"What do you mean? Are you saying they will repent?

Tiancrow nodded:

"The land of Shenzhou is full of spirit masters, but there are three spirit masters, Ruojia, Bai, Shuo, and the three families are the head of the spirit masters."

"And the Bai family is the most ferocious, all demons, whether injured or not, are all destroyed. They even kill people and kill innocents. I don't think such a family will let you live through tonight"

Speaking of the Bai family, the kind expression of the Heavenly Raven was a little oozing.

Apparently there is some deep hatred.

Wind Chime frowned and was a little puzzled:

"Even kill people? Doesn't anyone care about this? "

According to what he knows about this world, murder is punishable by imprisonment.

Why are those spiritual masters out of the law?

Tiancrow shook his head:

"The head of the Bai family, Bai Qiling, the ninth-order psychic heavenly master realm, destroys the heavens and the earth with one hand... Who dares?

"You don't care? Aren't you invincible?

Tiancrow smiled faintly:

"Bai Qiling's old thing, very cunning, I can't catch him."

Wind Chimes Heart:

Good fellow, I'm joking, listen to what you mean, can you really handle him?

Then the Heavenly Raven continued:

"Moreover, the technique of the spirit master, the special demon clan, the old minister has not appeared for many years. Now I don't know what the technique has become.

"Hey... Maybe I'm just a frog at the bottom of the well now.

"But Young Lord, you are a noble half..." Hearing

that he was immortal and wanted to let himself give away the head, the wind chimes quickly interrupted him:

"Then let's do this, think of a way, first help me stabilize the demon power in my body, and then if they really want to do something to me, how about you help me kill the two of them?" You can handle those two people. "

He really, only has one wish, a wish that he has had since he was a child, and he dreams about it.

Eighteen years of wishes, the persistence in the heart, really does not mean that change can change.

He just wants to live ordinarily.

If anyone wants to die in this way, then of course the wind chimes will not remain.

Tiancrow nodded:

"Of course."

"Then what other way do you have to suppress the demon power in my body."

Tiancrow thought for a while:

"The minister may not be able to, but the minister knows that one thing can."


"Gili charms!"

Wind chimes:???

"Ghillie? That thing in PUBG?

Tiancrow was stunned for a moment:

"Fart by coin chicken!? What is that?

He also wondered if it was a new chicken demon race born in the world now.

"Well, you say you say."

"The auspicious talisman is a black charm for the demon race, attached to the body, but hide the demon power on the body, many demon races use this charm, living an ordinary life in this world, maybe among your classmates, there are hidden demon races."

Wind Chimes was overjoyed:

"It's a good thing, do you have it?"

Tiancrow shook his head:

"I can take you to buy it."

Wind Chimes: ....

"So I still have to pay for it, right?"

"I'm sorry Young Lord, the minister is incompetent..."

"Forget it, let's go."

Subsequently, the Heavenly Raven briefly sealed the demon power in the wind chime's body again.

Or let the wind chimes walk out of the gate.

On the way, Wind Chimes saw those spirit masters again, and now he felt even more afraid.

No, if you want to be an ordinary person, you must first move out of here.

What is the last piece of land of the Feng family?

Pull it down, small lives matter.

The life of ordinary people that he longed for in his heart was far away from these spiritual masters, and it was best not to see it again in this life.

After going out, Tiancrow has become an ordinary old man.

The smile did not follow out.

The crow is strong and can transform into an adult and walk the streets with swagger.

Suppressing demon qi has not been discovered by the spirit master, but laughing is not enough.

"What do you look like now?"

Tiancrow nodded:

"Yes, young master, now in the eyes of others, I am an ordinary two-meter-one old man."

Wind Chimes wondered,

"Why can't that woman in the women's bathroom see you before?"

"Young Lord, after all, it's a women's toilet..." Wind

Chimes suddenly became a little annoyed:

"So if you want a face, I don't want a face, right!"

Tiancrow thought for a moment and said slowly,

"You... Also. "

Wind Chimes: .

. Are you hesitating?

Forget it, there is no common topic.

"Where are we going to buy auspicious charms?"

"It's almost time Young Lord."

The sky crow walked unhurriedly, and the two walked through the busy city and walked among the crowd.

You can't see any demons during the day, because the spirit master is very active during the day.

Come out at this time, then don't you turn on the lights in the toilet and look for?

After walking about a few kilometers, this is what the crow said was almost there.

Wind Chimes felt like they were about to be blown away by the sun.

"Huh? Isn't that a wind chime? As

I was walking, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Turning around, it turned out to be two girls in the class.

