Wind Chime tried to swing his fist twice, and this energy made him burst with confidence.

At the same time, he told Tiancrow about the previous fusion with the goods in the pit.

"Why was it possible for me and her to merge

at that time?" How could the wind chimes have a heart to mind with her at that time?

Tiancrow thought for a while:

"Probably, because you want to kill her, she wants to kill you, and you all want to kill each other, so you have the same heart and the same goal."

Wind Chimes suddenly realized:

"Then I'm not invincible?" "

Any youkai... The more you want to kill me, the more you can't kill me, can't you.

The Heavenly Crow shook his head: "Young Lord, don't think so!" "

Fusion must make physical contact, but if a powerful monster wants to kill you, it doesn't need to contact you at all. "

Well..." The

smile in the wind chime's body seemed to be able to feel the wind chime's emotions.

Immediately said with a smile:

"Hehe, it's okay Young Lord, there is me, hehe, no matter how powerful the monster, as long as we work together, we will definitely be able to defeat Da!

"When you are in the second order, you can fuse two at the same time, the third order is three, and you can fuse up to

nine at the same time!" "When you are at the ninth order, you can fuse the nine demon kings like the head of the family, and at that time, you will be the invincible in this world, peerless demon king!"

He said quite excitedly, but Wind Chimes just nodded flatly.

It can be awesome indeed, but....

The most important thing is that he doesn't like to fight and kill at all, and he doesn't

want to be their demon king.

He felt that he might still not have made it clear to them.

So I decided to explain it well

: "Laugh,

okay, do you want to go down

?" "Ah? This is the end? It's so fast, young lord, I haven't had enough laughter yet..." "

Wind Chime: ???

You're definitely driving, right?"

I checked my body up and down to see if there were any changes.

Wait a minute, what about Kunba? !!

me blanch

? What about Lao Tzu's Kunba?

He glared, raised his head, and looked at the crow in disbelief.

The Heavenly Raven wondered, "

What's wrong Young Lord?"

With banshee, what will gender become. When

the Heavenly Crow heard this, he knew what the wind chime was wondering:

"Young Lord, although it is a demon, it is also divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang are fused, which is naturally a Zhonghe. "

So, it means, to close Lao Tzu's kunba

?" "Hey, young lord, we are now, no X demon!

Their eyes seemed to say: Now

we are the same, young master!"

You... Let's go down first..."


She obviously sensed the abnormal mood of the wind chimes, so she was very obedient.


black qi burst out of his body, and he stood in front of the wind chime, clenched his teeth and crossed his waist:

"Hehe, I'm rough! How about Elder Heavenly Crow, am I tired?" The

wind chime first checked his kunba, and he breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.


I touched my brain, well, my hair too.

It seems that the integration of this matter really has no impact on both sides.

Later, in a long chat with the Heavenly Crow, Wind Chime also learned about the reason for the existence of the demon race.

Human beings in this world, all negative emotions, are all a negative energy.

Hate, fear, anger, resentment, sadness, pain, despair, evil thoughts.

Even the pain of not wanting to go to school, not wanting to write homework, not wanting to get up, and constipation will be converted into energy.

It can be absorbed by the demon race and become its own power.

And the spirit body of the dead living may itself carry or be exposed to this energy.

There is a chance that these energies will infect the demon race.

The odds are still very high.

The demon race is a multiplying spirit race, the miracle of the creator!

ordinary people can't see it, they can't touch it if they want to, but if the demon race wants to, they can touch humans and even kill them.

They can easily break the necks of humans and tear them to pieces!

Some demon races are born to be at odds with humans, they feed on human flesh and wreak havoc on one side.

Some demon races remain neutral and live quietly in the dark and in the shadow of the spirit master as demon races.

The spirit master is responsible for catching demons.

In order not to let ordinary people be afraid of demons, so as to generate more negative energy to strengthen the demon race.

Therefore, this matter of the demon has been hidden by the spirit master all the time.

Huaxia Spirit Master, the Spirit Master of the World.

Huaxia Spirit Master is the originator of the world's spirit master, and is recognized as the most powerful.

They have a more systematic organization, management, and silent guardianship of China for thousands of years.

But even such spirit masters cannot completely eliminate the demon race, unless they destroy humans.

As long as there are people, there will be negative energy.

Continuously, indefinitely, new demon races will be born.

If it weren't for those fierce spirit masters, Huaxia would have been the world of the demon race long ago.

