Wind Chime glanced at Tianhao

: "May I?"

Tiancrow smiled and said:

"Of course, Xiaoxiao is the orthodox family of the Feng family, and he is the chief of internal affairs appointed by the head of the family, Lord Fengxing, and naturally qualified to be part of the power of the young lord.

He shook his head:

"No, I mean the fusion thing, will it have any effect on her, on me?"


Yokai can devour people, they can devour spirits, or they can devour their clans to gain power.

The half-demon is fused, and the power conversion rate is extremely high, much higher than that of devouring.

After the wind chimes confirmed that there was no problem, they decided to give it a try, and it would not hurt to try it.

Maybe I can still use it at night.

So he smiled and stretched out his hand with his teeth:

"Haha! Young Lord, I'm coming!" Wind

Chime reached out and held her little hand, it was very cold, very cold, and there was no body temperature at all.

Following the instructions of the Heavenly Raven, the two of them closed their eyes.

When he opened it again, the light in the eyes of Wind Chimes and Xiaoxiao flourished.

But the wind chimes are the golden outer ring of the outer part of the eyes glowing, and the smile is the scarlet of the pupils glowing brightly.

In the next second, the smile in front of him became distorted, and the body gradually became transparent.

Transformed into black qi, slowly drifting towards the wind chimes.

The wind chimes faintly felt that there was a force flowing into his body.

After one experience, it felt quite simple, but when he thought he was going to succeed.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the soul, and the gradually merged smile and wind chimes immediately separated.

Wind Chimes covered their heads and shouted in a low voice, taking several steps back.

The crow quickly reached out to stop him and prevent him from falling.

Xiaoxiao fell directly to the ground, also with a painful face:

"Ha... It hurts so much hahaha..." Wind

Chimes was a little worried:

"Are you all right, smile?"

It's okay to laugh and laugh... Haha~"

laughed painfully on the ground.

That's a little strange, obviously it's very painful, right

, but why are you laughing?

At this time, Tiancrow slowly spoke:

"Young Lord, the fusion of two demons requires both sides to have a common mind and the same goal.

"If the old minister guessed correctly, you may still be a little repulsive to the demon race now." "

Wind Chimes gritted their teeth, it can't be said to be repulsion, it can only be said that it is not acceptable.

It's not about laughter, either.

After all, this kind of creature was only seen today by him, and he still couldn't get used to it for the time being.


I was puzzled, I suddenly felt a little guilty when I saw that Xiaoxiao was so painful:

"I'm sorry for laughing, I..."

I, I was rejected by the young lord, disgusted, hahaha..."

Xiaoxiao next to him suddenly said with a smile.

At this time, she had already got up from the ground and stood in place, laughing and crying and muttering:

"Ha... Laughing and being disgusted, haha..." If

it weren't for the two lines of tears on her face, Wind Chime really couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying.

A little guilty:

"Xiaoxiao, I don't dislike you." "

Hah... It's okay, young lord, it's okay to laugh!

Saying that, he wiped his tears, smiled, ran to the side, crouched, turned his back to the wind chime, and laughed softly.

But tears fell to the ground, and the sound of crackling water droplets echoed in this silent dark space.

Seeing this, the eunuchs next to him quickly gathered around Xiaoxiao, looking left and right, their faces were embarrassed, and they didn't know how to comfort her.

Wind Chime wanted to go over to comfort her, but was stopped by Tiancrow:

"It's okay young lord, she'll be fine in a while." "

Is she?"

Wind Chime wondered, he felt as if there was something wrong with the emotional expression of the smile.

The raven glanced at the squatting smile in the distance and lit a cigarette, still the same as before.

After taking a sip, then coughing several times, and then whispering:

"She was fished by the head of the family in a river more than 30 years ago..."

Wind Chimes frowned when they heard this, feeling that this was not a good story.

"On the day she was born, her biological father died in a car accident on the way to the hospital.

And her mother found another man, but then her father thought she was sad every day, beat her every day, and made her laugh.

"Her mother didn't care about her either, she hated her for being obscure."

"She was forced to laugh by her family since she was a child, but she couldn't laugh, so later when she went to school, personality problems appeared. When

Wind Chime heard this, his expression was a little strange, and if Tiancrow didn't say anything, he could guess what it would be like behind.