One of them seems to be called Wang Yi, and the other is called Chen Ling.

"Hey, he's coming, don't look at him! Will be unlucky! I don't want to get hit by a car! Saying

that, the two girls quickly turned their heads and did not dare to look at the wind chimes.

"It's over, I just glanced at him, my national exam won't be moldy, right?"

Although the wind chimes are very popular with the little girl, they are always surrounded by the spirit master of the Bai family.

As a result, he looks particularly moldy in the eyes of ordinary people, and no one wants to approach him.

The spirit master who monitors him, every once in a while, will actually change two people, these two crazy women, monitoring the wind chimes for only two months.

Why is it always changed, the wind chimes don't know, maybe they were killed by monsters when they were on a mission, right?

Wind chimes hope so....

Tiancrow glanced at it and said softly,

"Young Lord? Your friends?

Wind Chime shook his head:

"It's just a stranger who knows his name."

In the heart of Wind Chime, his friend, good brother, there is only one, Chu Sheng.

Finally, after passing through a few alleys, we came to a commissary deep in the alley.

This commissary also has a name: [200 knives commissary]

The small shop is not large, about 50 square meters, and it displays a variety of snacks and daily necessities.

Behind the cash register at the door, sat a boss with a big waist and big ears.

The height is also one meter nine, this body of meat, to be honest, two hundred pounds can't be beaten!

Carelessly blowing the small electric fan, after seeing

the wind chimes and the sky crow, his eyes narrowed with a smile: "Welcome ah ~ look casually ~ look casually"

The wind chimes walked all the way, a little thirsty, first took a bottle of ice, and directly opened:

"Boss, I'll drink first, I'll pay later."

"No problem, it's getting hot and early now."

Wind Chimes nodded approvingly.

At this time, Tiancrow walked in front of the boss and said lightly:

"Two hundred knives, an auspicious talisman."

The boss had a smile on his face, his eyes froze, and he took a deep look at Tiancrow:

"You are?"

"Sky Raven."

The boss showed a surprised expression, seemed shocked, and then smiled:

"He~ 18 years, right?" You old fellow, why did you suddenly come out of the mountains?

The Heavenly Crow just said in a deep voice,

"Hurry up."

"Okay, okay, how many years have I gone, and it's still so fierce."

Wind chimes glanced at the sky crow, is the sky crow fierce?

He thought it was quite amiable.

Suddenly a little curious about what the Raven used to look like.

Two hundred knives got up from their seats and walked to the inside of the small shop.

I don't know which mechanism to touch the switch, the shelf actually opened a door, and he walked in.

Wind chimes are there to pick up small snacks.

I haven't eaten for a day, so find something to cushion my stomach.

After a while, the boss came out.

The wind chimes were also picked:

"Add these, how much?"

The boss took it and calculated the price one by one

: "Wait a minute~

" Wind Chimes asked while chewing bread:

"Boss, why are you called two hundred knives?" Any allusions? The

boss smiled while picking up things:

"Harm, this name is given to me by others, I met a cub breed before, I didn't give money to buy things, I punched him in a fit of anger, and as a result, MD this cub seed cut me 200 knives, and then everyone laughed and called me 200 knives."

When Wind Chime heard this, he looked the boss up and down in surprise, wanting to see where the wound was:

"Good fellow, you can survive after cutting you two hundred knives?" Cow, boss! "

He felt like the guy was bragging.

When the boss heard this, he pulled his collar a little helplessly, and there was an ugly square scar on his heart, and the wind chimes were sure that he had not seen it, but it looked a little familiar.

"This is..." Two

hundred knives suddenly angrily picked up the collection code on his desk and put it next to his heart.

Wind Chimes was stunned, this is a bit like....

Then two hundred knives said angrily:

"That cub of TM slashed two hundred knives on me, and according to Lao Tzu's payment code, he carved a QR code on Lao Tzu!" You said you should die! "

Wind Chimes: ???


Can it still be like this?

However, the QR code on his heart must not be able to sweep it out because the meat has grown.

It was originally a very sad story, but Wind Chimes just wanted to laugh a little, and quickly drank Coke to suppress the shock.

At this time, the Heavenly Crow chuckled and looked at the wind chime:

"Young Lord, the person who cut him two hundred knives is your father."

Wind chimes:???


The coke in the mouth directly sprayed out and sprayed on the face of the two hundred knives.

Wind Chime glared and turned his head to look at the Heavenly

Crow: I said Uncle Heavenly Crow, is it appropriate for you to say this now?

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