Then a flame lit up and a cigarette was lit.

The owner of those scarlet eyes took a deep breath and actually smoked the whole cigarette in one gulp

, but after smoking, he coughed violently:

"Cough cough..."

The voice sounded a little old.

Suddenly, a child's voice sounded in this darkness:

"Ha ~ Elder Heavenly Crow, the one just now was..." "

It was the essence blood left by the master of the family who was summoned.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice:

"Go, take the young lord back to the house!" "Eh, Elder Heavenly Crow, do you want to go out too?" "

Since the death of the family master, Elder Heavenly Crow has never left here, and this time he actually wants to go out!"

The young lord

awakened, of course, personally greeted him, but he didn't expect that he was in this capital.

"Yes~Young Lord~Young Lord~Young Lord~"

A pair of scarlet eyes in the darkness, constantly moving up and down, was the child jumping up and down happily.

In the next second, the pitch-black space suddenly opened scarlet eyes, each of which looked so terrifying.

"What? We actually still have a

young lord?" "What is the young lord? can you tickle me, I really, really itchy..."

"Young lord wow~ delicious?" I

don't know how many monsters there are in this dark space, and one person suddenly became lively.

The cold and terrifying eyes of the Heavenly Crow swept over the demons, and said in a deep voice:

"You guys, do you want to die again?"

The words fell, and all eyes closed, and their mouths were closed at the same time.

"Hehe~Let's go~Elder~Take the Young Lord home~"


After a moment of loss of concentration, the blood in the body was still boiling.

But the wind chimes have adapted to the sensation, and the brain has paused to think.

Slowly opened his eyes, he saw skin that had become whiter than the wall, and there was no trace of blood in his entire arm.

The nails also turned blood-red at some point, growing at least two centimeters longer.

The sharp nails feel like they can pierce people's necks at once!

At this time, all the senses are elevated to the extreme.

It felt like I had arrived in a new world.

You can clearly see the dust particles inside the cracks of the floor tiles.

The lines on the skin are clearly visible as if they have been magnified.

You can hear the sound of electricity in the overhead light bar.

I can hear the sound of the tutor lecturing in the classroom more than 100 meters away, and even the whispers of classmates in the classroom.

You can also hear the strange sound of something squirming in the compartment next to the closed door.

"So hungry... Help me!" the

harsh female voice sounded again.

Wind Chimes turned their heads to look at the same time....


The door panel of the compartment suddenly exploded

, and the wood chips splashed and blew him off, and then he saw the most disgusting thing he had ever seen in his life.

It was countless pairs of gray hands bursting out of the bathroom pit.

There was no time to dodge, and the gray arm that rushed out was choked by the neck.

Bang -

he was pinched to death and slammed into the wall.


a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Staring in disbelief, looking at the monster in front of him, never seen before.

The mouthful of blood sprayed onto one of the gray hands.

In the next second, Wind Chimes saw a large bag bulging out of the two hands, squirming like some parasite underneath.

Squirmed to the point where it was stained with the blood of the wind chimes.

With a pop, a tongue actually stuck out on the surface of the gray skin, frantically licking the blood on his hand.


"It's blood! It's blood! Hahaha! ohshit! It's so sweet..." The

wind chimes were dumbfounded.

What the hell is this?

This is...

At this time, he was pinched by his gray thick arms, and his limbs were also pressed against the wall, unable to move!

That arm was as thick as a pit, I really don't know, how such a small pit plugged so many arms.

Most importantly, why didn't the two bastard spirit masters just now find it?"

"Suck it..."

a disgusting voice sounded, and one of the hands was raised high.

Then it inflated like a balloon and turned into a large gray ball of meat.

The skin on the surface of the big flesh ball became a little transparent because of the swelling, and the dense blood vessels under the skin could be faintly seen....

Wind Chimes looked at the ball of flesh with a dull expression, watching its gray skin rot and crack.

Pull out a few fangs and open one, which can swallow his entire mouth the size of a head!

"Ha-" The

like bad breath rushed to his face, causing the wind chimes to tumble in his stomach.

