He could already imagine how miserable he would die after the head of the family knew about it.

This may be the only hope for the Bai family to rise in the past hundred years!

Cooked duck, flying!

[Everyone, find me now!] Find the crows! 【

Use all the wires! 】 People must be brought back to Lao Tzu. 【

If you can't bring it back tonight, you won't live tomorrow!】

He really regretted it now, regretting that he hadn't made the arrangements earlier.

Everyone subconsciously thought that the wind chimes were dead tonight.

Including the head of the Special Operations Service, this hope has long been abandoned.

The wind chimes are half-demon, if there is really demon power or spiritual power in the body, how can it be delayed until such a back to awaken.

From the front, Lin Yue and Chen Ting tested so indiscriminately in the academy that they almost blew up the women's toilet.

The perfunctory and imprecise attitude of carrying out the task can also be seen.

No one thought that wind chimes could awaken and survive tonight!

In fact, the Bai family was rigorous at the beginning, and invested a lot of manpower and material resources for the wind chime.

But after more than ten years of hard work, not a single splash has been splashed, and anyone will lose confidence in this matter.

Now, just one word: repent!

In fact, the stupidest decision he made was: he

didn't go to Bai Qiling at the first time, and missed the only opportunity to catch the wind chime.

But back then, the wind family was ranked according to strength, and only under the wind.

Among the eighth-order demon queens, the first ranked Heavenly Crow!

These people can catch the crow, that is the real ghost.

The speed of the sky crow, they may not be able to catch up in this life.

The sky crow flew above the rolling thunder with the wind chime, and the thunder under him rolled like an ocean wave.

This rare weather has not been encountered for a long time.

The thunder was unusually loud, as if celebrating the birthday of the wind chimes.

After a few minutes, the crow suddenly swooped down with a wind chime and descended at an extremely fast speed.

Swooping into that huge thundercloud, purple-gold thunder streaked around and exploded.

Under the protection of the dark wings of the crow, the wind chimes will not receive the slightest damage.

Just now, a thunder rushed straight towards the wind chime, but it was blocked by a layer of black qi, and it actually bounced off the purple-gold thunder.

This can't help but amaze the wind chimes.

He was shocked by the reaction speed of the Heavenly Crow, which was simply perverted.

That's Ray!

While still in shock, the wind chimes also saw the scenery below.

Not above the palace, but above a small alley, is a two-hundred-knife commissary.

At this time, the rain was heavy, and it was obvious that no one would come to buy things in the middle of the night, so the shop of the two hundred knives was also closed.

The crow came to the door, and hydrogen knocked.


Directly blast open the door of the two-hundred-knife shop.

Hearing the movement of two hundred knives, he ran out of his room with a single stroke.


Seeing the Heavenly Crow and the Wind Chime, he instantly turned red:

"I'll blanch you two uncles!" Don't know about knocking!

Wind Chime said embarrassed:

"Knock, it's just that this door is a little brittle, and it will break if you don't care!" I testify. The

Heavenly Crow did not care about him, but said to the wind chime:

"Young Lord, just wait here, the palace is also guarded by a large number of spirit masters at night, and it is not convenient for the minister to take you back."

Wind Chime quickly nodded:

"Then you go and laugh, don't worry about me."

"Good! Hurry up and go back! With

that, he flew into the sky.

Two hundred knives: ???

Both of you, have you asked my opinion?

Wind Chime turned his head and saw the gloomy expression of the two hundred knives, and smiled awkwardly:

"Boss, good evening~ Give me another auspicious charm?" The previous one... Abolished the "

two hundred knives:???

"Yes, uncle! Get out!

Wind Chime smiled as he walked inside:

"Oh two hundred knives, don't be so outrageous, didn't I just come to buy something during the day?"

"Did you fucking pay even a penny!"

"I also demolished Lao Tzu's door, do you know how much this door costs!"

Wind Chimes looked at it and said seriously:

"Em... This kind of door, about 500 yuan?

"How do you know? Bah, fifty thousand! Plus the 30,000 that I owe during the day, and the bundle demon bag that the Heavenly Raven took! A total of 12! "

Wind Chimes: ???

Demon bags?

When was this?

Oh, remember, it was the broken sack that Tiancrow took later, and that thing was actually worth 40,000? Why do you use it?

