Xiao Yuan saw Ruo Qianyan and began to run the Glazed Mirror Heart Technique.

Silently saluted Ruo Qianyan, and then withdrew from the room.

Silently guarding the door, waiting for the Holy Daughter's call again.

Different from the other realms of the Ruo family, the sky of the Virgen Peak.

There is fog, there are stars, and there is the sun and moon.

Those various lights, flickering in the fog, loomed.

With a blue background, it is very dreamy and charming.

When Xiao Yuan is fine, she likes to look up at the starry sky.

But today, there is no such mind.

Her mind was full of thoughts about today's events.

It's over, my lord, I definitely like that wind chime.


At this time, Ruojia Tianshi Peak.

When the wind chimes finished their choice.


Chu Sheng jumped up happily.

Practicing with wind chimes and becoming stronger together, but it has always been his desire.

When he didn't know that the wind chime was a spirit master, he sighed from time to time, if only the wind chime was a spirit master.

Unexpectedly, the wishes came true one by one.

In my mind, I have already begun to fantasize about myself and Wind Chimes in the spirit master world in the future, pretending to be B together!

[Hmph, monster, meet our two brothers, still not kneel?]

If Wind Chime knew these broken thoughts in his heart, he would definitely die of embarrassment....

At this time, Yinkong's tightly locked brows also stretched slightly.

Even if it wasn't for Ruo Han who said it.

Yin Kongmen himself also hopes that the wind chimes can stay in Ruo's house.

Because of his great talent and superb understanding

, in his eyes, wind chimes are a forgeable material.


the Ruo family for so many years, he has seen too many geniuses, and he is already a little numb.

But the wind chimes can still make his eyes shine!

He is different from other people.

At this time, the two hosts of the Ruo family in front slowly spoke

: "Then the wind chime, it's up to me..." Before

he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lei Jing's deep voice:


The voice spread, and everyone's hearts palpitated.

Look up immediately.

I found that Lei Jing, who had been smiling since they came here, the smile on his face disappeared!

It's just that such a person who is always smiling, suddenly the smile disappears.

It feels like it's angry.


What the hell does this guy think

?" "The Lei family master invited him so warmly, he actually didn't give face? Everyone

around was whispering.

Wind Chime looked at Lei Jing, there was no fluctuation in his heart, and said without thinking:

"Because my good brother, choose Ruojia, I hope... I can practice with him, become stronger together, and become the most powerful spiritual master in the world together.

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this, and turned their heads to look at Chu Sheng.

Unexpectedly, this wind chime is still a person with heavy feelings?

Chu Sheng was moved to cry at this time.


good brother, you are exactly the same as I thought, worthy of being my good brother!

Originally, Chu Sheng still thought about letting the wind chimes invite him to a meal to comfort himself.

Now, he's going to invite Wind Chimes to dinner.

Feeling moved in his heart, Wind Chime suddenly smiled:

"Besides, he is a stupid cup, he is alone in Ruojia, I am not worried, I am afraid that he will be bullied." "

Chu Sheng: ??? everyone: ???

the audience was speechless, Chu Sheng's tears were held back, and he scolded in his heart:

"You are stupid!" Lei

Jing in front of him had a strange face.

There was nothing wrong with the wind chime, but he felt that this was not the main reason.

He is a personal essence, and he has been observing since the wind chimes entered.

At first, the wind chimes still gave him a wavering feeling.

But after asking where Ruo Tinghan went, his eyes firmed.

Lei Jing didn't speak, frowning and thinking.

Everyone in the audience thought he was really angry.

Suddenly, Lei Jing's mind flashed, as if he understood something.

Turning his head and glancing at Bai Qiling.

Seeing Bai Qiling's gloomy face, he remembered the eyes that looked at Bai Qiling when the wind chimes entered the scene before.

He finally understood.

All understood!

There is a hatred....


you listen to Han! Old sixth!

If you listen to Han's words, they still echo in his mind:

[Whoever he wants to join, it is his freedom, I will not interfere. I

believe in you, old fox!

It was he and Bai Qiling who looked at each other.


Lei Jing suddenly sighed, and the brow that had been furrowing loosened.

Slowly said:

"It's okay, then it can only be said that you have nothing to do with my Lei family."

"However, when I turn back, my niece can still be introduced to you and get acquainted." You must be able to talk very well. With

that, a smile returned to his face.

Wind Chime saluted the

Lei family master: "Thank you Lei family master for understanding."

"I have one more question, though... I hope that the Bai family master can solve the confusion for the next. The

wind chime slowly raised his head to look at Bai Qiling, and his gaze shot over like a blade.

Lei Jing raised his eyebrows, and there was indeed a hatred!

Bai Qiling looked at the eyes of the wind chime, and the anger in his heart gradually rose, and he said in a deep voice:


After speaking, the two looked at each other and were silent.

A strong smell of gunpowder spread throughout the field.

Everyone present was confused about the situation and was too frightened to speak up.

After provoking the head of the Lei family, do you want to provoke the Bai family?

Anger is like a raging flame, rolling in the heart.

He wanted to ask Bai Qi Ling too much.

He wanted to scold too much.

If his strength is enough, he will definitely rush up now and twist the neck of this old lamp!

The words of the sky crow appeared in the wind chime's mind:

[Don't affect your judgment because of hatred. The

expression on his face suddenly relaxed, and he said with a smile:

"Patriarch Bai, are you happy today



Don't you die!

This guy really doesn't know how to write dead characters?

Bai Qiling's eyes are as sharp as eagles in the sky.

Looking at the wind chime, it is like looking at your own prey, you have locked the target, and in the next second, you will be strangled.

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