At this time, a family owner slowly stretched out his hand.

Signaled to the man that he wanted it.

Wang Dazhi was overjoyed when he saw this:

"Xie, thank you, Lord Master! Now..."

"Just go over there and wait."


He was so happy that he never thought that he could actually enter such a big family!

Adhering to the principle of experimentation, each family must recruit some to go back and see how the potential of new students is.

Only then can we decide whether this path can become the key path for the sustainable development of spiritual masters in the future.

The first order is already good.

There are tens of thousands of newly awakened people,

and those people will also be distributed to the major families at that time.

It is also because only these large families have a deep enough heritage.

In order to give so many resources and withstand this experiment.

So to be able to sit here.

At the beginning, it was basically a family of one person, but after the second and third steps.

There are multiple shots at the same time.

The heads of the house also began to speak, asking questions.

Like an interview.

The question is similar to:

[What would happen if your cat died and became a demon.]

[What would you do if your best friend turned into a demon?]

Those people are not stupid, know what they want to hear, and of course answer according to the correct answer.

"Wind Chime, if I were a demon, what would you do?"

asked him with a sudden smile.

Wind Chime glanced at him and said lightly:

"A knife chopped you off the wine." Chu

Sheng: ???

"You stepped on the horse!"

Bang gave Wind Chime a punch.

"Dog thing!"

Wind Chimes smiled and didn't speak, joking, of course.

Chu Sheng said to himself:

"I just thought about it, if you are a demon..." Wind

Chime chuckled in his heart when he heard this, and turned his head to look, he wanted to know the answer.

"Wow, twelve masters shot at the same time!?" There

was an uproar in the field.

Interrupted both of them and turned to look.

At this time, there was a third-order spirit master, which caused the 12 masters present to strike at the same time.


briefly answering a few questions, he finally chose the Song family in the Northeast Cold Region.

As for the heads of the three royal families, they never made a move.

If you listen to the cold, you are not even present at all.

Soon, there were only eight people left in the field.

These eight people passed the second assessment.

"Wind chimes. The

two spirit masters in front shouted the name of the wind chime.

Wind Chimes was stunned, Lao Tzu was not the last to appear?

Turning his head to glance at Chu Sheng, Chu Sheng quickly whispered:

"Wind chimes! Choose Ruojia! If the family is good! However, if you want to go to something else, I will go with you!"

No wonder this guy, such a strong obsession.

When the wind chimes were shouted, Lei Jing couldn't help but smile on his face and waited for him to step forward.

Wind Chime glanced up at the owners on the stage and slowly stepped forward.

"Wind Chime, 18 years old, third order"

The words fell, and the audience fell silent.

Everyone was looking at him, Lei Jing was watching, and Bai Qiling was also watching.

Wind Chimes also looked at all the homeowners present.

Thinking quickly about his final decision.

Choosing a family other than the three royal families, there is no way to live.

No matter how big that family is, can it fight the Bai family?

In front of him was the smiling Lei Jing.

There was also Sima next to him, his face turned white.

I wanted to choose the wind chimes of the Lei family, but suddenly, I was a little retreated.

The Bai family and the Lei family are here.

If the people of the family are not coming, why don't they come

? Is Lei Jing and Bai Qiling on a good

relationship? If the family has a bad relationship with the two of them?

Wind Chime doesn't know, he can only guess....

Suddenly, a laugh pulled back his thoughts.


Didn't he pass the second test?"

At this time, none of the masters present stretched out their hands.

All quietly watched the wind chimes.

"Sure enough, opportunistic and unrecognized! Ha!" One

of the freshmen present had a smile on their faces.

There was a burst of schadenfreude inside.

Great, this guy has finally been retributed!

He deserves it, the owners must have seen him as too ostentatious and have a bad personality and don't want him.

At this time, the two Ruojia Spirit Masters standing in front said lightly:

"Two family masters, if you don't want it, then it will belong to my Ruojia..."

Lei Jing suddenly spoke up, and then said with a smile

: "Wind Chime, my Lei family wants it!"


guy spoke with a full breath, his voice spread, and the scene was silent.

The person who laughed at the wind chimes just now immediately shut up.

The Lei family made a move

! They didn't even ask questions, they asked for them directly!

At this time, they also understood the reason why no one had reached out just now.

Because from the very beginning, the wind chimes are destined to enter the imperial three families.


who want to see jokes are also thoroughly compared.

Most people have been reluctant to admit that they are inferior to wind chimes.

But now, the facts are in front of us.


this moment on, it means that they can no longer catch up with the wind chimes.

After Lei Jing finished speaking, the wind chime did not speak, and he kept thinking in his heart.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lei Jing said with a smile:

"Why, my Lei family is not to your liking?

I also have a niece, Lei Yan, I don't know if you have heard of it, I can introduce you two to get to know each other." "

Everyone present: ???

Lei Yan!

? That little loli?

However, Lei Jing was so in a hurry, which made everyone present very envious and jealous.

This guy actually made the head of the Royal Three Family care so much.

In fact, Tian is not only talent, Lei Jing prefers the character of this guy Wind Chime.

Wind Chimes shook his head:

"No, I just have a question." Said


Lei Jing said with a smile.

"Take the liberty of asking, is the head of the Ruo family not here today?"

Many freshmen present couldn't help but say in their hearts: This

is what you should ask?

But Wind Chime just wanted to determine what the relationship between the three royal families was.

In fact, Yin Kongmen also wondered in his heart.

Before coming, if you listen to the instructions of Han Qianqian, you must have taken a good look at the wind chimes.

Now, what about people?"

"Old Ruo that guy is very busy and has no time. Leave him alone, come to my Lei family!" said Lei

Jing with a smile.

What he said is good, if Listening Han is not present, the feeling to everyone present is to look down on them!

At the same time, everyone present was a little puzzled.

The current situation, why does it seem that someone is robbing with Lei Jing.

Obviously except for him, no one raised his hand.

After Lei Jing finished speaking, his eyes glanced at Bai Qiling next to him.


Qiling also glanced at him, and thought in his heart: Forget

it, it is better to enter the Lei family than to enter the Ruo family.

After entering Lei's house, you can still think of a way to turn around.

Once you enter Ruo's home, there is nothing you can do.

At this glance, the wind chimes saw it.

His eyes condensed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said

, "I'm sorry, Patriarch Lei, I choose Ruojia!"


voice was very soft, but everyone present was stunned.

Why is it not the

Lei family? The Lei family attaches so much importance to you, and the head of the hall has promised to give you the best resources, why do you go to the Ruo family?

The smile on Lei Jing's face also disappeared.

Looking at the wind chimes in disbelief.

I TM, was defeated by a person who fled halfway?

Bai Qiling was also stunned, his eyes slightly condensed.

He suddenly understood what Ruo Han meant....

That old thing went on purpose!

In order to give the wind chime an illusion, an illusion that the Bai family and the Lei family are friendly and friendly.

The glance just now was the decisive glance!

"Huh..." Ruo

Tinghan looked at the screen in front of him, and a faint smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

Similarly, in Ruo's family, there is a beautiful girl who also shows a good-looking smile.

Then he slowly closed his eyes, and the spiritual power in his body slowly ran.

She finally remembered that the homework left for her by her father had not yet been completed.

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