In the next second, the mouth opened sharply to the maximum, and it hit the head of the wind chime

! What the hell is your mother!

He instinctively wanted to use his hand to defend, and his right hand was hard against the gray hand that pressed his arm.

Towards the huge gray head, the instinctive one slapped a big bicker!


the green blood mist burst out, splashing the wind chimes all over.


after a mournful roar....

The bathroom was extremely quiet, and the air seemed to freeze.

The monster's brain is gone, but it is still pressing the wind chime.


wind chimes were also confused:

I was blanched, I was actually so strong?

After a few seconds, there was a piercing female sound that made the scalp numb

again, and at the same time the other hand quickly swelled, forming a large ball of meat again.

That sound made the wind chime's eardrums feel like they were going to be pierced!

His hearing is now dozens of times that of before.

"Damn, it's dead!"

he frowned, slapped again, and flung it on the ball of meat that was forming.


the meat ball exploded in the next time!

The monster in front of me is not screaming, it is stupid.

"Ha..." The

terrified expression on Wind Chime's face gradually disappeared.

A somewhat mocking smile appeared:

"What the fuck do you dare to come to me?"

he said, and his other hand slowly detached from the wall.

That gray thick arm can't hold him at all

! Pit

demon: ???Aren't you TM first-order

!? Why is it so strong?

You lied to the demon!

Just when the wind chimes were preparing to completely break out of the control of the monster in front of you.

Those gray arms suddenly burst out black qi.

At the same time, from the pit in that compartment, more arms stretched out.

Countless pairs of arms, overwhelming, struck towards the wind chime, which

was full of force, breaking free from all the gray hands that were now pressing on him.

But in the next second, more gray hands swallowed him up, completely controlled, and his eyes were instantly dark.

His eyes, face, and body were all controlled by the monster.

Countless hands, wrapped into a huge sphere, were dead wrapped around wind chimes.

This time, he couldn't break free anymore.

"Hahaha, die!" a

harsh female voice sounded, and the wind chime's eyes were blindfolded, and she couldn't see anything.

But he could hear something squirming in the black sphere that wrapped around him.

When it squirms in front of itself, it will be swallowed by it and there is no place to die.

He wanted to move, but he couldn't....

It's over....

Am I going to die?

My neck was strangled, I couldn't breathe, my head was bloodshot.

It felt like falling into an abyss, and the body was constantly falling, and there was a burst of vertigo.

It seems to be a bottomless abyss, and when it lands, it will be crushed to pieces.

The consciousness gradually blurred, but he could still think, and despair climbed into his heart.

Eighteen years, soon to go ashore....

But at this time, he fell off a cliff.

Above his head was light, but he was getting farther and farther away from that light.

Obviously, after tonight, I will be free....

The door of the cage has been opened, and I am almost one step away, and I am out!


I'm going to die?

Why not....


Unwilling, really unwilling.

God seemed to be teasing him.

It felt like winning another hand and being king, and the season was over.

It's like the game is about to clear the level, and suddenly the power goes out, and it hasn't been saved.

Just two words, Cao Ni Bloodma

! Why should I die? Why the

do you end my life!

The despair in my heart gradually turns into unwillingness and anger.

Damn it, it's you

! Damn those two spirit masters

! You're all going to die!


In the darkness, the scarlet light in the eyes of the wind chimes appeared like a flash bomb, covering the golden ring outside his eyes.

The red light burst out, like a bolt of energy, penetrated those gray arms, and shot at the bathroom wall and floor.

"What is this?"

the youkai's frightened, surprised voice sounded!

The next second, it suddenly disappeared, as if it had never come.

Without its control, the feet of the wind chimes finally landed.

Safe and sound!

But... It's not quite the same.



? I'm alive again?

Unbelievably stretched out my hand, trying to move my fingers, only to find...

At this time, his hand actually became like the monster from the pit, with gray arms!

A smelly mouth grew in the palm of his hand, and an eye grew on the back of his hand, staring at the confused scarlet demon pupil, looking at the wind chimes in front of him.

The two of them looked at each other for a long time, and the bathroom was silent....

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