Everyone present was deeply shocked.

The people outside, after seeing all this through the video, were also shocked.

Before coming in, people had fantasized about all kinds of scenes.

Curious about what Yew Wah's tomb will look like.

What kind of tomb is worthy of such a great ancestor?

Unexpectedly, he used unknown means to reproduce the imperial capital of China four hundred years ago in equal proportions!

As well as territories, important cities in important provinces!

If there are other tombs, what looks like inside, everyone does not know.

But Yaohua's tomb, what shape it is, where there is something, as soon as you enter, you already know everything.

This tomb is otherworldly, and may not be as big as others.

But it was the only world before his death, after his death.

Wind Chimes once again felt his intense obsession....

I was completely shocked, and I forgot about coming in to find Ruo Qianyan.

Ruo Qianyan came gently from the rear and came to his side, but the wind chimes did not notice.

Just staring at the capital in front of him dumbfounded.

The corners of her mouth pursed, she stretched out her hand, and her index finger lightly tapped twice on his shoulder.

Only then did the wind chime come to his senses, turn his head and look at it, and his eyebrows were overjoyed:

"I'm looking for you."

Ruo Qianyan smiled a little playfully:

"Liar, you didn't look for it at all."

"Ahem... The main thing is this, really shocking!

Of course, she would not be angry, turned her head to look at the capital, her eyes were also full of respect, and said softly:

"Yaohua Heavenly Master, burn your life for Huaxia."

"When he dies, he will be buried in the land of his own heart."

"Still here, continue to complete, belongs to the inheritance of Huaxia!"

"Also, only Hua Xia is worthy of such hard work from him..."

"This worldly love is really moving!"

Wind Chime nodded heavily, and couldn't help but say:

"This is probably the most respected one in my life, the spirit master."

If the corners of the mouth are light.

She was happy to hear the wind chimes say such things.

This is also one of the spiritual masters she admires the most.

Didi -

a sudden sound came from the chest of the wind chime.

It was a signal from Chu Sheng.

So he tapped twice and responded.

Subsequently, the people of the Lei family and the Bai family also came here.

Whoever sees this scene will be shocked.

The tasks of each family on the first day have also been given.

On the first day, it is necessary to explore cautiously and explore the imperial capital in front of you.

Wind Chime and Ruo Qianyan, under the protection of several Ruo family disciples around, slowly walked towards the ancient capital in front.

Their mission is not only to explore, but also to protect Ruo Qianyan and wind chimes.

Walking in front of the capital, the ancient city gate is covered with traces of wind and rain that have been baptized for a hundred years.

Thick sense of age, paved.

But when he and Ruo Qianyan stepped into the city gate shoulder to shoulder.

The spirit was suddenly shocked, and the eyes were dark.

Those who stepped through the city gate all disappeared.

"Lord Virgin!"

"Light face!"

The people outside the capital suddenly tightened their hearts.

Seeing that Ruo Yan had disappeared, Lei Jianyun immediately rushed forward.


All those who entered the city gates, without exception, disappeared.

However, in the perspective of outsiders.

They did not disappear, but stopped at the city gate, motionless.

So people outside the venue immediately spread the word.

"Don't panic, inside the tomb may be an illusion, they are all fine."

Chu Sheng immediately sent a message to the communicator of the wind chime, but there was no response.

After a burst of vertigo from the wind chimes.

A faint sandalwood entered the nose, and the wind chimes frowned and slightly condensed their spiritual power.

Slowly opened his eyes.

He was lying on a bed.

The ceiling in front of you is made of a wooden structure and painted with gold lacquer.

The rooms are luxuriously decorated and simple.

"Young Master! You woke up Young Master!? The

maid beside her shouted in surprise.

"Young Master?"

Wind Chimes muttered suspiciously, turning to look.

I saw Xiao Yuan wearing ancient costumes, kneeling by the bed with a handful of snot and tears.

"Anise!? Why are you here?

Wind Chimes said in shock.

Aren't you unable to get in?

I still remember that last night, Xiao Rui went to find Yin Kongmen to apply to enter the tomb with Ruo Qianyan.

I was severely disciplined by Yin Kongmen, and came back crying, saying that I couldn't go.

How did you get here again?

"Oh, Young Master Yaohua, you're finally awake..." Wind

Chimes: ???


Young Master Yaohua?

Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in the brain.

An unfamiliar memory flooded into Wind Chime's mind.

That's all Yew Wah has experienced since he can remember.

Four hundred years ago, the Yao family in the capital was full of loyal martyrs!

There are ordinary people in the family, as well as spiritual masters.

The elder brother is a protector who guards the imperial capital and resists the demon clan.

His father was an ordinary man and a general in the army.

Even the ordinary heirs of the clan, in the army, are all fierce generals.

Yew Wah grew up in such an environment and is 18 years old.

Wind Chimes: ....


Not true....

He suddenly understood.

He guessed that everyone should have become Young Yaohua now!

When the tomb is fully opened, anyone can enter.

How can you ensure that your inheritance falls into the hands of real heroes?

This is the method that Yaohua came up with.

Let all those who enter the tomb walk through their own lives....

Only people with character, faith, persistence, loyalty.

In order to complete his life and obtain his inheritance!

It's like playing a game, though, Wind Chimes guesses, each person, should only have one chance.

What will happen to failure is unknown.

There are also many strange settings in this tomb, which also have to be explored slowly.

For example, what the hell is this little cumin next to it?

Can Yaohua's maid be Xiao Yuan?

Isn't that!

If Xiao Yuan's IQ were Yaohua's maid, she would have been expelled long ago.

If you take her in lightly....

However, he guessed that this may also be a setting for this tomb.

Probably, it's for everyone to stay awake and know what they're doing.

He wants everyone to go through his life, but he doesn't want everyone to become Yaohua completely?

So who knows.

What Yaohua meant, he couldn't think of for the time being.

"Oh, Young Master Yaohua..."

cried Xiao Yuan wiping her tears.

Wind Chime did not bother her, but continued to digest his memory.

He was actually knocked unconscious by his own father?


Today is the day he got married.

According to this era, others were married early.

At 18, the children were running all over the place.

Yaohua is too late.

But he didn't want to get married, let alone a family marriage.

I don't even know what the other party looks like.

So he ran away overnight last night, but was captured by his father and taught a hard lesson.

Wind Chimes: ....

What kind of bloody unfolds this?

So what should I do now?

Keep running away?

Or simply married the person he had never met?

How does Yew Wah do it?

I already knew that before I came in, I went online to check Na Yaohua's life.

Looking down, the brooch is long gone, and it is impossible to connect to the outside world to cheat.

Suddenly, the wind chime thought of Ruo Qianyan.

She should have become Yaohua too.

And then to marry another woman....

"It's outrageous!"

Wind Chime couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh? Young Master, what are you talking about? Xiao

Zhu next to him asked with big cute eyes.

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