Wind Chimes suspects that this B is pitting itself.

Although the two were arguing, Wind Chimes walked into the small shop with a grin.

Although the two hundred knives cursed on their lips, they did not drive the wind chimes out.

"Boss of dissipation, when I develop in the future, I promise to return all your money."

Two hundred knives rolled their eyes:

"Huh, wait until you are developed? I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that day when I go into the soil.

"Hehe, don't worry, even if you go into the soil, if I am developed, I will definitely abide by the agreement to dig you out and buy you a trench."

Two hundred knives: ???

"I'll step on the horse and thank you, then you go and dig up your father first."

"Haha, how about I put you two together?"

Two hundred knives glared at him:

", you, it's not big or small."

The wind chimes laughed twice, and the smile on his face narrowed in the next second:

"So you already know what my situation is, right?"

When the two hundred knives heard this, they turned their heads to look at him, and the two looked at each other in the air.

The wind chimes did not give in, staring at him closely.

Suddenly, Two Hundred Dao smiled:

"Why, I'm afraid?"

"Your father is a half-demon, a child of your half-demon and a human, half-demon, a half-demon, a quarter demon? Haha..."

he said with a smile, but Wind Chimes couldn't laugh when he looked at that smile.

In the next second, two hundred knives took out the claw machine and shook it in front of the wind chime:

"Now I only need to send a few simple messages, whether it is the demon world or the spirit master world, someone will pay a lot of money to buy you."

"With your half-demon blood, you will definitely be able to sell it for a good price."

Saying that, two hundred knives clutched the arm of the wind chime.

His palm, the size of a bear's paw, the wind chimes could not escape at all.

His eyes were grim, and his smile was cold:

"Dare to rob Lao Tzu? Are you really a wind family or eighteen years ago? No one cured you? Two

hundred knives wanted to see fear in his eyes, but they didn't.

Wind Chime's face didn't have any expression.

That harmless calm appearance of humans and animals made two hundred knives angry when they looked at it.

You fucking mother, does your mother know that you robbed with such a face?

Suddenly, Wind Chime smiled:

"Boss, don't you know that I was scared."

Two hundred knives shrugged his shoulders:

"Don't believe it."

In front of the wind chime, he grabbed his arm with one hand and fiddled with his claw machine with the other.

One hand quickly clicks on the screen, with a wicked smile on his face.

"I'll send it now, I'm a little curious, how much can you sell it for."

"Okay, don't pretend, I know you won't."

Wind Chimes said nonchalantly.

"Why not, your father was sold by me back then."

Wind Chimes just replied faintly:

"If my father really sold it to you, do you think you can still live to this day?"

Two hundred knives just sneered and continued the movement in his hand.

Because the door was damaged, cold air poured in.

Rain with beans-sized drops came in and hit the back of the wind chime.

He only felt a chill in his back, and couldn't help but snort.

Gasping for air, he continued:

"Listening to Tianrao, you have a festival with the Bai family, I think, you won't help the Bai family get me, right?"

Two hundred knives showed a look of disdain on his face, his gaze moved away from the claw machine, and he stared coldly at the wind chime:

"Selling you to other forces is precisely the best way for me to take revenge on the Bai family."

Wind Chime shook his head:

"If you really betray me, Tiancrow will not hand me over to you, and he will not bring me to you during the day."

"The Sky Crow believes in you, I believe in the Sky Crow, it's as simple as that."

Two hundred knives froze when they heard this, and suddenly grabbed the neckline of the wind chime, directly lifting his whole person.

Wind Chime saw his eyes that wanted to kill, and his heart suddenly panicked!

What does he want to do?

In the next second, two hundred knives quickly walked towards the commissary with wind chimes.

Heavy and fast.

Ling Wind Chime had a bad premonition, feeling that he seemed to be dragging himself into a small black room and unloading eight pieces!

But he never thought that he would go to a shelf and turn the mechanism.

The shelf in front of him opened a door, and the wind chime was directly thrown into it by him.

Before he could react, the shelves were closed.


A sword groan came in from outside.

The wind chimes immediately covered their mouths and did not even dare to breathe.

He heard many footsteps, and outside, there were many people!

In the dark night, more than a dozen men in black were drenched in torrential rain.

The rain fell on their black rain cloaks, making a dense clicking sound like firecrackers.

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