"What about us

?" asked the wind chime, "what is the purpose of our wind family, cannibalism, spirit killer?" The

sky crow shook his head, picked up another cigarette, took a sip, and coughed a few times.

Look up overhead, there are uneven walls overhead, nothing.

He stared at the wall and was silent for a long time, and slowly spoke

: "I will never forget the words of the head of the family, he said: Heavenly crow, follow me, follow me, on this land of God, reborn!" "

He is the greatest demon I have seen in so many years of existence, and the demon king lord that I admire the most."

Wind Chimes was a little surprised when he heard this:


Tiancrow smiled:


After thinking for a while, he understood a little

: "Like a smile, reborn?"

Tiancrow still smiled and shook his head:

"Yes or no, you will understand in the future, Young Lord." Wind

Chimes was silent for a long time when he heard this, and he could probably understand a little....

But he couldn't finish it, and he wasn't interested in these fights and kills.

Although the smile is pitiful, although the Crow is loyal, he feels that he is not worthy to be their master.

Finally, he sighed:

"I'm sorry, Tiancrow, I, can't fulfill your long-cherished wish, I, just want to be an ordinary person..."

That is to let the crow help himself through tonight's difficulties.

He could have lied to him to help himself before saying such things.

But looking at the sincere eyes of the crow, the wind chime can't do it.

When Tiancrow heard this, he did not show great disappointment, but said categorically:

"No, young lord, your long-cherished wish is the long-cherished wish of the minister.

Saying that, the Heavenly Crow had already knelt down, and his eyes looked firmly at the wind chime:

"If you want to be an ordinary person, the only task of the soul of that minister is still there, is to protect you, help you smash all obstacles, destroy all enemies

", "Go to the soup

, do whatever you want!" "Although I am not the spirit of the wind family, I have the soul of the wind family!

The voice echoed in this dark space, shaking the eunuchs one by one, and they were a little overwhelmed

.... Similarly, the wind chimes could not recover from that sound for a long time.

Through the ages, loyal to the sun and the moon....

This loyalty, for Wind Chimes now, is a little too heavy.

At this time, Xiaoxiao also ran over with a grin, learning the appearance of the crow, and shouted:

"Haha, that, em, I although... Well, forget it! Anyway, I am willing to follow the young master! That, I, no, I knock hard! "

I can do laundry! I can mop the floor! I can also steam white rice! The owner used to love the white rice I made!" It

was quite serious, but the smile was so good, the wind chimes couldn't help but laugh.

"You two get up first.

He smiled and stood up, but the crow refused, and continued:

"The head of the family is deceased, and if the young master does not recognize the subject, it is unworthy, and the minister can only go with the revenant soul of the family master. Hearing

him say this, Wind Chime had to helplessly say:

"Okay, I recognize!" Only

then did Tiancrow slowly stand up, and a kind and pleased smile appeared on his face again.

In order not to let him have any illusions about himself, he still said:

"But I said in advance, I don't have any big ambitions, I won't bring you back to life or make any mess, I want to do my own things steadily, if you have any wishes, such as reviving the Feng family, or eliminating the spirit master or something, I won't care about it yourself!"


Okay, don't say this meaty thing, I really can't stand it."

Sweeping goosebumps on his arm, he told the crow about his predicament.

After listening to Xiaoxiao, he became energetic again

: "Aha! Young Lord, hand over

Xiaoxiao, smile and laugh hard!" "What do you want to do?" Xiaoxiao

waved his fist, stared at his eyes and said fiercely:

"I punched and! Hehe~"

Wind Chimes wanted to stop talking, thought about it, or didn't hit her.

Those two spirit masters can send laughter and smile with one shot.

Tiancrow said:

"Smile, that can't work, the young master wants to continue to live in this world as an ordinary person after tonight, you will be in big trouble." Wind

Chime quickly nodded, Tiancrow is really an understanding demon!"

"Ha ~ that's good ~ I'll think about it again~"

After speaking, he thought about it seriously.

"Don't think about it.

The wind chimes interrupted her, and then said

to the Heavenly Crow: "Aren't you able to turn me into a human, as long as you can guarantee that I won't turn into a demon halfway, help me carry the test, without that demon power fluctuation, after tonight, I will be a free man!" The

Heavenly Crow shook his head:

"Young Lord, I can't guarantee... If I use my demon power to suppress you, they can still detect it if they detect it seriously.

"And, are you sure that even if you don't awaken, the Bai family will let you live through tonight?"

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