But he is a demon, and the wind chimes still think that the demon has no feelings.

"Okay, now tell me what the hell is going on with me, right?" the

crow nodded and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

Handing one to Wind Chime, Wind Chime shook his head, he never smoked.

Seeing that the wind chimes did not smoke, Tiancrow thought for a while and decided to put the pack of cigarettes back in his pocket.

Wind Chimes smiled and said:

"You can smoke, I'm fine."

The raven shook his head and seemed resolute.

Then he said:

"Young Lord, the minister has not been able to find you all these years, I can only wait here for you to awaken, only by awakening can I know where you are through the blood of the family master, but I didn't expect that you were actually in this capital."

"Back then, I and your father, the head of the family, and Lord Fengxing, led the Hundred Demons of Huaxia to launch a general attack on the Spirit Master Bai family, but I did not expect to be defeated by the traitors and fall into the enemy's trap. "

The hundred demons mentioned here are not a hundred demons, but a hundred demon clan forces in Huaxia!" The

family master was defeated by the three patriarchs of the Spirit Master Imperial Family, and the royal palace that was originally our Feng family's territory was also controlled by the Ruo family.

At this time, Xiaoxiao suddenly interjected next

to him: "Ha, it's not just the palace, the entire capital is said to be our Feng

family's!" Wind Chime was a little surprised, eighteen years ago, the capital was my family's territory?

"After that, the Feng Family Wall fell and everyone pushed it, not only the spirit master, but even the demon clan came to divide our power.

"The major demon races withdrew from the capital and spread all over Shenzhou..." When

Tiancrow said this, his expression was very uncomfortable.

Wind Chime's expression did not fluctuate at all, as if he was listening to a story, a story that had nothing to do with himself.

He has lived that kind of life since he was a child, and what kind of feelings can he have for his parents?

After the death of Wind Chime's father, the Feng family's forces scattered around the world.

Some claim to be kings and hegemons, and some become other people's younger brothers and live in a different place.

Later, because of the place of the purification room, it was not yin or yang, and the spiritual master was also very taboo here.

Tiancrow and Xiaoxiao stayed here, waiting for the wind chimes to awaken.

As for these eunuchs, they don't have much to do with the Fengjia.

It's a bunch of eunuchs, gone.

Tiancrow said, and Wind Chime also learned some other secrets about the demon race and spirit master.

This world of spiritual masters is divided into ten ranks: the first order, the second order, the third and fourth orders of the small spirit master, the fifth and sixth orders of the great

spirit master, the seventh order of the earth spirit master, the eighth order of the imperial spirit master, the ninth order of the heavenly spirit master, the psychic heavenly master

and the strongest among the spirit masters, corresponding to the thousand-year-old [Nine Ghost Heavenly Master]

, the demons of this world are also divided into ten ranks:

The first

order, the second order, the third order of the monster, the fourth order, the fifth order of the demon spirit, the sixth order, the seventh order of the mad spirit: the demon lord, the seventh order can be a hegemon

of the eighth order: the ninth order of the demon kui:

the demon king and this world, even the spirit master is afraid of the existence, [Demon Dragon]

met before the wind chime, the goods in the pit,

but a monster who has just become a


not long ago.

Although these eunuch demons in front of them have lived for a long time, their strength is low, and they are only first-order monsters.

The Xiao Feng I met today, a second-order little spirit master.

And the man named Tianyu was a third-order Great Spirit Master.

Those two are both from the Ruo family.

The Ruo family is the strongest of the three major families of spiritual masters today.

Originally, the strongest was the Bai family.

The family that controlled the wind chimes for eighteen years.

At the beginning, although his father did not succeed in destroying the Bai family, he still caused them unbearable losses.

Countless masters in the clan have fallen after so many years have passed

, but they have not recovered their vitality, and they have suddenly fallen into the third position of the Royal Three Families.

They can't even keep the name of the three royal families, and they will be replaced by other families.

Ruojia just happened to give birth to a Nine Ghosts Saint Girl in the year of the birth of the wind chime, and with this daughter, she directly rose to the first.

Therefore, the Bai family clings to the wind chime, hoping to rely on the wind chime to awaken the rise of the half-spirit master.

However, it is absurd that the spirit master depends on a half-demon and human child to rise.

When the crow was telling, his hand always unconsciously touched his pocket.

After picking it up, I was stunned for a moment, and I put it down again with some embarrassment, and I went back and forth several times.

It was embarrassing for the wind chimes:

"Forget it, you smoke, I'm really fine."