So she was ostracized and bullied by her classmates, and her hair was pushed off by her classmates pranks at that time.

One afternoon after school, she stayed by the river for a moment as usual.

"Because if she goes back early, her father is the only one in the family, but if she stays for a while, her mother will come home from work, and when her mother is at home, her father will beat her lightly, or not in her mother's face."

But that day, she met people by the river who often bullied her.

When he said this, Tiancrow lit another cigarette, took a sip, and coughed.

After a while, her eyes continued coldly

: "Those people took away her school bag and her coat, and said: If you can laugh, I will give you back all these things."

She didn't end up laughing, so it was all thrown into the river.

Xiaoxiao wanted to go down and get it back, and if everything was lost, she was afraid that her mother and father would beat her together.

"In the end, she froze alive in that icy river..."

"Fortunately, her soul absorbed the negative energy of the world, became a demon body, and survived in another way." But the sentence before her death: laughing, but it became a curse that carried out her always. And that hair, that's always it.

Since then, any of her emotions have only been expressed with laughter, great joy, and great compassion. Great compassion is also great joy, and sorrow and joy are inseparable.

"She was bound in that river for an unknown number of years, because her spiritual power was low, and like the demon in that department store, she was trapped in place and could not leave. It wasn't until the passage of the head of the house that day that she was untied.

"The lord of the family treated her very well and regarded her as her own, so when the Feng Family Wall fell and everyone pushed it, she chose to stay like the old minister and protect the last land of the Feng family. After

Tiancrow finished speaking, he lit another cigarette, still taking a sip, still coughing for a long time.

But this time the wind chimes did not care about him, but walked silently, laughing softly and tearfully laughing next to him.

He now knew how sad she really was.

It was precisely because of her identity that she was so sad

, quietly walked to her side, and then slowly squatted.

Gently touched her head, and whispered gently:

"Xiaoxiao, I'm not disgusting you, you're so powerful, didn't you save me today?

Really young lord, young lord really didn't dislike me, haha..." Wind

Chime nodded and smiled gently:

"Of course, at that time, you punched a big hole in the door panel of that compartment, but it scared me!

"Ha, really, young lord, does the young lord really feel that smiling is powerful!"

she wiped the tears from her face and resumed her previous cheerful tone.

"Haha, Elder Heavenly Crow, didn't you hear it, the young lord said that I knocked hard! Hehehe..."

Now the smile on her face seemed to be no longer a cursed smile, but the happiest smile in this world.

But Wind Chime still felt heartache, and wiped the tears from her face with a smile:

"Of course!" "

So, are you willing to give me another chance?"

Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and the haze on his face was swept away:

"Is it really possible, young lord..."

said so, but he couldn't wait to take the hand of the wind chime.

With a happy smile on his face, he looked at the wind chimes with anticipation.

This time, there was no exclusion, the two had the same heart and the same goal, all for integration.

Oh -

smile and feel that his soul is sucked into the body of the wind chime by an irresistible attraction.

It was dark in front of me, and nothing could be seen.

"Young Lord?"

Xiaoxiao couldn't help but make a sound, and the sound came from the body of the wind chime.

Wind Chime: ???

I suspect you're driving....

Slowly opened his eyes and looked at his hands.

Unlike the fusion of the goods in the pit last time, this time, the arm did not turn strangely gray.

It's just that on the face, there are some scarlet lines climbing.

Those lines, like spells on his face, shone brightly.

It's pretty cool, it's just....

I feel like the top of my head, a little cool.

He reached out and touched the width of his head

, crunch-hmm,

kind of weird, touching!






The crow suddenly coughed lightly, and the wind chime immediately turned his head to look.

The Heavenly Crow, who was still snickering for a second, immediately suppressed his smile and put on a serious look.

You were laughing just now, right?

"Haha, Elder Heavenly Crow, see no, I'm with the young lord!

Hehe!" Her happy voice came from the wind chime's body.

The wind chimes are not happy at all now, can you go down....

I won't be able to grow my hair for a while, will he?

He kind of regrets it....

However, the energy in the body is obviously much stronger than before.

The wind chimes felt that there was a continuous surge of power in his body, and his body was full of power.


this time, Tiancrow came over with a smile:

"Congratulations Young Lord, you have completed the first fusion, and now you are probably in the strength of the third order." "

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