All are spiritual masters from the Bai family!

They stood in a row outside the two-hundred-knife commissary with the door open.

I don't know that I thought that the black forces surrounded this small shop, and the next second they would smash the shop with two hundred knives.

Everyone wore dark and shiny leather shoes.

On the shiny leather shoes, the somewhat gloomy face of the two hundred knives was reflected.

A bolt of lightning streaked through, and thunder light was scattered on their black-cloaked cloaks, illuminating their expressions.

Everyone's faces are livid, and they are indescribably ugly.

The two hundred knives held a slender bronze spirit knife that was extremely inconsistent with his figure.

The momentum on his body is completely different from when he was gagging with wind chimes before.

One meter nine meters tall, although somewhat obese.

But one stop there, like sitting on a mountain.

He said coldly:

"The scum of the Bai family, what is the noble thing?"

Quite unkind!

"Two hundred knives, it seems that there has been something dirty in your shop."

It was the man in black who stood in position C who spoke.

There were 13 people present, and his momentum was the strongest.

Two hundred knives snorted lightly, and said disdainfully:

"Now that the sixth-order Earth Spirit Master is here, do you dare to bark a dog in front of my eyes?"

"It seems that only more than ten years have passed, and the spirit master world no longer recognizes this ghost knife in my hand."

Saying that, the killing intent in his eyes was great, and golden light burst out from his body, and his momentum continued to soar.


knife in his hand emitted a strange knife sound, which sounded like the groans of hellish ghosts.

Even the wind chimes hiding in the compartment felt the terrifying aura on the body of the two hundred knives.

Is this guy actually so strong?

Such a strong person, was also engraved a QR code on my body by my father?

At this time, under the cloaks of those men in black in front of them, golden light also burst out.

The breath of more than a dozen people exploded at the same time, striking towards two hundred knives.

The two energies collided in the air, and neither could advance a single bit.

"Don't talk nonsense with you, that man's species, is it here?"

Wind Chime's eyes froze, and he really came to find himself....

Two hundred knives said coldly:

"What kind of that man's species? Lao Tzu does not engage in foundation.

"Don't play the fool, it's not good for you, you know how important that person is to the Bai family."

He glanced at the man in black present and said gloomyly: "

The person the Bai family is looking for, why did you come to me?"

"What does the Bai family's affairs have to do with me?"

"I'll give you ten numbers, right away, give me the fuck off, or don't leave!"

Facing a sixth-order Earth Spirit Master and 12 Fifth Order Earth Spirit Masters, he dared to speak like this.

The faces of those in black present suddenly became even more ugly.

Two hundred knives have already begun to count.

With each count, he would take a step forward with a knife.

With each step, his momentum would become stronger, and he actually suppressed the breath of those dozen or so spirit masters.

By the time he reached 6, he had already arrived at the door of the store, and the rain had hit him in the face.

But he didn't blink, and with one more step, he was about to step out of the store.

And at this moment, the thunder flashed, and a figure suddenly fell from the sky and fell in front of the two hundred knives.

When it fell, there was another thunderbolt, and the light shone on the man's face, and he seemed to be laughing, as if it was very gloomy.

A hoarse voice sounded:

"Two hundred knives, you really want to tear your face with the Bai family?"

It's the head of the Special Operations Service!

Two hundred knife eyes looked at the person in front of him coldly, and said lightly:

"What about tearing your face?" Anyway, before I die, there should be no problem taking you away. "

Bai Lingyun!"

He read his name word by word.

The head of the Special Operations Division, Bai Lingyun, a sixth-order Earth Spirit Master!

Bai Lingyun's strength is not as strong as two hundred swords, but he will not be afraid of him.

If he can't find the wind chime, how can he be a dead tonight!

"Let's go in and search, if not, we will naturally go."

Two hundred knives' eyes narrowed slightly when they heard this:

"For the sake of us being old teammates, let you enter alone."

Bai Lingyun heard the three words of his old teammate, and his eyes changed slightly.

