After saying that, his eyes drooped, and he slowly raised his hand that was still dripping blood.

Plunged into the necks of both of them and jerked hard.

Accompanied by a booming thunder, it clicked twice, twisting the lives of both of them.

Boom -

the thunder outside the window is still exploding.

The wind and rain are beating on the windows, but the wind chimes feel that the world is incomparably quiet.

So quiet that even where the crow was, he noticed it.

The sky crow slowly came to the wind chime sitting on the ground, with a kind smile on his face.

Young Lord, is this the freedom you want?

This time the crow understood!

The wind chimes sitting on the ground suddenly spoke:

"Heavenly crow, did I do something wrong?"

Tiancrow smiled and said softly

, "Young Lord, you have the answer in your heart."

"The minister knows the answer, and the minister will always guard that answer."

Wind Chimes sat on the ground and was silent for a long time, and then asked

, "Based on your understanding of the Bai family, what do you think the Bai family will do next?"

"Young Lord, the Bai family now knows that you have awakened as a spirit master, and the only two spirit masters who know that you are a demon have died, so you are safe, at least the Bai family will not kill you."

"However, if the Bai family did not bring you back, they will definitely not give up, and I am afraid that the future will not be easy."

The sound of rain outside the window was dripping, and the wind chimes kept their heads down and never spoke.

Tiancrow continued:

"However, the Bai family does not dare to talk about this everywhere, and I can definitely say that there are few people in this world who know the identity of the young lord."

The Bai family's strength is not as strong as before, and there are many other family gangsters inside.

In the case of internal and external troubles, the wind chimes were secretly kept in the capital, and few people knew about it.

This also provides a glimmer of hope for the freedom of wind chimes.

Wind Chime was silent for a long time, and said softly:

"So, I only need to be careful with the Bai family in the future, right?"

Tiancrow nodded:


Finally, the wind chime, who had been keeping his head down, raised his head.

At this time, a flash of thunder flashed outside the window, illuminating his smile.

This way, he is on the right track!

Then he stood up from the ground:

"Leave your name and tell the Bai family that I was captured by you."

"From now on, I am free."

"If the Bai family dares to come, come one, kill one!"

The Heavenly Crow saluted the wind chimes:

"Minister, obey!"

The raven picked up the tablet that was thrown on the ground.

Before, he saw Lin Yue's password setting, so it could be unlocked.

First, he opened the video recorded by Lin Yue about the wind chimes awakening the spirit master.

After enjoying it alone, he sent a voice over:

"Bai Qiling, thank you for taking care of my young master for eighteen years."

"However, since it is the young master of my family, then I will take it away."

After speaking, he looked at the wind chime, and the wind chime still felt that something was wrong:

"Heavenly crow, will you scold people?"

Tiancrow thought for a moment, and picked up the tablet again:

"Bai Qiling, your immortal uncle!" I am a crow! Your big daddy!

He looked at the wind chime:

"Young Lord, how, I learned it with the Master of the House."

Wind Chime couldn't help but smile and shook his head:

"I don't think it's good, but so be it, let's go, let's go back first..."

After saying that, Wind Chime suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly took out his claw machine from his pocket.

"Suffered by the Heavenly Crow, I forgot to tell you before, my claw machine has a positioning!"

"They know that I have been to the palace, and it can be dangerous to laugh!"

"Don't worry about the young lord, then the palace is now the territory of the Ruo family, and the Bai family does not dare to enter rashly."

Wind Chime remembered what Tiancrow said, the Bai family did not want their identity to be exposed.

In this way, laughing they should still be safe.

After the black qi in the Heavenly Crow's body wrapped around the plate in his hand, and after shattering it into dust, he said to the wind chime:

"But now is also the time to leave. The Bai family is sending someone over.

"Wait a minute, right away!"

Wind Chime quickly ran into his room and turned on the flashlight of the claw machine.

Under the light, I picked out basic books and exercise books on my desk, all of which were packed into my bag.

It is really unheard of for a teenager like him to love learning so much.

He still has to chase the life he wants.

Fight and kill, he doesn't like it.

The national examination in a few days was his first step towards freedom.

He still wants to try sex and live an ordinary life.

In the days to come, the Bai family may continue to harass the wind chimes.

But when there are crows, wind chimes are not afraid.

He believed in the Raven.

Then he opened his claw machine and found Chu Sheng's chat box.

The guy sent dozens of messages and made a dozen phone calls.

It feels like you squint for a moment and get up to find that it's all your girlfriend's news.

The end of the world is coming!

But this is a good friend, not a girlfriend.

The wind chime just replied:

"I'm home, the claw machine ran out of power just now."

The message has just been sent, ding-dong, almost seconds.

In reality, if there is such a brother in seconds, you have to be on guard.

Either he's really idle, or he just wants to gay you.

"Oh, okay, I thought you were dead halfway."

Wind Chimes smiled and made a disdainful expression.

Then he learned the Heavenly Crow, controlled the black qi in his body, and smashed the claw machine in his hand.

There is definitely a positioning device inside this claw machine, and the wind chimes cannot be left.

"Young Lord, do you already know how to manipulate demon qi?"

Tianrao's tone was a little surprised.

"Eh, is this hard? I learned from you. The

Heavenly Raven was stunned for a moment, and a kind smile appeared on his face:

"Young Lord, it is indeed not difficult for you."

"Let's go, let's go back to the palace first, although the Bai family does not dare to enter the Ruo family's territory, but it is also impossible to ensure that there is any accident." Take the smile first, that place, we can't stay. "

Obey the Young Lord!"

Just as the crow was about to break through the wall, there was an energy fluctuation in the living room.

Even the wind chimes sensed it, and when I looked back, I found a faint blue light shining on the wall.

Tiancrow said softly

, "Young Lord, it seems that you are lucky."

"Chen Ting exploded soul fragments! You might as well absorb it, the soul fragments of a third-order spirit master are still quite nutritious. "

When a person or animal dies, there is a certain chance that there will be soul fragments left in the world.

The remaining soul fragments slowly absorbed the negative energy of the world.

It will gradually become a demon, and finally become a demon spirit and be reborn.

However, the spirit master's is more special, and the soul fragment of the spirit master cannot be transformed into a demon race.

But their fragments can be absorbed by the demon race to increase their own strength.

If no one absorbs it for a long time, the energy will eventually dissipate and dissipate between heaven and earth.

It was a cyan light, only the size of a palm.

Wind Chime grabbed it and put it in front of his eyes to take a look:

"Can I upgrade after eating?"

Tiancrow smiled and said

, "Of course, you are now a first-order, and it may take a while to digest the soul fragments of this third-order spirit master."

"However, after all digestion, it can be upgraded to the second order."

"It's only the second order, hey... Okay. Thoughts

from the past came to mind, and Chen Ting's smelly face appeared in his mind.

The wind chime did not hesitate and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then his expression suddenly became strange:

"Huh? Smell? No, why does it smell of houttuynia? It's disgusting! When

the Heavenly Crow heard this, he smiled:

"Young Lord, the taste of the soul, many demons are very loved."

Wind chimes pouted, do I taste like this too?

He didn't like to eat, and even wanted to vomit.

However, after eating, the demon qi in the body seemed to feel the call of that soul fragment.

Surrounded the soul power and slowly absorbed it.

It is indeed a great supplement to the demon race.

Then the Heavenly Crow suppressed the demon power in the wind chime's body again, and flew into the sky with the wind chime in human form.

When the chief of the Special Operations Division received the news from Tiancrow, his heart trembled.

Their Bai family's eighteen-year plan to create gods succeeded, and then the gods were robbed!

Or snatched away by the demon.

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