..." Wind

Chimes sat on the ground, let out a long sigh of relief, and then rejoiced

! After the evening, he would be free!

He immediately got up from the ground excitedly, the scars on his thighs were shocking, but his face was full of expectation.

Compared to the past, this really doesn't hurt anymore.

At the most ruthless, I lay in a hospital bed for a month.

And from time to time I have to be hospitalized, and every time I give the school a reason, it is a car accident.

This is also the reason why his classmates stayed away from him.

He stood in place for a moment, adjusting to the pain of the moment.

Get ready to leave here, after all, it's a women's bathroom.

The bell for the end of the last class has already rung, and it won't be long to drag on the class.

He didn't want to be arrested as a pervert on the last day.

Just as you were about to leave....

"Help me..." a

hoarse female voice suddenly sounded in the empty bathroom.

The wind chimes were shocked, and when he turned his head to look, the sound came from the compartment.

What's going on?

I'm about to move.

Bang -

the heart contracted violently

! as if being pinched by someone's hand, never felt severe pain!

When the heart was compressed to the extreme pump, the blood flowed extremely fast, rampage through his body.

A stream of brain filled his brain.

Buzz -

a buzz, wind chimes glaring, legs soft, kneeling to the ground.

As he knelt down, black demon qi burst out from his body.

The size of the body can be seen with the naked eye, from one meter eighty five to two meters one.

That flowing handsome black hair, from the root to the end.

It was just a blink of an eye, and it turned snow-white.

The black pupils were first covered with a layer of white mist, and then in that white mist, a burst of scarlet light lit up, and the whites of the eyes flashed dazzling gold.

This is the symbol of the demon!


he lost control of his body and knelt heavily on the ground.

Staring, the brain is also temporarily lost the ability to think due to rapid congestion.

And at this very moment, in a dark corner of Kyoto....

A pair of demon pupils with the same golden ring and red eyes slowly opened, and their eyes shone with essence.

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