The Heavenly Crow still refused, and the wind chimes said

: "Then I order you to smoke it for me in the name of the Young Lord?" The

Heavenly Raven was stunned, and a smile suddenly broke out on his face:

"Of course the minister will obey!"

A deep and sharp pump, directly to the bottom.

Woye ~

Uncle is still uncle, this lung capacity, cow!

Just thinking so, the crow coughed violently.

Wind Chime subconsciously walked over and patted him on the back:

"It's okay you, pump so hard, be careful to choke." "

Cough cough~

" He smiled and waved his hand while coughing:

"It's okay young master, don't worry about the old minister, the old minister should still live for hundreds of years." "

The lifespan of a demon will also increase as its strength grows, up to two thousand years old.

"Heavenly Crow, what strength are you?"

he coughed a few more times when he heard this, and then took a smooth breath and said seriously:

"I am invincible under the demon king, above the demon king, one for one." Wind

Chime glanced at the Heavenly Crow with some shock, feeling that he didn't look like he was bragging.

Such an old man, shouldn't he pretend

to be B, right?" "Young Lord, not only me, the retainers of the Feng family in the past, each of them is the leader of the demons, the nine demon leaders of the Feng family back then, which made Huaxia fearful, now that you are back, just need a summons, they will return quickly!" Wind

Chimes nodded:

"Then you yourself become a demon king, this Feng family is for you, you help me change back to a person, I just want to be an ordinary person." "

Tiancrow didn't expect Wind Chime to say this, stunned for a full two seconds, plopping down on his knees

!" "Young Lord, what the minister said is ridiculous! The minister does

not dare to compare with you!" "Eh, get up, I don't mean that!" The

wind chime hurriedly went to help him, but this time the sky crow did not dare to get up.

"In the name of the Young Lord, I command you, get up. The

crow swooped and stood up, but this trick still worked.

After getting up, Tiancrow still felt guilty, and said very respectfully:

"I'm sorry Young Lord, you are a half-demon body, how can you compare with mortal fetuses like Chen, and the minister maybe, some... Loaded B. "


Wind Chime couldn't help but laugh twice, and suddenly felt that this crow was a little cute.

It's a bit engaging to say this kind of thing in such a serious way.

Seeing the wind chime, Tiancrow smiled, and a gratifying smile appeared on his face:

"It is a great honor for the minister to make the young lord happy.

He couldn't laugh when he said this, and continued to ask

: "So how can a half-demon be honorable?" "

Aha! I'll come to me! Elder Heavenly Crow, I'll do it!" The

smile immediately jumped between the two, looked up and said happily:

"Young Lord, your half-demon body, the two bloodlines in your body, is the perfect container for the demon race, and it can be combined with any demon creature to transform, and its strength can be multiplied several times!"

"The family master fused the nine demon kings back then, and his strength was even close to that of the Huaxia Demon Dragon! "

If it weren't for the backstabbing master of the Sakura Snow Fox... The head of the family can definitely unify China, no, unify the world! Regardless of his Western evil gods, the hundred ghosts of the Yin Kingdom, all of them are under the word!"

This stinky fox! me off, hahaha!"

Wind Chimes really didn't expect his father to be so fierce.

It's a pity to die!

Or maybe I might be a demon second-generation?

But to be honest, he would rather be born into an ordinary family.

Wind Chime glanced at

the Heavenly Crow: "Then wouldn't I be invincible if I merged with you now?" The

Heavenly Crow shook his head:

"Not yet, Young Lord, your body can't accommodate the demon power of the old minister at present." He

said it very tactfully, to put it bluntly: wind chimes are not worthy now.

"Then what strength do I have now, what kind of monsters can I combine with?"

"Young Lord, you have just awakened now, your strength has not fully recovered, and at present, there are at most first-order monsters, such as these geldings behind you. Wind

Chime's face turned blue, and he recalled the dirty thing that crawled out of the pit.

The voice of the monster seemed to appear in his mind again.

I actually let that thing enter my body?

He glanced at the little eunuchs in front of him again.

If you want that kind of monster to enter

your body, what will become after it is combined?

Ancient eunuch king! Suddenly

feel that the chrysanthemum is tight, don't

! absolutely impossible!

Feel that your body is not clean.

At this time, the smile jumped in front of the wind chime, jumping up and down happily.

The hair is falling and the appearance is cute, if not Mediterranean, it is really a very cute child.

"And smile! Hehe~ smile is also wide! Young Lord, do you want to try!"

Xiaoxiao looked at the wind chime with some expectation.

Wind Chime was a little surprised, he still felt that this smile was quite powerful before.

But only the strength of a first-order monster

, a first-order monster, why did you talk so crazy at that time!

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