After taking a deep look at the two hundred knives, he said in a deep voice:

"Thank you."

Then he swept away the rain on his body and stepped in.


~ pedal ~ pedal ~ step calmly, into the small shop of two hundred knives.

Wind Chimes held their breath and stared, frowning and not daring to make a sound.

Bai Lingyun's footsteps seemed to have stepped on his heart, and every step made him tremble!

At this time, his heart was beating rapidly, and the feeling that he was about to be squeezed before came again.

I faintly felt that the demon power in my body seemed to be about to explode!

The trace of demon power left by the Heavenly Raven could not be suppressed!

The hand tightly covered his heart and pressed it deadly, hoping to hold down the restless demon power in his body.

However, the wind chime had already felt a wisp of energy in his body and broke through the suppression and rushed out.


No way!


The wind chimes shouted in their hearts:

Go back to Lao Tzu!

The Heavenly Crow can suppress the demon qi in his body without any flaws, and so can I!

Get lost!



He roared in his heart, but he didn't expect that the energy was really forced back by him.

It's as difficult as if you took back the sparseness that had almost escaped.

If it is an ordinary person, it may be a fart, and it is estimated that it will be one year old today.

This was thanks to the trace of demon qi left in his body by the Heavenly Crow.

Otherwise, with the current strength of the wind chime, it will not be able to suppress the powerful energy in the body at all.

It is also thanks to the psychological quality that those men in black have exercised for the wind chimes over the past eighteen years.

And his obsession with freedom, with being alive!

But now the wind chimes are still not easy.

Every minute and second of his life, there is a possibility of discouragement.

In this case, one breath, you can make a mistake!

He covered his mouth and nose with his other hand.

I have forgotten how many seconds I have not exhaled, my face has turned red, and I have suffered unprecedented pain!

Two hundred knives stood in place, quietly looking at Bai Lingyun.

He could now guess what the wind chimes were like.

Just now, time was urgent, and it was really too late to put auspicious charms on the wind chimes.

Whether you can hold it or not is up to you, boy.

He wants to protect the wind chimes, but he will not take his own life for him.

If the wind chimes were discovered, he could only give them away.

At the same time, he also knew that if he wanted to suppress the demon qi, he needed at least the strength of the fourth-order demon spirit or above.

And the wind chime is estimated to be just a stunned blue who has just awakened.

So two hundred knives are not optimistic about wind chimes.

After tonight, I will probably be moving.

Hey, Fengxing, I tried my best.

Bai Lingyun walked around the shop, and then entered the room where the two hundred knives slept.

Then he went around the store twice, and every extra second he stayed was a new challenge for Wind Chime.

At this time, the consciousness of the wind chimes is already a little blurred!

At this moment, Bai Lingyun stopped in front of the row of shelves with hidden organs, revealing a puzzled expression.

After a pause of a few seconds, he stretched out his hand and climbed towards the shelf.

Calm as two hundred knives, his eyelids couldn't help but jump at this time.

Knock knock———

the wind chimes at this time are almost at their limit!

His heart was beating wildly at a speed that was about to burst into death.

It can be clearly seen that his eyes have turned up a little, and his body has begun to twitch a little.

With every twitch, the hand almost loosened from the mouth and nose.

His body instinctively made him want to breathe.

But each time, he held back.

Bear with me a little longer....

Bai Lingyun's hand fumbled on the shelf.

From time to time, fiddle with the goods on it, knock on the shelves, and make a metallic sound.

Two hundred knives kept his face calm the whole time, but his heart was not calm at all.

He still underestimated his old teammate!

At this time, in his heart, he had already pronounced the death sentence of Wind Chime.

Now even if the wind chimes hold back, Bai Lingyun will find the location of the organ.

Suddenly, there was a clanging sound from Bai Lingyun's body!

It was his claw machine that rang.

That ding-dong almost killed the wind chime!

No way... I really can't hold on....

Sky Raven, come on... Save me....

Wind Chime's consciousness was about to collapse, and his snort had leaked a little.

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